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Posts posted by (PSN)da-link-went-1

  1. New spawns are only an issue if you are killing the enemies quickly, in which case Chaos is not helping much (otherwise there is a limit to the number of enemies that can spawn at a time).  Also, you can even reduce Continuity slightly to drop it to ~15 seconds.  10s is just to short as 2s of that is a stun animation.  If you are killing everything in 10s then you certainly don't need Chaos as the enemies take far longer to kill one another.  To each their own, but 10s is far too short to be effective and is basically an inferior version of Rhino Stomp.


    I don't think most people use choas to get mobs to kill each other. I know I use it just for CC, to slow down mobs to make it easier for me to mow them down. I use it on t3 defense to keep the MOAs from running up to the pod. It's a debate that never seems to end.  I roll with no duration, spam chaos and nuke with absorb when the ish hits the fan.


    EDIT: 10 seconds is plenty long for me to take down any enemies under level 40 with one shot with my latron. I think stomp is inferior actually, it's not spammable.

  2. I use Nyx a lot. I've leveled every frame in the game and now I'm starting to just do the things that I want to do. Like formaing the eff out of Nyx, Saryn, Loki and maybe Nekros. 


    Anyway, Nyx's V polarity perplexes me. I feel like there is absolutley no need for it, but I'm tentative about formaing it out..... I would hate to waste a forma or an existing polarity mark.


    I feel like it's there for a reason and I am just to stupid to figure it out. I pretty much run the cookie cutter chaos spam/absorb build and this V mark does nothing for it.


    So....feedback please.....

  3. I've dropped him with ease on Sechura Pluto. But as of lately his behaviors seem different. He seems more challenging which is good as it was boring dropping him as soon as he spawned.

    (I've got the full set of weapons so at this point I really don't care if I lose to him. There are 4 revives a day per frame for a reason.)


    Has nothing to do with what planet or tileset your on. He spawns 5-10 levels higher than your highest ranked equipment. So if you had a level 30 frame he could technically spawn between level 35 to 40. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that is how his level mechanics work.

    Also I think he got nerfed, and then buffed a whiles back. I myself haven't noticed anything different about his behavior. He still spams my inbox though,....prick.

  4. I've gotten plenty of challenge out of stalker. As I continue to log countless hours and countless forma into this game I feel I'm much more of an annoyance to him.

    The changes needed to fix Stalker interactions involve power creep, maxed mods, op weapons, crappy enemy AI.... Ect ect ect.

    The list is long and I don't think DE will ever tackle those issues because the changes that need to be made are too broad and wide sweeping.

  5. A few things I was thinking about on how to improve the Stalker

    1. He doesn't appear when a frame/weapon is less than rank 30

    2. His powers can only be one from of each frame in the group he's currently attacking (completely random on which powers he chooses and can not be duplicates, meaning he can't 2 ultimates)

    3. His 'dispell' can only work on the CC aspect of powers while reducing the damage aspect by 50%, meaning he can completely remove the slow aspect of M.Prime and receive half of the damage from the explosion.

    4. His level will be 5-10 levels higher then that of the highest enemy when he shows, meaning if the highest level enemy is 30 when he shows then he'll be 35-40

    5. He can not do crit damage or apply status effects but can CC (if one of the warframe powers copies can CC)

    This is just a small list of things I can currently think of to improve on him

    If anyone can think of something better, disagrees, or have some changes feel free to post


  6. Void t4 is still very easy like everything or its challenging  ? i dont wana start if its piece of cake , im waiting challenging content.


    Interception is very slow, easy and boring.

    What's this got to do with the OP?

    ON topic: Saryn Prime, dual zoren prime, carrier prime. In that order.

  7. fast load times are always nice =p


    I can't explain how bad they were. I'd watch youtube videos of PC and it would make me want to put a screwdriver through my playstation. This is like christmas in June.

  8. I know there's an awful lot of rustling going on right now but seriously...... whatever DE did to the load times on ps4, with 13.3,they kick &#! now.  It no longer takes me longer to load Themisto than it does to wipe the floor with salad fingers.....


    Thanks DE. 

  9. ..... More disappointed in all the rhino primes stomping and blasting their boltor primes off like clowns then anything else.

    For a game that strives for team work this event will pretty much be solo'ed. Not the games fault though, more so the player base.

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