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Posts posted by TioMegaManX

  1. 3 hours ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    So i've had 1000+ encounters with the stalker and not even ONCE did he drop an item wich has supposedly 5% chance to drop (smoking body ephemera) i'm beginning to  think it's been removed from his drop table since statistically i should have gotten the drop by now.

    This confuses and irritates me to no end since it's the only ephemera that i would actually have a chance to get since i don't do liches or orbs.

    I reall think DE should increase the drop chance from (supposedly) 5% to 15-20%

    if only it was tradeable I would give you one for free, I think I have three not counting the one I made for myself, now try to collect all 10 Zanuka pigments, the guy appeared at the end of a fissure mission just as I was choosing my reward.

  2. 6 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I’ve seen people talking about difficulty in Warframe; how for some it’s far too easy. I’ve seen suggestions for new, tougher enemies and content (like a Star Chart made for veterans or a sliding level selector)

    It’s gotten me wondering about something, and here’s the thought experiment:

    Imagine a player who could jump into a low-level mission on the current Star Chart with some magical item they’d equipped to reduce the damage they do and the health they have by 90%. Is there a difference between that and starting a new Veteran’s Star Chart where enemies’ health makes the player’s weapons not as powerful and the enemy damage makes the player’s pool of health not as massive? 🤔 

    For example, the low-level Grineer would take 2 Tigris Prime shots, and the Veteran Star Chart level Grineer would take 2 Tigris Prime shots. After rivens and whatever a player would put on it.

    To be fair I’ve seen calls for the AI to be improved. I’m keeping the thought experiment centred around health and damage numbers to keep it simplified.

    So you think difficulty should boil down to higher and lower numbers here and there?

  3. 7 hours ago, 844448 said:

    Do you have a better shape of difficulty? Battalyst laser disco ball is what I usually see on higher level enemies on other games where you have to dodge it instead of tanking it

    You can't dodge the laser thingy, is a radial attack, but let's be fair, if we could shoot the thing down (since it is a separate entity from the sentient once deployed) then it would be a more dynamic fight, the problem as usual in this game comes from the attacks being able to instantly 2-shot you.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, Genitive said:

    Many weapons need 3-5 formas to be truly effective; I think releveling should either require less affinity, or mastery rank could work with releveling differently. Instead of resetting weapon level to 0 it would reset level to your mastery rank.

    There is a point when releveling weapons becomes a chore.

    Exactly, I just want my time spent on the game to have at least some meaning when it comes to getting new stuff.

  5. 2 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Anything else you wanna get rid of because you dont wanna do it? Might as well list them all because I'm sure you're gonna have plenty of others issues with others grinds in the game. 

    I just think re-leveling with each forma should be changed so you don't need to re-level that many times, as I said, it is even making me not want to play the game because the content I want to play has to wait until I am finished adding forma to bring new tools into the mix.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    ah the Hema... truly a scar on warframe's history that never fades. I think if they were ever meaning to go back and change it, they would have by now. then again, it took this long for primed Chamber to return, so who knows, maybe in a couple of years DE will tweak it. I know it takes a LOT of grind for larger clans, but that gun has been out for years, I'm surprised so many people still haven't gotten close to getting it yet.

    DE can refund people for Railjack research and yet refuse to refund clans for their mutagen samples on the Hema, they will not refund people who crafted arcanes either, double standards everywhere.

  7. 18 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    Hmmm 🤔 I think we’d have to ask what problem the re-leveling is meant to solve. When it was implemented DE would assuredly have weighed re-leveling after applying a forma against not, and I wonder what problem the re-leveling aspect is a solution to.

    The problem of me not wanting to play again.

  8. I mean the subsequent level grinding for stuff that isn't Kuva weapons or Paracesis style, I have been thinking, what if forma no longer resets the level and only the aforementioned weapons would require further leveling up to reach full capacity? hell, what if potatoes where the ones when applied they began adding capacity with the extra levels and then you are free to use them as you please? or maybe just level them up once (as in, apply forma, get a single level up, rinse and repeat), maybe I am the only one who thinks it is boring to re-level weapons every time.

  9. 1 minute ago, (XB1)WolfKingLeo said:

    You said it for me: the grind

    Right now I am completely burned out from trying to forma equipment, I don't want to re-level stuff anymore, without some new weapons I wanted to build I don't feel like playing any other mission types to farm for other stuff, is just a pain, that includes liches.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2020-04-07 at 4:40 PM, (NSW)Katsuro said:

    nerf magus lockdown damage and CC limit

    nerf vazarin protective dash on defence targets

    nerf revenant 1 & 3 on liches

    nerf limbo affecting sentients

    Nerfs do not make a player return to the game it promotes the opposite instead create better content, events, new fun mechanics & rewards to keep the game interesting not reducing the enjoyment of the game.


  11. 2 hours ago, (XB1)AksuNaksu99 said:

    Something is wrong with ALL factions except sentient. This has been happened for over 4 weeks now. When I start a mission and normally do whatever I´m doing later on Grineers, Corpus units and even Infested just desides to jump over nothing. A whole level is pure solid flooring and I don´t know why but factions just jump over nothing. They just leap over solid flooring like 3 meters and continues their things. What is that. Some kind of battle tactic to jump 3 meters forward and start shooting or is it a feature of evolved battle style. I don´t know but it just looks pretty silly. Normally They just walk or stand in Place but now they leap over flooring and images jump over empty platform.

    Probably something to do with the game's horrible colliders in the levels, I recall when Steve said he wanted to put wall dashing back but couldn't because they had collision problems, well no sh*t Sherlock! there is a huge amount of unnecessary colliders in all props, walls and tilesets in general, it is not uncommon for players to get stuck trying to move around because somehow a very small pipe on the ground needs a collider, a bump on a wall needs a collider, EVEN THE FOLIAGE NEEDS COLLIDERS for some reason.

    • Like 2
  12. 8 hours ago, kapn655321 said:
    • The length of time and inputs after a forward momentum or lunge style move, should influence the distance you move.
    • The length/distance of a roll should be determined by both duration of button press, and input commands to movement while rolling.


    In all honesty as an amateur 3D artist I could take some time and develop some animations for a stance and give them to DE, but at this point I think it would be a waste of my time and effort considering how DE treats their players when it comes to feedback, yes, the game feels so unrewarding sometimes that even people who would like to actively contribute like me would rather save up those ideas and put them into something new instead of trying to fix the game they enjoy.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, LascarCapable said:

    And here I am missing the good old ragdolls on slam. 😞

    I wouldn't mind ragdolls on heavy slam, that would feel natural but lifted status on regular is as helpful as old Lantern.

    • Like 5
  14. The melee rework has broken the flow in a lot of weapons, I made a thread about some simple way of fixing things but in general I don't get why some stances have neutral combos which actually fling you forward (which means you need either auto-target on PC or constantly turning to face your enemy), gap closers with 1.5m range at most and moving combos that actually nail you to the ground, the worst part on the last two is how they don't even seem to preserve any momentum which makes them feel very unnatural.

    • Like 3
  15. It would be great if the disc timer only started counting AFTER it was fully deployed, 5 seconds on initial throw is a joke, I made a build for combo counter and it can be OKish for the most part, not sure if it also benefits from heavy attack mods though, RIP Zenistar and the glaives.

  16. On 2020-03-30 at 10:04 AM, Tiltskillet said:

    The falloff does still seem too extreme in many cases.  I think one thing is it would be better if it didn't start at zero range.  Maybe instead something like ((radius * 0.15) + 0.75m) before falloff begins.  This would help the smaller radius weapons--where it sometimes feels now like they don't have AoE at all--proportionately more than the larger, and still reward aiming in general.

    And then some more hand-tuning of the falloff damage penalties on individual weapons.  

    The falloff seems extreme but the stagger radius does the opposite, some weapons like opticor and tombfinger are a bit annoying to use because they can even collide with small props on the terrain and cause you to stagger, I tried to charge Nova's AD with a tombfinger and I get staggered if I shoot it as soon as I deploy the sphere and at least a meter away too, I can get behind having stagger on huge explosions but some of these weapons never had such a big blast radius.

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