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Posts posted by Kihana

  1. 1 hour ago, 3K_Halogen said:

    Now vacuum could be a whole different subject on its own, so I don't want to go too much into it, but it is not only a nice utility in general, but almost vital for some frames like Despoil Nekros for a steady health supply, or Ash for easy energy gathering during Bladestorm.

    No. Let's go into it. What's a pet going to do? Suck (vacuum) things up their arse? Kubrow have utility, including my Helminth. They are killing machines, up to and including the enemy level DE balance for.

    Degradation should straight up be removed. It's not a significant credit sink, it's just tedium. If it was a significant credit sink, even less people would use pets. It doesn't make you play the game, it just makes you log in sometimes to press a button, or put it in stasis so you don't have to deal with the inconvenience.

    It is a completely pointless mechanic that adds nothing to the game. The mechanic cannot be improved, or made more costly. It needs to be removed. Remove it, and people use pets more. Keep it, or make it worse, and people don't use pets at all.

    There is truth in this.

  2. 5 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    I counted myself and setup and excel document that adds up the columns of numbers I have per category. It's organized by frame, primary, secondary, melee, sentinel/weapons, companions, archwing and then adds it all up. I update it every time I forma something :D

    Thank you sir. I gave +1 to both your posts in return for your opinion. I value it.

    You missed one BTW. You might like to re-check your spreadsheet. Can't let one go astray. God bless you.

    EDIT:Yes, I just opened a new spreadsheet. I've been putting this off for a while.

  3. 42 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    ... Considering I've used 219 forma ...

    I'm curious. Is that figure view-able in somew manner, somewhere, for an individual, or have you actually counted?

    I'd like to know for my own account. I've finally started to go all in on the weapons and frames who's mechanics I love (Must. Resist. Riven's.), so I would really like to know the cost.

  4. 4 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

    In case you haven't figured it out, you need to stand on the rocks in order to avoid the worms. Though they don't tell you immediately, you can hold shift to dash even when your operator is limping. Wait until the worm is far away before attempting to run to the next platform.

    I had issues with this part of the quest. The operator's void powers would sometimes misfire, and other times not work at all. It was very frustrating. The game told me to do something, but all to often that something simply didn't work. I didn't requires 20 shots at it like the OP, but it was far from smooth sailing non-the-less.

    For the OP. Check for the operator void powers and key binds on the Warframe wiki and make sure you know what is what. Leave nothing to chance. As I remember it, having done this a month ago, I had to aim slightly upwards to get the required range from the void dash.

  5. A crit build is a mod set chosen to accentuate the innate critical hit characteristics of certain weapons. Grakata is one. Soma is another. You're building for both better critical hit chance, and better critical hit damage multipliers.

    Google "warframe crit build" for links to forum posts and the like.

    You can self research more via http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

  6. 13 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    Further, the reason that DE gave focus for team play was because there are certain frame setups which would basically mean "yeah, no one else is going to be getting any focus for the entire mission!" with absolutely nothing that could be done.
    It lead to complaints, fights and all sorts of toxicity over "kill stealing".  After all, who cares that you took that level 80 bombard down to low health, I'm the one who killed it with the final attack so I get all of the focus and you get none!  Because the only thing that matters is the last hit, and quite a few frames are good at getting that last hit.
    Not having it shared lead to all sorts of problems.
    So get off your high horse on that matter.

    As a mostly solo player, I was immune to the issues it caused, as you have described them. But as a reasonably active (but sometimes unwelcome, since some people don't like my views) forum member, I was also well aware of them. It may have improved things for group play, but it made it less enjoyable for solo. They could have done better. I actually stopped playing when they made the change. A change that stops people playing is never good.  I reckon I was probably gone a year.

    The problem as you described it is more to do with the behavior of individuals. The system itself was not what was at fault, so I *don't* need to get of my high horse.

    For the rest, I'm not disagreeing with anyone who faults my first post. I was just pointing out that there is some truth to the OP. It's interesting that nobody responded with the obvious "mastery of all that is Tenno". It's too late to hope for a system of limiting forma per account in the way they have limited Riven mods (good step DE), but one can always hope.

  7. 1 hour ago, SurrealEdge said:

    If leveling one piece of equipment over and over, are you really mastering anything aside from that piece of equipment?

    Give the OP some credit. You're either jack of all trades, or master of something. Mastering everything means mastery of nothing. The entire history of D&D backs this.

    The focus system was supposed to rectify it, but [DE] (disgustingly) gave in to the complainers, and gave focus points for team play instead of individual mastery.

  8. On 2017-6-14 at 8:54 AM, Teloch said:

    Nowadays, people tend to confuse their own subjective opinion (that can also be influenced by the herd mentality) for the ultimate truth. It is an amusing sight to observe at first, but it gets annoying really fast.

    Nailed it. Right there.

  9. So I just ran a public mission. And apparently I'm equipped way over everyone else. Ignore the rank 6 1x Forma Ignis I was using. The comments in chat were, "Is that it?" 56% of damage, and I get owned (not a problem if I enjoyed myself) in turn every now and then.

    But it did raise a question in my mind.

    We already have match making, even if it Er's on the side of squad play rather than balance. What if however, we could give ourselves some kind of +/- bias setting to connect with matching people. With no bias setting, matchmaking continues as is. With some kind of bias setting, it either matches you accordingly, or just goes solo.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    And the cost of the Prime Access will skyrocket, as it would be nearly impossible to get the parts you want.

    I disagree. The chance to get all parts would increase, and trading would take care of the rest, without the rarity that the vault introduces. We have already seen the prices for farm-able parts come down.

    Those who buy PA or PAA would continue to do so, since they are not concerned with farming. In some cases, I'm one of them. And I don't need you to care.

    EDIT: Not off topic. The OP specifically referenced vaulted parts as reducing their enjoyment. Feel free to e-pen0r all you like. And please stick every edit post-reply behind an edit tag. Thanks.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Andaius said:

    Yeah, her 4 is now meant to be used in short bursts not to be perma invincible.

    The third level of Rathuum, running solo, really shows just how well that can work.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    Would you like to run any Axi mission for one particular relic if you knew there are 50 different relic, so a 2% chance you'll loot the one you want ?

    I know I wouldn't.

    I'd like to run a mission knowing I might have a chance at a relic that contains a chance at the part I need/want. Currently, I can't. Right now, it's pay excessive amounts of money now, less amounts of money if it's un-vaulted, or suffer without. With plenty of star chart nodes going wanting, there's no reason for what we have other than a cash grab.

    Disclaimer: I have more money in this game than most of you.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

    Vaulting is considered a cash grab for most players since with relics, there's more or less NO need for it.

    This is indeed accurate. The excuse given previously for vaulting was a lack of nodes to place void parts on. But there are now less void parts on relics than there was on nodes, and an endless number of possible relics. So it shows the entire deal as nothing but a cash grab.

    Which is fine, if [DE] come out and say so. But not so fine if they don't.

    Vault things for a couple of years by all means, but add them back after that. Permanently, not just rotational.


  14. 1 hour ago, Beggining said:

    I don't think having multiple accounts matter unless the accounts traded with each other (e.g. abusing the login discount system)?

    I could be wrong, though.

    You're not wrong. I have multiple accounts. Two in fact. Not only that, but they are also both members of the same dojo. They do however refrain from trading or otherwise interacting with one another outside of the in-game market gift system.

    You are required to maintain a degree of separation. Nothing more, nothing less. No trade or swapping between accounts. No gaming the system for profit. This is straight from [DE] BTW.

    Enjoy your second account. Enjoy reliving the experience of being a (relatively) new player again. Don't be a $&*^.

  15. 56 minutes ago, (Xbox One)D34thst41ker said:

    Inaros' 1 technically has healing, but it's for a portion of the damage of the ability, which is already pretty low, so the healing from it isn't worth talking about. The big thing about his 1 is that if you Blind an enemy with it, they're open to Finishers, and he has a passive ability that restores 20% of his health when he performs a Finisher. The thing is, though, that Dessication only Blinds enemies who are hit from the front. If the enemy is facing away from you when you cast Dessication, they won't be Blinded, you won't get a Finisher, and his passive won't trigger.

    That's cool and all, but it doesn't say that. This is what it says.

    "Blast enemies with a wave of cursed sand that  blinds them and steals their health". It clearly stuns them (or something similar), but I'm not seeing the health steal part.

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