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Posts posted by Kai

  1. Welcome Readers! Today I'll be bring a lot of stuff into the table so read on and enjoy!




    • New Quest and Raid - Nadia Sisters
    • New Warframes - Sybill and Korina
    • New Codex Entries - Behind the Warframes




    Requires the completion of THE SECOND DREAM to initiate. Upon entering an Orokin Tower Mission (Minus Interception and Defense), there is a chance that there will be 2 empty Cryopods hidden within the tilset. This Cryopods can be scanned and if done, the Nadia Sisters Quest will start.





    Lotus: "A Cryopod? But that's not possible. Tenno, I need you to look for a panel so I can gather more information."


    Progress Mark

    Upon finding the panel and accessing it, Lotus will prompt the player to finish their mission and head to extraction.


    Lotus: "Based on the information I have received, Tenno, you were not the first to wake up from the Second Dream. This information dated way back. A diary. Tenno, I need you to return to the Orokin Tower and gather more information to who wrote this."




    Progress Mark

    A new Mission Node within the Void will open, a Tower IV Mobile Defense Mission, it will not require any keys to be used but will not reward any of the usual upon completion but instead continue the progress of the quest. This special Mission will require to be completed 3 times to complete this part.




    (Upon First Completion) Lotus: "These entries were written down by one of your kind, Tenno. She goes by the name of Nadia... I remember her, she was special. If she is somewhere in the Void, we must find her, Tenno."


    (Upon Second Completion) Lotus: "Each entries were about her experience dating back to the Zariman, these names... She watched each and every one of them. Continue on Tenno, we must learn more."


    (Upon Final Completion) Lotus: "Her final entry notes that she will return to sleep, Tenno, we must retrieve her before the Corpus, Grineer or Infested catches her. Be quick Tenno."





    Progress Mark

    After which, Lotus will provide you with the Nadia Rescue Blueprint (Raid Quest). The raid has to be completed in order to finish the Quest.




    The Mission will require 6 Players with a fully built Nadia Rescue Key to start. The Tileset will be similar to that of Orokin Tower Tilesets. Featuring multiple Corrupted Enemies as normal.



    • PHASE 1 - The Search (Sabotage/Crossfire)

    Lotus: "Tenno, in order to protect Nadia, we will need to stop all forms of entrance from the other factions. Search and destroy the Void Portals to secure the place."



    Progress Mark

    Similar to Tower Sabotage, Players will have to close down 3 Void Portals from within the tileset. Each Void Portal correspond to a specific Faction: The Grineer, Corpus and the Infested. Upon successfully entering the Void Portal to retrieve the key, they'll need to face the Ven'kra Tel & Sprag, Jackal and Lephantis respectively to retrieve the keys.


    Closing down the Void Portal will cause the last player to leave the Portal to be inflicted with Radiation Proc, disable their Mic/Squad Chat as well as preventing any other Void Portals throughout the mission. This will be removed upon completion of the phase.




    Lotus: "Be careful Tenno, the Neural Sentry is on to you. Watch each other backs."


    (Upon closing a Void Gate) Lotus: "Tenno, the Neural Sentry is trying to corrupt one of your allies. Be careful."


    (If chosen by the Neural Sentry) ???: "Why must you trespass? Leave my sisters alone."




    Progress Mark

    Only upon closing all three Void Portals will remove the Radiation Proc and allow them to use Squad Chat as normal. This will allow all players to move on to the next phase.


    Lotus: "You have closed all the Void Portals, will have to go deeper within the Orokin Tower to find her."



    • PHASE 2 - Into the Void (Assassination)



    ???: "Leave now or I will make you suffer!"


    Lotus: "Be careful, the Neural Sentry has become more active. Tread carefully, Tenno."





    Progress Mark

    Similar to the Orokin Tileset but will feature two pathways, each leading to a room with a large door. Each door will require at least 3 players to stand on the designated platform to open the room in which case it will also close their way out, effectively splitting the team into two. Here each team will be facing a boss, Warframes Sybill and Korina. Only upon completely defeating both bosses will allow the players to progress. For further details, check each Warframes details below.





    (If facing Sybill) Lotus: "Tenno, be careful of Sybill, she's more than capable of handling groups of enemies than she one, watch her moves and react accordingly."


    (If facing Korina) Lotus: "Korina is an agile fighter, she'll be more than happy to dance around. Stop her from a distance and avoid her whip attacks."




    Progress Mark

    Upon completion, players will be rewarded with the Korina and Sybill Warframe Blueprints then Players will then be able to extract and move to Phase 3.


    • Final Phase - Nadia (Rescue)



    Progress Mark

    Same tileset, this Rescue Mission is different as it does not include panels to be hacked. Instead, players will be facing both Korina and Sybill at the same time in a large room with a Cryopod on the end of the room (inaccessible by players but viewable). Present within the room are 2 platforms with a mark on top, a whip and a card. Players will now have to lure Korina into the platform with a Whip while Sybill into the platform with a Card. Doing so will stun the boss(es) and allowing damage to be dealt before they will move out of the platform and resume attacking. Dealing enough damage (if both are at 10% Health), the battle will end and will lead to a cutscene.




    ???: "Stop! Don't hurt them anymore!"




    The Cryopod in the end will open, revealing Nadia, proceeded by Korina and Sybill assisting her to step out of the pod.




    Lotus: "Nadia?"


    Nadia: "You have called me by a different name, less than human - the Neural Sentry, dared not even to look for me when I was here all the time."

    Lotus: "Child, I'm sorry. I did not know you..."
    Nadia: "I saw you rescue my brothers and sisters yet you left us here, left my real sisters to die... Look at them, this is what remains of my sisters. But my abilities could only move them like mere puppets, why must I suffer while you enjoy the presence of others?"
    Lotus: "You were always special, Nadia, never once did I forgot you nor the others. I am still in search for the ones that were lost. Child, I know you are suffering but let us end this now. Return to me, to us. Your family."
    Nadia: "If you were supposed to be our mother, why would you... *sniff* *sniff*."
    Lotus: "Hush now my child. Korina and Sybill will forever be with us, but you don't need to be alone anymore."


    The cinematic ends with Lotus stretching out her hand to Nadia with the Operators of each Warframes behind her and Nadia, responding by grasping her hand.





    Players who have participated will be rewarded with a reusable Nadia Rescue Blueprint (Raid) to farm for the remaining parts of Korina and Sybill Warframe.


    NEW WARFRAMESSybill and Korina




    Lotus: "This is Sybill, the seer. The wise."


    "Her ability to predict the fate of those around her turns misfortune to a reality for her foes."


    Tarot Card allows Sybill to launch a homing projectile that brings misfortune to her enemies, causing a random elemental blast on the point of impact with guaranteed elemental proc.


    Crystal Gaze creates an orb that mesmerizes nearby enemies, pacifying them and removing Sybill's presence from their minds.


    Let your enemies know the experience with Shared Fate, Sybill marks an enemy target that creates a link to other nearby enemies, causing a portion of damage dealt to the marked enemy to be inflicted on linked enemies.


    Foretell your victory with Divination. Sybill enters a trance, granting her increased damage reduction while dealing lethal damage in intervals to nearby enemies. Upon ending Divination, Sybill and her allies will have their Health restored based on the enemies killed during the ability.




    Lotus: "This is Korina, a deadly dancer."


    "Combining graceful steps combined with deadly armaments, her enemies will fall with each step she take."


    Lash allows Korina to strike an enemy with incredible speed with her whip, dealing damage and deafening them leaving them unalerted of her presence. Otherwise, using it on the terrain or object will create a sound that will attract enemies to its location.


    Quick Step increases Korina's maneuver speed while creating a phantom that will mimic your movements with a delay and drawing enemy attention to it.


    Clear the crowd with Wind-up, Korina will periodically strike an area around her, sending them flying into the air while reducing their armor in the process.


    The time for your performance is here, Korina draws her Exalted Whip capable of striking enemies with deadly precision. Performing maneuvers will also cause Korina to perform intricate attacks while doing so, allowing her to dance around the battlefield while dealing damage to her enemies.



    These Codex Entries will only appear once the Nadia Sisters Raid Quest has been completed.




    I was approached by a girl by the name of [Filler], she was just bursting of energy as she told me all the things she knew. She was smart and knowledgeable about the Orokin Empire, unlike me, she read books and listened attentively to her teachers. It was nice to know this things but some are hard to follow. She's just like my little sister, energetic and fun. We became friends soon after.


    I wonder if my older sister will like her?




    I watched a boy got shocked today tripping over a live wire. Me and [Filler] just laughed as he started to cry. The adults came over and took him to the infirmary. He was really hyperactive, just like [Filler], he would run around the room nonstop until he got tired and fall asleep. Sometimes he would challenge the other kids to a race and would follow a set of cycle each time. He wins, he brags then gets beaten up. The cycle seems to never end yet he never learns, I guess you could say that each time he does so, it was entertaining.


    He always did wanted to join a race once we return to [Filler]. I'll be more than happy to watch him and see if the cycle continues.




    Grrr, I hate [Filler], he made me a laughing stock today. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. Him and his stupid pranks. I just want to stay inside my room and never come out. Who even does that to a girl?! I am so embarrassed. My older sister tried to comfort me but I knew she was trying to hold her laughter. I locked my doors and yelled her to stay away. 


    I swear, I'll have my revenge!




    I met a boy who was rather shy and quiet, he was surprised when I approached him. He introduced himself as [Filler], he was nice. He wasn't talkative like the others and would rather stay in his corner and watch from afar. Our conversation was cut short when the adults arrived. He didn't want to anything to do with the adults so he fled the room, I watched as one of the adults chased him down the hall when a pipeline broke and released some steam, in the end he simply disappeared.


    I wonder if I'll meet him again someday.




    We're all scared. We hid in the lower chambers of the ship. As the Void Energy infused to us, we began to show things that weren't normal. Uncontrollable and powerful, we tried our best to comfort ourselves yet none of it seemed to work as it only endangered the things around us. 


    [Filler] was crying yet her tears turned to steam in mere seconds, she was covered in flames. Everyone tried to stay away from her. We watched as she burned a lady who tried to hug her, engulfing her in flames in the process. That was the first time we saw her stop crying even though the moment was cut short as the lady released her grasped to put out the fire.


    She was never like this before, she was warm and welcoming yet now - those who tried to approach her soon turned to ashes.




    I was writing down an entry when this big bulky boy blocked my light, he introduced himself as [Filler], he was quite a gentleman despite his scary appearance. He asked what I was doing which prompted me to hide my diary. I really don't like anyone seeing it. I simply said nothing and he smiled. We talked a lot and we had our laughs, we became friends that day. Although he is extremely nice, it apparently only applies to girls like me. He likes to put a big show when he's up against the boys. Usually beating up [Filler] after the race. It was funny to watch.


    Maybe after the trip is over, I should visit him sometime.




    Today, I was helped by an older girl by the name of [Filler], she was really nice and caring. Apparently, she used to take care of her family since they were really sick back then. I didn't asked further questions, knowing that she's here and not with them. I bet she already knew that and decided to help me, smiling all the way. Her smile was weird, it has that warm and friendly feeling that will just make you approach her the moment you see her. I really look up to her, I want to know more about her.


    I want to grow up just like her! Caring and helping strangers. Not like I'm a stranger to her now anyway.


  2. This is Entro, the Gambler. The Wise.


    Utilizing various form of tricks and trades, Entro brings the element of random in physical form, causing chaos and destruction throughout the battlefield. Don't worry Tenno, Entro will be your good luck in times of need.





    Passive Beginner's Luck


    If Entro is present in the cell/squad, him and his allies will always start a mission with either an increased +5% Health Capacity or Shield Capacity. This bonus stacks between multiple Entro and has a (Mastery Rank Level + 2%) chance to double the bonus.



    First Ability Maxwell's Demon


    Maxwell's Demon summons an ally that will chase down enemies, stealing their speed and transferring it you and your allies. The demon can be sacrificed, healing your enemies if killed by a you or an ally or damage enemies in a random elemental blast around it.

    - Speed increased is based on how many enemy units are affected by the Maxwell's Demon Slow Aura.

    - Damage or Heal amount is based on the Demon's Health Loss upon expiring or dealing full damage equal to its maximum health upon death.

    - Elemental Blast can either be Heat, Cold, Electricity or Toxin.




    • Power Strength - Increases the Demon's maximum Health and Speed stolen from enemies.

    • Power Range - Increases the radius of the Demon's Aura and Explosion/Heal.

    • Power Duration​ - Increases the duration of the Demon.


    Second Ability Roulette Rondo


    Entro starts a game, Roulette Rondo marks a nearby enemy unit, briefly stunning the target and increasing the damage dealt by Entro and his allies. If the enemy is killed while marked, the game continues.

    - Will only mark enemies that the player has vision or enemies that have vision of Entro.




    • Power Strength - Increases damage amplification.

    • Power Range - Increases radius of where it can mark enemies.

    • Power Duration - Increases duration of stun.


    Third Ability Schrödinger's Cat


    Play with life with Schrödinger's Cat, Entro summons an ally that will revive enemies around it with reduced health and armor. The cat can be sacrificed by activating the ability again, instantly reviving allies near Entro and the cat.

    - Enemies can only be revived by Schrödinger's Cat once per activation.

    - Enemies revived through Schrödinger's Cat can still drop loots as normal.

    - Revived allies with Schrödinger's Cat will restore full Shields but lower Health compared to being revived normally. Each subsequent revivals through Schrödinger's Cat lowers the Health restored.




    • Power Strength - Increases Schrödinger's Cat's maximum Health and lowers the health and armor restored from revived enemies.

    • Power Range - Increases Revival Aura of the Schrödinger's Cat.

    • Power Duration​ - Increases the duration of the Schrödinger's Cat.


    Fourth Ability - Paradox Gate


    Increase the chaos and power through Paradox Gate, Entro summons mirrored version of himself and his allies that will perform their signature ability before disappearing.

    - Depending on which Warframes are currently active, it will create a specter that will perform one move before disappearing. Duplicates will spawn near their original self.

    - Duplicate Abilities are flat 100% / 120% / 130% / 140% in terms of Power Strength, Duration and Range.

    - Duration of duplicate Specters are directly affected by Entro's Power Duration or when they have performed the set abilties.




    • Ash - Performs Shuriken x3 / x4 / x5 / x6.

    • Atlas - Performs Petrify followed by Tectonics (Ball).

    • Banshee - Performs Sonar followed by Soundquake.

    • Chroma - Performs Elemental Ward followed by Spectral Scream.

    • Ember - Performs Accelerant followed by Fire Blast.

    • Entro - Performs Roulette Rondo.

    • Equinox - Performs Day's Rage followed by Night's Rest.

    • Excalibur - Performs Radial Blind followed by Radial Javelin.

    • Frost - Performs Ice Wave followed by Avalanche.

    • Hydroid - Performs Tidal Surge followed by Tempest Barrage.

    • Ivara - Performs Sleep Arrow followed by one horizontal shot of Ivara Bow.

    • Limbo - Performs Cataclysm followed by Rift Surge.

    • Loki - Performs Radial Disarm followed by Safeguard Switch (to the targeted Loki ally).

    • Mag - Performs Pull followed by Crush.

    • Mesa - Performs a fully charged Ballistic Battery x2 / x3 / x4 / x5.

    • Mirage - Performs Explosive Legerdemain followed by Prism. (Allied Mirage can still pick up Pick-ups as normal).

    • Nekros - Performs Terrify followed by Soul Punch x2 / x3 / x4 / x5.

    • Nezha - Performs Blazing Halo followed by Divine Spears.

    • Nova - Performs Neutron Star followed by x3 Antimatter Absorb.

    • Nyx - Performs Pacifying Bolts x2 / x3 / x4 / x5.

    • Oberon - Performs Hallowed Ground followed by Reckoning.

    • Rhino - Performs Iron Shrapnel (Detonate) followed by Rhino Stomp.

    • Saryn - Performs Spore x3 / x5 / x7 / x9 followed by Miasma.

    • Trinity - Performs Blessing.

    • Vauban - Performs Vortex followed by Tesla x2 / x3 / x4 / x5.

    • Volt - Performs Shock followed by Overload.

    • Wukong - Performs Iron Jab x2 / x3 / x4 / x5.

    • Zephyr - Performs Tail Wind followed by Dive Bomb.

  3. Just to note and this was taken from Warframe Wikipedia under Noise Level:


    In update 18.1+, stealth killing enemies will produce sound that travels about 5 meters, and any enemies within that radius will become automatically alerted for about 20 seconds, including melee finishers under stealth.

  4. So majority of our Warframes has a built-in Passive that slightly gives them an edge or something drastic akin to Limbo's Rift Mechanics. So here are some suggestions that could possibly work for them.


    ASH - Quiet Steps

    Reduces the sound produced on Stealth Kills and Melee Finishers to 2.5 meters.


    BANSHEE Synchronize

    Shooting with either Primary or Secondary Weapons then switching to the other will cause the weapon to have the same Noise Level (Alarming or Silent) for 6 seconds.


    EMBER - Fuel the Fire

    Enemies killed by Ember's Abilities or while under the effects of Heat restores 2 Energy to Ember.


    HYDROID - X Marks the Spot

    Periodically marks a nearby enemy target every 60 seconds (signified by the player's Energy Color) that when killed by Hydroid, is guaranteed to drop a Rare Resource or +200% Credit. Only a single enemy target can be marked at a time, failure to kill the enemy target before the next 60 seconds will remove the mark from them and apply it to a new enemy target.


    LOKI - Speedster

    Killing an enemy grants Loki a brief but stacking +5% movement speed for 5 seconds.


    MAG Repulse

    Enemies affected by Mag's abilities are unable to approach 5 meters of Mag and are instead knocked back for a short distance.


    NEKROS Reaper

    Nekros deals 1% more damage for each enemy he kills. Lasts for 10 seconds and each new kill refreshes the duration.


    NOVA Cosmic Crash

    Dropping from at least 15 meters in height causes a powerful shockwave that inflicts a random elemental proc on nearby enemies.


    NYX - Mind over Matter

    2% of any damage dealt to Nyx's Health is instead dealt to her Energy.


    OBERON - Sacrifice

    Whenever Oberon receives damage to his Health, the Health loss is evenly divided among nearby allies as shields.


    TRINITY - Recovery

    When moving towards a downed ally, Trinity gains +50% Movement Speed and has 10% faster Revival Speed.


    VAUBAN - Tactical Upgrade

    Allows up to 12 Castanas and Talons to be placed at a time and pressing the secondary button will detonate all nearby Castanas or Talons on the target reticule. (I know it sucks at the moment with the limitation.)


    VOLT - Battery Charge

    Dealing or receiving electrical damage increases Volt's movement speed and attack speed by 20% for 4 seconds.









  5. So I just re-watched Warframe Profile in Youtube and I got to say, the introduction for each Warframe are just awesome and good. They somehow feature each Warframe's Abilities better than reading it within the game.


    I'm wondering if there is any way to put options to click on the Warframe to prompt Lotus's Introduction to them and clicking on their respective Ability will feature a quick clip of the designated ability.

  6. DE kindly please look into it. It seems there's a lot (if not some) of potential buyers in our region.

    From a business point of view it's a loss of profit for you.

    I'd just like to enjoy a great game using great equips I can use from the start. :D


    I'm from the Philippines as well and my previous Platinum Purchases were done through Cherry Credit Cards (Scratch Card), try to look for a Game Hub in your local S.M or Cafes if they have one. Otherwise, use BPI or other services provided.

  7. DE would better benefit in selling Credit Booster rather than Frugal and High Roller Bundle since Credit Boosters are worth for 3-days or 7-days of varying prices which can earn players a varying amount of Credits.

  8. I highly suggest the removal of the Frugal Credit Bundle and High Roller Bundle, why? This mainly due to the fact that Warframe's Market Economy is actually being worked by the community themselves which is insanely good and realistic, prices can go up or go down, varying from the time and changes in the game. New players would generally ask on how to earn Credits in which players can direct them to do various missions to earn credits instead of purchasing Credits via Platinum or perhaps they can sell their misc. items they don't need (spare Valkyr, Ash or Oberon Parts) to get little credits or even excess modules.


    I don't want to be offensive or insulting to DE at all, but I feel like this is a in-built scam into the game that will most likely target new players which makes me feel bad if they somehow fall to it. 

  9. Tenno, tend to these special plants so that it may bloom and provide you assistance on your upcoming missions.





    Candeo Garden Room



    As you enter the room on the right of your Orbiter, you find a room adorned with small plants and an endless flow of water coming from the sides to create an intricate pattern on the flooring. On the center of the room, four empty Orokin Pots sit silently, waiting to be filled with life. Now your mission starts.



    Candeo Flora

    The plants you'll be looking and planting are unique as they have special properties when exposed to a Tenno's presence, granting them with unique buffs that will last for 3 missions before expiring. Mission failure and mission quit will count (Disconnection or Host Lost does not count). The following plants are listed below and its seeds can be received by Scanning unique plants in the environment.

    • Dis - Grants +5% Credit Bonus.

      • Location: Earth   
    • Cura - Grants +5% Affinity Bonus.
      • Location: Earth  
    • Assero - Grants +5% Shield Capacity.
      • Location: Venus 
    • Agito - Grants +5% Parkour Speed.
      • Location: Uranus (Underwater) 
    • Morbus - Grants +3% Power Range.
      • Location: Eris, Infestation and Orokin Derelict
    • Attonbitus - Grants +3% Power Efficiency.
      • Location: Jupiter
    • Lacuna - Grants +3% Power Strength.
      • Location: Orokin Moon Tileset
    • Eduro - Grants +3% Power Duration.
      • Location: Orokin Void
    • ??? - Grants ???
      • Location: ?? 

    More plants to come, feel free to suggest.




    Seeds of the specific plant are required to start with your Candeo Floras. Upon finding them, one only has to plant them in the Candeo Garden Room and expend a Nitain Extract to provide nourishment that will last for 24 hours. Each seed will need 2 Days to fully bloom.


    A fully bloomed Candeo Flora will have Health that will slowly decay overtime or upon using its effects. It will take a full week for a Candeo Flora to die without its effects being used, but when a Nitain Extract is used to either nourish a seed, it will also prevent a fully bloomed Candeo Flora's Health from decaying for 24 hours.


    Players has the option to gift a Candeo Flora with Health above 20% to the Lotus if they wish to discard it earlier. For every 5 Candeo Floras gifted to Lotus will in return, prompt Lotus to gift the player a random Seed.


    Usage and Cooldown

    Once a Candeo Flora is fully bloomed, the player simply has to approach their desired plant and a prompt will appear to activate its effects. The effects will be displayed on the upper left corner (similar to Boosters and Platinum Discounts) with a small numerical number beneath it to show how many missions can be done before it expires.


    Once a Candeo Flora has been used, its Health will decay for a bit and enter a 4-Hour Cooldown before it can be prompted to be used again.





    • How many Seeds can I keep?
      •  You can store as much Seeds as you want in your inventory.
    •  Can I plant 2 or more copies of the same Candeo Flora?
      •  Yes, you can certainly can and the best thing is that the bonuses also stacks if you wish to activate 2 or more Candeo Flora of the same kind at once or use one Candeo Flora at a time for prolonged usage.
    •  What happens if a Candeo Flora's Health drops to 0?
      •  The Candeo Flora withers and dies, sad, I know. Nitain Extract will prolong its life but will not stop the inevitable.
    •  Why only allow gifting when the Candeo Flora's Health is at 20% or above?
      •  You certainly don't give someone who has protected and nurtured you a plant that's about to die soon-ish.




    Flame Eater

    Effect - +X% Shield Capacity and % to restore Shields when receiving Heat-base Damage. Grants Heat-base Damage Reduction while Shields are up.

    Notes - Applies to Blast, Gas and Radiation-base Damage.

    Icy Caress

    Effect - +X% Shield Capacity and % to restore Shields when receiving Cold-base Damage. Grants Cold-base Damage Reduction while Shields are up.

    Notes - Applies to Blast, Viral and Magnetic-base Damage.

    Lingering Shock

    Effect - +X% Shield Capacity. Grants Electricity-base Damage Reduction while Shields are up.

    Notes - Applies to Radiation, Magnetic and Corrosive-base Damage.


    Effect - +X% Shield Capacity. Grants Toxin-base Damage Reduction while Shields are up.

    Notes - Applies to Gas, Corrosive and Viral-base Damage.



    Effect - Grants bonus Movement Speed and reduces the effects from Environmental Hazards.

    Power Brace

    Effect - Grants Impact Damage Reduction and reduces the chance of getting Knockedback.

    Anti-Piercing Barrier

    Effect - Grants Puncture Damage Reduction and reduces the effectivity of Weakened.

    Battle-Scar Armor

    Effect - Grants Slash Damage Reduction and reduces the duration of Bleed.


    Effect - Grants bonus Movement Speed and reduces the effects from Environmental Hazards.



    First of all, I'm looking at generally Mods that are most likely to sit in the collection with little to no use at all as majority of Warframe Modules are favored towards Efficiency, Strength, Duration, Range, Health, Shield and Utility. Majority of people would boast large amounts of Health or Shield or even both as their general defense before stacking up on the effects or other utilities such as Natural Talent, Equilibrium or even Handspring.

    These Modules will provide an alternative branch of defensive play as well as an equal utility to provide a short recovery or buff while under heavy fire.


    Warm Coat, Insulator, Lightning Rod, Diamond Skin and Antitoxin as they are generally the replacement for these new defensive elemental modules.


    Along with these suggestions, I'll try to update this thread with Warframe Pictures to show some nice pictures and such.

  11. This is Sol, the Shield. The Guardian.


    Sol's defensive nature grants her allies the ability to endure and brave the impending threat. Don't worry Tenno,Sol will protect you.





    Health: 150.0 (500.0 at Rank 30)

    Shield: 100.0 (250.0 at Rank 30)

    Armor: 150

    Power: 100 (150.0 at Rank 30)

    Sprint Speed: 0.95






    Curator - Passive

    Blocking with a Melee Weapon grants an additional 10% Damage Reduction as well as allow Sol to block attacks from all direction.




    Reinforce - First Ability

    Sol deals impact damage and steals a percentage of their Armor from surrounding enemies and adding it to her own for a set duration. 


    - Armor stolen from enemies is permanently reduced from them but the Armor gained is only temporary. 

    - Enemies may only be affected by Reinforce's Armor Steal once, they may still receive damage from it.


     • Power Strength increases the damage dealt as well as the amount of Armor stolen.

     • Power Range increases the radius of Reinforce.

     • Power Duration increases the duration of the bonus Armor gained.




    Quick Guard Second Ability

    Sol teleports in front of a target, instantly regenerating a portion of her Shields. If the target is an ally, it will restore a portion of their Health and Shields.


     • Power Strength increases the Health and Shield percentage restored upon using Quick Guard.

     • Power Range increases the range of Quick Guard.




    Rallying Ensemble - Third Ability

    Sol taunts nearby enemies into attacking her while granting nearby allies increased damage.


    - Rallying Ensemble makes Sol a higher priority to enemies than Decoy.


     • Power Strength increases the damage bonus granted to allies.

     • Power Range increases the radius of taunt as well as radius of ally that can be granted the damage bonus.

     • Power Duration increases the duration of the taunt and damage bonus granted.




    Exalted Shield Fourth Ability

    Sol brings out her Exalted Sword and Shield, Auspices, increasing Sol's Shield Capacity while expanding it outward in a form of a large barrier around her.


    - While active, Sol's Shields are set to 0. The Barrier also regenerates overtime. (Similar to Nullifier's Barriers)

    - Blocks gunfire and range attacks but enemies may pass through the barrier as normal.

    - Sol may target and press the ability again while it is active to an ally, creating a smaller barrier around the ally for the duration. This removes 20% of Sol's Shield and may perform this up to 4 times (to a maximum of 80% less Shield Capacity and resulting a smaller Barrier) and may also perform it on an ally more than once (granting an ally a much larger barrier).

    - If two or more Auspices Barriers (from allies) overlap, they merge together to form a bigger Barrier.


     • Power Strength increases the bonus Shield Capacity granted.

     • Power Duration increases the duration Exalted Shield.

  12. Will there be any increase in the event's duration? Given how Torment is now bought back to life and we're now facing 4 Acolytes (might as well increase it to 5). Or perhaps add the duration of time it took Torment from the beginning of the event to the point he died?

  13. Question:


    - Will you be taking Warframe's Market Economy and base it off on your Market? Things such as Platinum to Credit Option in the Market is practically... useless? Considering how the flow of Buy and Sell currently.


    - Have you considered adding a Tower Assassination? Perhaps against the Neural Sentry that's trying to take control of any trespassers that enters it.


    - With Survival and Defense Missions in Sortie lowered, do you think there's any chance to actually lower the round required for these? Perhaps in Defense Missions, make it 3-6-9 and Survival like every 4 minutes instead of 5, making them more in-line with the other missions? Or is it Defense and Survival were meant to take that much time to get rewards? Comparing it to Sabotage Mission, essentially it would take less than 10 minutes to get a reward of 3+ from the pool, not to mention - there's practically no risk (despite what Lotus says).


    - Terms of Oberon, he seems to be like a trash frame now, his parts drops like flies from almost anywhere (practically in Sortie Exilus Missions). People seem to build him then just sell him afterward, any plans on buffing/changing him?


    - On Umbra Warframes, what makes them different from Prime and Regular Warframes? I know Prime are the original ones, Regular ones are mere copycats of the Primes. But what's the origin of Umbra?


    - Do you think a new weapon type like floating blades around a warframe would be cool?

  14. So ever wondered what happens every after missions? What does Lotus do with the information you hacked in Spy and Mobile Defense Missions. Perhaps there would be an aftermath after an Extermination or Sabotage Mission that Lotus haven't revealed to you yet? Curious? Look below!


    The System

    So as of the moment, I could only think of certain Missions that would have a sequel to it so ideas are certainly welcome. Basically, completing all of missions of a specific type will reward you the "Mission Type / Planet / Key" which can be crafted and used to play the Tier 2 Missions in that specific planet by accessing the a mission node and choosing the Tier 2 Mission.


    Tier 2 Missions Lists:


     Encryption - Unlocked by finishing all Spy Missions in a Planet.

    - Encryption Missions requires Players to look and decipher Grineer or Corpus Language located and posted in walls or highly secured places in order to gain access to a Grineer or Corpus Vault containing a unique artifact and practically finish the mission.


    - This mission REQUIRES a Codex Scanner or Synthesis Scanner in order to decode a faction's language in which it will reveal a word that will be used to gain access. Unlocked Grineer or Corpus Panels, the user will NEED to type out the word using their keyboard or controller (with a virtual keyboard present to give assistance).


    - At present, there will be up to 3 Grineer or Corpus Language that can be found and scanned but only 1 will unlock the vault. Upon accessing the panel will reveal a clue to which of the 3 possible password is true, this may provide clues in which it shows "Gun" to which out of the three passwords, the one related to a gun is the actual password. Wrong passwords will trigger an alert and send out an unusual large amount of enemies and temporarily lockdown the panel, requiring players to clean the place before being able to access it once more.


    • Siege - Unlocked by finishing all Sabotage Missions in a Planet.

    - Siege Missions places players in an open field in attempt to destroy a stronghold of Corpus or Grineer, with the enemies utilizing heavy artillery against the players. Players may choose to destroy it from the outside or infiltrate and cause chaos and damage inside. 


    - A relatively large map that will have players to destroy 4-6 durable walls, varying depending on the number of players, to expose the main of the stronghold in which a unique enemy will spawn in an attempt to hold the players. Players are then given the option to destroy the unique enemy to reward themselves with a unique loot or destroy the stronghold immediately and finish the mission. 


    • Encounter - Unlocked by finishing all Extermination Missions in a Planet.

    - Encounter Missions pits players in a small area against a group of elite survivors of Corpus or Grineer with unique loadouts and abilities. Straight fight with these enemies having enhanced A.I that can even provide coverfire or support their fellow allies through healing or shielding.


    - These enemies are equal to the number of players in a cell. If there are 3 players in a cell, they'll be fighting against 3 unique enemies with special loadouts and abilities. Cooperation is the key.




    Currently those are the ideas I manage to come up, on how it works - basically finishing all Spy Missions in Venus will unlock the Encryption Venus Key Blueprint where they can craft indefinitely. Accessing the Encryption Mission will require the player to click on a Spy Mission in Venus and choosing the Encryption Option. Consuming one key in their inventory.

  15. First of all, no its not a race to the extraction point or such but something a bit more complicated than that.




    Lotus: "Tenno, the ____ has found artifacts that could be vital to their plans, intercept and retrieve these artifacts before they can get to them."


    Race Missions basically introduces a new form of mission that focuses on Tactical Planning as well as Speed and Agility. Featured currently only on Grineer and Corpus Factions, these missions will spawn up to 1 to 3 Artifacts (base on the number of people in a cell) upon leaving the indicated starting boundary. 


    Upon leaving, a 3 minutes timer will start to countdown, in this time. Players will have to race down while killing enemies in an attempt to retrieve the artifact. Getting to the artifact will require maximum usage of parkour and or abilities whenever possible as there will be swarm of enemies that will attempt to stop you as well as obstacles that can be tricky.


    Killing enemies will grant players an extra +5 seconds time to the countdown allowing them or their allies to retrieve the artifacts. Retrieving at least 1 Artifact will allow everyone to extract once the timer reaches 0. 


    For each Artifact retrieved, an extra reward will be generated from the Race Reward Pool (similar to Spy and/or finding rare Orokin Caches).

  16. Why not allow us to preview the cinematics when we found out the Operator as well as the ending of the Second Dream, perhaps allowing us to see how our warframes (by switching warframes) would look like in such cinematic if it were to occur. I personally love to view my other warframe or simply repeat the 2nd cinematic where we just found the pods of the Tenno, I don't want to lose that memory over the past few months and watching it immerses me more into the game.

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