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  1. Please. Move Little Duck's sale of Atmo Systems from rank 3 to rank 2 so we can buy them with reputation. They are something we need to advance in rank in the Vox Solaris faction but the current situation is nearly unbearable. That small tweak would greatly improve the new player experience and remove one of the the most tortuous grinds in the game. I am not a new player. I've been playing since 2018, have over 1800 hours played and love the game. I've maxed most factions but nothing is quite like Vox Solaris. It isn't that it's just hard, it's that there's only one set of missions that all have a horrifically low drop rate for this particular item and they're incredibly repetitive. The disappointment of doing a boring mission over and over again and continuously not getting the thing you need over the course of 50+ attempts is soul crushing. I could ignore this faction entirely and I certainly have for most of my playtime, but I'm still locked out of amps and arcane that would be very helpful in Zariman and other new content because of these stupid Atmo Systems. I've spent hundreds of dollars and recently bought the heirloom collection. I like to think I'm a loyal fan. However, one thing that makes me quit for a few months at a time is this atmo system grind. Every time I attempt it, it ruins my mood and impression of the whole game. This is completely at odds with newer content and feels player hostile. That's why there's so many posts about it from the last four years. Despite my years of playing the game, this stands out as an unusually bad sticking point. I know this is constantly complained about here. I also know that it's just RNG. But it's very badly designed hurdle and the absolute opposite of fun. What's more is that it would be very easy to fix with this one change and would make the experience infinitely more tolerable for new players and fans with bad RNG luck.
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