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Posts posted by (PSN)da-link-went-1

  1. ..... Yeah, I went to bed because I get up at 5:30am to go to work. I didn't have time for another 45 minute mission.

    I had a few minutes free time at work so I posted something that I noticed yesterday. Kthnx.

  2. Running Eris,Viver interception trying to farm t4 keys. This has been one of my staples for farming. Ran this map yesterday and out of 6 rewards 4 were natural talent, 1 hell's chamber and 1 heated charge*

    Not 100% percent sure on the heated charge it was the 1st reward, hell's was next and then 4 natural talents in a row.

    After the 5th reward 2 people claimed and exited. The host and I stayed for the 6th and last reward.

    I know the hot fix addressed some key drop issues.

    Could this be a possible bug or "rng working as intended"?

    This is first time I've ever Not gotten a t4 key on this map. Unfortunately I didn't have time to try and do some more research.

  3. As further confirmation of this being a client issue, during the same Sechura defense match in which I recreated the bug, I went further while the rest of my team left. After the host migration the bug stopped occuring.



    Updating OP.


    Now how do I get the devs to read this?

    Haha..... Start complaining about founders gear. Someone will show up no doubt.

  4. Am pretty sure U14 is going to remove the duplicate prime parts.


    Double or even triple number of duplicates.

    I really hope that only one of you is correct.

    Also, I hadn't heard that they were planning on removing the duplicate parts. Gotta source by any chance? I would hate to go and get myself all excited just to end up with rustled jimmies.

  5. I've tried searching the forums for this info, I've tried figuring it out myself, I think I may be too stupid in all honesty.


    As far as I can tell this is how its supposed to work in a normal A, B, and C rotation:


    5 minutes - reward from rotation A


    10 minutes - reward from rotation A


    15 minutes - reward from rotation B


    20 minutes - reward from rotation C




    I've been farming loki prime doing T-1 Survivals they only have rotation A, and rotation C. How does this work exactly? I figured it would be all rotation A rewards until the 20, 40 or 60 minute mark. 


    Running multiple survivals it doesn't seem like this is the case... 


    I'd really like to know how T-1 Survival rotations work, or at the bare minimum, know what minute mark I have a chance at Loki's part so that I can farm as efficiently as possible. 


    Thanks in advance. 

  6. Not surprising in the slightest. People know it's good idea to have 3 Lex Primes in advance. Unless you specifically asked that player to not leave until wave X before starting and got his/her agreement... Well, you can't complain.

    Yeah, it was discussed that we were farming loki.

    Not sure why the title of the thread was edited by a moderator....

    "soul punched from general discussion" into players helping players which is funny because I wasn't asking for help.

    I was just generally discussing the fact that people can suck.

  7. Running t-4 defense, party of four, we crash.

    The host reinvited everyone but our Nova doesn't rejoin. We get another player that comes in as Nyx, I'm already running Nyx so I switch over to my radial disarm loki. Who I'm no where near as good with. But whatever help the squad.

    We're farming loki prime, sure as sh!t wave 5 come and goes with a lex prime BP...

    our newest addition waits till there's 1 second left then takes the reward and leaves us high and dry.

    ... I dunno, I just thought this was pretty lame. T1 - T3 I don't think I would have minded.

  8. Even going by the conservative measure of the arrow being able to boost the grineer to 125Ns that would mean the arrow is flying at 5495 m/s using OP's mass of the arrow.


    So Paris is hitscan? Awesome!!!!


    Edit: I love mathing. and spelling.

  9. -snip-


    ... if anyone here thinks a different starting frame would be a more unique challenge, speak now, and give reasons, before U14 is deployed, as I'll prob start it then.


    Thanks to all the feedback again. See you all in U14.


    Starting with Loki is definetly a little more challenging IMHO.  Without some of those corrupted mods its pretty hard to build him to last. Just my 2 cents.

  10. On ps4 it was modified with the tethras doom update. I passed it a day before the update pushed so I can't say how it is now but it was a pain in the @$$ when I did it.

    It's the only test I've failed except the 0-1 test that I had no clue what I was even doing. gg on that new player experience.

  11. Woah! That's crazy!


    Two groups...


    Both came up with...

    "Use the name of a highly-recognizable grecoroman god as the name for something"....

    ...when both have been using the highly-recognizable names of grecoroman gods for years?


    EDIT: Bonus: As the key has been around in warframe quite some time, and the process of creating content, scripting lines for content, then recording lines for content, then releasing said content, takes many months, you can either assume either SMITE(who has... many multitudes of grecoroman gods) stole the idea of "let's add a janus reference", or that both had their own reasons for thinking about it.


    Holy mother of god

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