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Posts posted by (PSN)da-link-went-1

  1. only because i have work friends that bug me everyday about playing on PS4 but what would be the point now? I really only play and like Excaliber Prime and since PS4 wont have him i wont play there plain and simple.

    Really? You only use one frame in the entire game?

    You could use regular excalibur, and maybe throw in a forma or two but.....

    Something doesn't pass the sniff test.

  2. Seeing how the PS4 players attitudes are and the fact that founders items wont transfer has stopped me from even caring about the migration (which ive actually really been excited about). Im not one of those people who like to come on forums a lot and post a lot of stuff but i do support game companies with what matters most, Money. When i bought a founders pack i was supporting an idea i was fond of and taking a leap of faith in hopes that Warframe would turn out to be what i was looking for. If your goal DE, is to alienate PC people from ever coming to PS4, mission accomplished.


     Since the PC Exclusive founders packs (and the items they contained) i bought back when Warframe was still in the early stages will no longer be able to be migrated, i will no longer choose the PS4 as my platform of choice for Warframe. That and the S#&$ty and whiny attitude of some PS4 players ive seen. You wonder why people always say pcmasterrace, because if consoles harbor such vile and poisonous playerbases, they can stay on their own platform.


    Heres to PS4 players never coming over to PC....

    If it's sooooOooOoooOo bad over here in console land why were you so excited to migrate in the first place? QQ much?

  3. yeah, except that the whole part where Rebecca says "at this time, I believe" kinda pokes holes in how concrete that decision is. Therefor, everyone can continue talking about this issue since it's still relevant.

    Did you read DE Drew's quote? It's posted in another similar thread and it reads much more concretely than Rebecca's.

  4. Yeah the mastery points are good. I just thought if you get an achievement like "saviour of mercury" then certainly they would have an achievement for clearing the map.

    And I have a lot more than 2 days to go over here in ps4 land.

  5. Why? I'm looking forward to migrating my account so I can play in my living room on my big TV. And don't forget, founder's exclusives won't exist in console-land. They're not migrating. Neither are PC exclusive skins.

    But there is lots of Jimmie rustling on the PC side about the fact that these things won't transfer.

    Edit: to actually answer your question as to why. It will just be less jealously, bickering, and forum strife if migration doesn't happen.

    Unless it happens without exclusive items being transferable. Then, migrate away my friend.

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