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Posts posted by drunkpunk222

  1. Yup , i got that part covered . After spending hours , hundreds of dollars in warframe , it's kind of getting repetetive and a complete grind .


    Well yes , warframe has always been a grindfest , but not like this . I miss the joy i had when i crafted a new weapon . Not this unfair pvp , impossible raid , pointless sanctuary crap 


    You read my mind.

  2.      So I got a taste of the new 8 player raid crap just earlier, and needless to say I am EXTREMELY angry. DE not only dropped the ball on this one, but they made it down right ridiculous and a mess to even play.  If you ever manage to get some type of rhythm going, believe me, you will be shutdown in NO time.  It's not even that the mission itself is hard, its that there is no cooperation because there is too much to do and nobody knows where to go or what they should be doing. 

     Before I continue on with the rant, I will explain my experience and tell you why this needs COMPLETELY removed from the game. Right out the gate, the nostalgia is REAL. You've got 8 tenno dropping down and you're instantly met by level 72 enemies.  No biggie right?  Well then you get to this double terminal place where people hack and a battery is dropped.  The first time we played this, nobody knew what to do with this battery. We also didn't know that it drained your energy as you carried it and 5 seconds after its dropped because you have ran out of energy it explodes.  You've gotta get it through these doors that are triggered by 2 people standing on a plate at a time. Once through you have to stand on 2 more plates. ALL WHILE  the carrier of the battery prays to god his energy will hold out long enough to get to the injectors on the other side of the door.  Once you make it to the injectors,  SURPRISE SURPRISE,  there's 4 additional terminals to hack and you have to wait for the bomb to arm itself before you can even think about hacking because the injector is only vulnerable for a limited time after you hack.   How the Hell are new players supposed to know this.  In a fast paced frantic shooter like this, there shouldn't be any puzzle solving.

    But wait it gets better.  You finally complete the thing and let out a sigh of relief...  Ok that was tough,  not cause the enemies were high level and CONSTANTLY attacking you all while you completed those stupid objectives, but it was just genuinely hard to get EIGHT PEOPLE on the same page. So it says mission complete, but its a complete lie!  It loads you into a Ceres tile set now where you have to hack certain terminals and look up at a screen displaying a symbol.  Somebody has to stand on the pressure plate with the matching symbol. You do this continuously until everyone is standing on plates.  My team and I couldn't even get past this part due to the fact that Grineer were CONSTANTLY downing us knocking us off our plates. The bombards and even worse, the damn scorpions yanking you off! If even 1 person goes down it resets the ENTIRE THING.  The level of frustration was so high we all began cursing each other.  Up until now,  I honestly felt like Warframe wasn't one of those games that people could get mad at each other in.  However tonight I've been rubbed the wrong way by MANY players.  So many people who are just as lost and confused as I was my first play through.   You want to desperately blame somebody but the only person you can blame is DE.  Shame on DE for putting PUZZLE SOLVING in a fast paced frantic shooter.    

     I surely hope this gets fixed or better yet just thrown out completely because its a BAD IDEA. Anyone who has played this or will play it will know exactly how I feel now. You WILL rage, you WILL die, and you WILL hate your co-op partners. All this trouble and for what?  Arcane benefits on your helmets or syandanas? If you ask me, that's not worth it.  Now I would've been more interested in seeing an 8 player defense where there's maybe 2 points to defend sort of like an interception where the enemies start out high leveled.  Maybe have a Survival where you're collecting resources prior to the defense that way if its a 3 part mission it somewhat makes sense and people know what to do immediately.  The confusion here is just too much.  I've said it before and I'll say it again. The enemies aren't even the problem. They're not hard.  It's these stupid crap objectives that just require too much work.  DE needs to understand that this isn't a World of Warcraft game, and I personally didn't start playing Warframe to have that type of experience.  I play shooters because I hate solving puzzles and that's exactly what this is.  And omg if you guys don't have TeamSpeak Skype or you're neglecting the Voice chat...... GOOD LUCK!  With all the choas going on, I couldn't find the time to even read the chat let alone protect my team-mates and myself. 

    In closing, this SHOULD have been an easy to do objective but hard enemies to provide seasoned veterans a challenge. It SHOULDN'T have been impossible which is pretty much what it is. If it were a 3 tiered mission with survival leading up to defense and finally a boss battle.  I'd play that for 5 hours.  However, that's just me....  Some people out there have jobs and a busy lifestyle. Kids to take care of. They can't be expected to sit there and figure that mess out.  If 2 people go afk  it causes this HUGE mess that nobody can deal with.  No amount of power combinations can save you.  We had a Limbo, a Vauban, a Hydroid, Rhino, Trinity, Valkyr, Loki, and Ash but all of our time and efforts were completely wasted and I'm left so angry.  Update 16 is a disappointment entirely.  I'm sick of seeing these updates come out and them being less than advertised. The last time I REALLY loved a major update was melee 2.0  The syndicates were nice, but now they've just gone too far.  It's all complicated gibberish you won't really understand. The new Cephalon explains it somewhat decently but while he's trying to talk fancy you'll just be like O_o  and the conclaive offerings aren't even worth it given the trouble you'll go through trying to aim at players who are moving ENTIRELY TOO FREAKIN QUICK!!!  They need to slow it down a lot. Especially the carriers making off with your goal.  There's NO team cooperation what so ever. Update 16 is just a huge clusterjunk of garbage.  The new Ogris model is a little better than the last, and the new weapons are surely nice, but arguably the only thing GREAT about u16 was Chroma.  He is VERY interesting. It's such a shame he had to come during the worst update to date. 

    Please DE, I STRONGLY advise you to just throw it the raids out entirely until a proper raid that's EASY TO COMPREHEND falls in its place, because this is a mess. People are angry and confused and I've never wanted to quit Warframe this bad. I've never wanted to quit Warframe at all in-fact. I understood that there were going to be some disappointments along the way, but this is way beyond a disappointment.  This feels more like DE has a vendetta against us the players. The raids are so painful to play its like DE wants to anger us. Do we owe you money?  Let me know what you guys thought about your experiences in the comments below.  Hopefully some ignorant fool isn't going to come along and say that these raids are good when they're clearly crap.



    raid is worst thing ingame, bugged, super boring, randoms dont have a clue what to do there, there is no markers or any info  facepalm de, preparing can be neverending, because of leavers, why de bring this piece of "ärt" its not fun to play, map is copy paste from similar maps, when there is minimal lag manics unkillable, lots of mobs around standing still and u cant kill them, stupid neverending running back and forth, very long missions(each is neverending 1h+ with randoms) 4 parts, super useless reward, waste of time for addicts or masochists, mobs there is piece of cake even for solo so noobs can shut up, gameplay is so bad and boring and complicated, game looks better without this and archwing stuff and pvp,  nothing much to do after u16,epic fail + bonus new warframe , useless, good for mastery rank xp only, soon going to quit till u17, i always quit before update because everything is done, 2nd time i going to quit after update till better times, first time i quit after archwing update. There is still no endgame stuff, im bored to play hours to reach challenging mobs in t4s/d, i waited this 8 ppl  raid but so dissapointed, why u cant bring challenging mobs and bosses with tactics but this piece of       , de should fire person who ruin gameplay with archwing, pvp and this kind of raid and listen community better.

  3. Who need glaive skin if this weapon is useless, same with exc skin, who need this if prime exc not available.


    Fix bugged raid, lots of mobs not moving and doing nothing and cant kill  them, zero markers, no info what to do, boring and annoying waste of time, fail like archwings, pvp is rng facepalm 1 hit and u win or loose.

  4. raid sux, its bugged, bunch of mobs unkillable standing everywhere, manics unkillable also when small lag even, no markers on map, no info about  what to do, no teamplay, very bad random players , max rank noobs , who not listen and not understand language, its super boring and taking more then hour with poor players just for first part, then nerds joining and leaving and u need to remake party again, its not fun , brainless running back and forth, mob part is very are easy, hard part is crap teamplay because u cant finish it without and thats why this raid suck, why cant just make challenging mobs , bosses , why u bring this complicated stuff and now need to listen all this rage.

  5. Raid suck and its broken, lots of mobs around standing still and doing nothing and u cant kill them, awkward annoying running around without any markers and info, neverending googling for alot of new things, dx 10,11 when on still stuttering, before all was fine.

  6. I rarely like pvp in games because of crap gayplay(like here) and ballance, this one i not just dont like i hate it :D i laugh when tried few times , everyone die one shot one hit :D:D:D, no matter u have iron skin or not, u die one shot from skills also, brainless game of luck , RNG who hit first, 2nd worst update, first was archwing, raid is so bad too and bugged (facepalm), characters should should have armor and hp to survive longer in pvp to see nice battles and can use skills and combos, looks like these few mods not work also, eagle eye zoom not working i not see improved zoom, not going to play raid and pvp , boredom, rewards useless there also, even then i dont care, i not enjoy it its broken, devs implement these two instances too early, all other things in update are very good.



    I win like 4 times and i not get any xp, ye i was without sigil, maybe thats why, u should close gates when ppl try to enter without it, then i tried with sigil but was bored after few mins and quit.

  7. Its nice but wasting time, u cant kill him fast, u need to spend so many time, so its not good, there is nothing challenging, its not hard he just wasting time by running away and hiding, better improve existing mission mob level to atleast 100 for last planets/ voids, game is  too easy :/, raid is bugged and super boring and complicated, not going to play it anymore, rewards there sux also, boringl waste of time for nothing.

  8. Complicated running back and forth over and over doing some kind of decoding, u dont need to even fight mobs u just need to avoid them and run from one place to another oooover and oooover and then again , hard to complete team, peeps coming ,start complaining and leaving, or not listening others in mission and messing up all , i was bored to do nothing there, lots of mobs are bugged  , they do nothing like i did just standing, so very very boring, did till 2nd part but i was enough of first, there is no markers what u need to do or something, zero information, u on ur own, u need to google and read alot to learn even then its boring like i said, its for masochists, i prefer something like survival or defense or challenging boss fight, hard to explain how bad this mission is, go and try, its for addicts only not for casual players, later u will hardly find someone who going to join this boredom, reward not worth so much wasted time, prepare for hours of playing there if u first times,played more then hour first part and there is 3 or 4 parts and u need to do them with same team (facepalm), dont waste 100k cash for this raid blueprint, going back to enjoy good old defense and survival missions and some other good stuff :) and waiting for this raid bug fix and rework, i not saw any positive comment in forum or ingame chat about this raid, self explained.

  9. Always was low numbers , its fun to use but its bad wep, low range and damage and u out of ammo all the time and reload time is so huge  even with primed maxed reload,its good with range mod and total eclipse but if u have total eclipse u dnt need amprex but u need mesa, amprex is very bad against nullifier bubbles.

  10. Good news, he is back like was always, less nerd farms :D , there is pure crap frames wich no one even touching, just for rank xp only, like zephyr, hydroid, ember skills are broken but still useful in low level mission cleaning, ofc useless for high lvl mobs.

  11. Im bored to google all new things and thats after 2k h play time, my friend who started to play is confuded how can find something in this mess, u need to spend months to google where to get quests , how to do them and many other things, from u 16 i almost not playing im googling and googling and googling and googling, why there is no simple info about simple things, for some stuff there is still no answers, dont do mistake of other dead games with this neverending googling, perfect things are simple.

  12. Direct x 10,11 still not fixed, cant play when dx 10,11 on, stutters , slow loading times, and most of time you disconnect when joining someone, more then half year old bug and still not fixed.







     In web u can find alot of similar topics.


    Impossible to play, all my tries without success yet, slow loadingtimes, even liset lag alittle, all missions i try to join stutter when loading then im in an then im disconnected, taking alot of time to get back in liset(i prefer alt tab del, thats faster) because of slow loading time.


    When u turn off multithreading situation becoming better, there is no logic but faster loading times and less stutters and not disconnected yet , dx 10 off and multi threading, not good anyway, small stutters time to time because of that fps drop, unplayable , only working option is when turning off dx 10,11, other options on, no matter max setiings or low same thing, before everything was fine.

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