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Posts posted by TioMegaManX

  1. 8 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    We still shouldn't have to be taxed on plat we earned or bought. 

    Yeah, not sure why trade tax exists, I mean, untradeable plat is there so people don't just make alt accounts to trade with themselves, I assume they don't want new players getting too many "powerful" stuff but then again, most of that stuff is locked behins MR, I just don't get it.

  2. 8 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    We still shouldn't have to be taxed on plat we earned or bought. 

    Yeah, not sure why trade tax exists, I mean, untradeable plat is there so people don't just make alt accounts to trade with themselves, I assume they don't want new players getting too many "powerful" stuff but then again, most of that stuff is locked behins MR, I just don't get it.

  3. 5 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    I know this isn't what you meant, but I'm glad someone finally made that observation. It was genius for DE to leave that breadcrumb of what influenced the veils. The Corrupted are void turned from void sentries...perhaps made by Dr. Entrati, influenced by Wally. Now, my question is when did Wally interact with Ballas' or Erra? 

    There are other comparisons that, IMO, DE hopes we begin to pick up on.

    Why do the vessels share the same skin structure as the Duviri people? 

    How did the void allow certain people into the Drifter's self created world of Duviri? Why Teshin, Kullervo and Dr. Entrati, in particular? Speaking of that...

    If Wally is basically a deity of the void, why does he not have total control of it? Wally seems more like a major player but still one of a few players.

    Lastly, exactly how many Wallys are we dealing with? The one we fought in the vessel isn't behaving like the one at the very end of the event. Dr. Entrati also doesn't seem very "possessed" in that scene neither. Who's controlling who or are we looking at void brothers and not realizing it? 

    You are giving DE too much credit, in the past they have just gone and used theories and speculation from players to fill in the gaps, that's why I don't even try to say or speculate anything about the plot because you can just check theories on here, wait for the next update and see how it is not like they were correct, it was copy and paste.

    • Like 3
  4. On 2024-01-02 at 9:37 PM, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

    Because apparently throwing a facemask, on something makes it different.   

    You know what's funny? just now after going on with some farming I pondered for a moment... veils are not even a new thing, the corrupted had veils for as long as I can remember.

    • Like 3
  5. 50 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    While I do think the new war is the best quest in the game(this game has terrible quests though) you can't deny people being upset that there was no war for the player to interact or shape. Quite a few people share that sentiment whether you or I disagree. There was no large scale war to be had in the quest.

    If you think about it we basically missed out on the bulk of said war because the next thing that happens after the operator is "vanquished" boils down to controlling the drifter after the sentients/narmer have already taken control of the solar system, more or less.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, SDGDen said:

    im pretty sure the duviri paradox was planned for much longer than soulframe, considering how long ago the first trailer was, and the fact that even then, the "lending weapons to the drifter" thing already existed (although we never got to wield our guns in drifter form)

    And THIS should be your first hint of how things can change mid-development in order to make us test their new game prototype, when Duviri was first teased I thought it would be adult operator with no powers using weapons since DE has a hardon for taking away warframe powers, story wise it may have been always the same, gameplay wise, not so much.

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  7. 11 hours ago, Dairaion said:

    we all drank the Kuva.

    man i really wish they could've IDK explained how the lotus worked before they turned her into a Gatebox Mommy Waifu. 

    You're right about the Zariman, Duviri, and Sanctum. Everyone would claim that content islands don't exist but they're honest to god proof. you finish with the origin system then you have to "no-life" the open worlds to acquire the meager bonuses to shine your set up or upgrade to whatever OP set up will be nerfed into the singularity within the next two business quarters for "balance reasons". the only in depth content that has ever existed was the origin system and they've been coasting on it for years. Railjack needs to be upgraded including the crewmate system, Open world and Necramechs too. Those two game modes and their subservient systems have set up to actually plug into the Origin system and change the way it's played as well as each other but we're left with the skeleton of what could be like the first 4 years of Kenshi, But Kenshi was made by like one guy and his sister.

    The only furthering of the Origin story proper was the Liches and Sister to add in optional bosses that you can just skip over now unless you want cosmetics and Duviri for the operator which you can skip over unless you want a specific OP weapon. 

    Nothing of value is being added. maybe 1999 will be so cool we'll want a new direction but i doubt it, i further doubt that it'll be anything more than a giant corn statue for new players.

    Honestly, what are everyone's most pessimistic expectations for 1999? I expect only a small expansion of Sanctum, maybe some new tileset, but no Minn, no resolution for the poor Cavia animals, not even progress on Wally's arc.

  8. 2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    I don't know if it's so much an intentional avoidance of commitment as it is a product of their scatterbrained development process. It's not that they're actively avoiding continuing the unresolved Twin Queens plot line because they don't want to commit to the implied resurrection of the Elder Queen, for example, they're just not interested in doing more Grineer stuff until they're interested in doing more Grineer stuff. They stopped the unresolved Narmer/Archon plot line because they wanted to talk about the Drifter instead. Then they paused the Drifter plot line because they wanted to talk about Wally. And once we move forward a little more on Wally with 1999 they'll pause the biggest existential threat to the game world (again) to talk about the Infested or Alad V again or whatever. Leaving everything open-ended doesn't feel like a goal, it feels like a side-effect of them being perpetually too busy chasing new ideas. Abandoning mechanics (like Railjack) is also a side-effect of that same perpetual busyness that affects the entire company.

    When Duviri was first revealed I thought it would be the "orokin open world" tileset but closely related to Wally, that is, I thought we would advance forward into a confrontation with it, but turns out it was another tangent to connect Drifter and Operator, as it is now I can expect 1999 to only introduce Alberto while still delaying any progress towards Wally, even if it is a mainline update I can safely assume it will have as much closure as max ranking the Cavia did, which is nothing at all (poor Tagfer.)

    1 hour ago, Dairaion said:

    We all have our favorites but i feel like we should still be reeling from the death of a grineer queen and granum's return. neither of them effected the new war. To continue the trend the new war has amounted to nothing much. maybe there needs to be two teams one that develops the content that continues the war for the origin system and the other that develops tenno story arcs cause at this point IDK wtf is going on or why House Escher and House Van Saar aren't doing anything any more.


    Being honest duviri felt like a good reset from the chaos we just went through with New War and the Liches, which were just dropped on us with no story, but whispers just feels like answering questions i didn't have. it reminds me of when i used to party and a friend of a friend would bring jazz cabbage just to lull you into a sense a security before he starts unloading at you about his homemade mead.

    Exactly, I mean, Fortuna and other stuff can be considered world building so is OK and I would not expect it to bring too many things to the overall plot, if they ever allow us to fight Nef Anyo it would still not be something to advance the plot, even if it becomes a power struggle between him and Parvos.

    • Like 1
  9. I liked dual wielding a lot, kind of a thing cuz I liked it in Dark Sector, but currently the system is broken, it not only disables alternate fire BUT secondaries without and alt fire disable glaive detonation, in order to keep using glaives I need to rely on some akimbo secondaries or the grimoire, sadly my current secondaries are not that good considering my usual setups, I used to have a Lex, Pyranha or Tenet Plinx, right now my other secondaries are not very optimized (akstileto prime, dex furis can add tons of status but can't kill), what are my alternatives?

    EDIT: To be clear, I can't use any "single gun" with a glaive because both the ones with alt fire and those without have bugs, so yeah, akimbo, kunai (which there aren't many I don't have), etc.

  10. 12 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

    Don’t get me wrong.   I completely checked out when they release Duviri, 

    Took six months off the game,   Although I don’t, particularly like the story direction,   Getting back to Warframe gameplay with what is probably the best tile set have have ever released,   And some nice quality of life improvements and I’m enjoying the game again.   

    Rebecca took over after the new war,  because so many players had left the game upper management, felt it was time to start working on a new project,  

    For me personally I think so many players left because players were expecting a war. Not a love quarrel.  

    Imagine their faces during the end of WitW quest.

  11. 3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Who the "Bad guy" is depends on your perspective really. as Handsome Jack once said, "Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story.":

    What I meant was more along the lines of "this is the final boss, well, actually no, here is the true final boss."

  12. 23 hours ago, Tombsite said:

    When the Steel Path was launched DE it was an optional challenge. We got some better drop chances for resources/mods and some steel essence but that was supposed to be it. Outside of those things there was not supposed to be any reason to run the Steel Path version over the regular version. It was an optional mode for those who wanted a bit of a challenge. 

    Then came the Zariman. Turns out that the mod booster from SP allowed you to farm the new arcanes that launched with the update twice as fast. But that was just a quirk of the mechanics, not a design decision right?
    Then came the Voruna update. You could run the new missions as an old school farm but DE were nice to us and implemented a bit of a pity system. You needed to farm Lua Thrax Plasm for building Veruna but you could also use it in the store to offset bad luck. There were even two new missions to farm this on. A low and a high level version. Obviously the higher level version had a higher output of Lua Thrax Plasm (times 2 to be exact). Well the Steel Path was even harder so obviously it gave an even bigger output (20% bonus on the highest level). Wait so now there is a reason to run Steel Path? That is a deliberate design decision to make Steel Path better than regular path!

    Then came the Citrine update. DE copied the, generally well received, system from the Voruna update. We collected crystals instead of plasma but the result was the same. But now there was a 50% bonus to the pity system for running Steel Path! This is getting kind of significant DE.

    And with this latest event the SP-bonus is now at a +100%. With twice the amount of curses and and twice the amount of expected Grotesque splinters per run.

    So we went from Steel Path being "an optional challenge” to “twice as efficient”.

    I believe this is bad. But this is already in tl;dr territory so I’ll wait a bit with my arguments and instead ask my fellow players:

    How do you feel about the Steel Path becoming the optimal way to play?      

    From the moment it came out I thought it was the lazy "challenge" design where enemies are just bulkier and beefier, sadly it didn't even become an alternative for solo power leveling, at least they backtracked in the whole "play steel path to get these mods which will make steel path a bit easier" deal, I think the sponge path is being used as a way for DE to pretend the grind is fair as long as you can play the "harder" version of the game, not only that, they took a step back from the Zariman token system by having the new tokens give less standing, yes, you can do bounties but maybe people prefer to approach the game differently like they were allowed before, and then of course they also made the tilesets vertically ample to have people with small loot radars miss on the stuff, the game content is being padded as usual, people need to realize that trying to stop players from breezing through the content is stupid, yes, there are very few ones who do that and then complain about content drought, it should be their choice, let them deal with the consequences instead of punishing the rest of the players.

    • Like 2
  13. 12 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    You trivialise and rush all Spy missions (maybe except for Luna) with Wukong and the Helminth ability that instantly hacks consoles. Even so, when I feel brave and do a public Spy mission, half of the time people do what you describe, especially with totally unfit Warframe.

    We have a Air Support that freezes the alarm countdown for like 10 seconds which can help a lot but it's still occasionally not enough.

    I bring the moa because I don't like to just change into a different warframe, besides, most of the time I can do spy missions with any warframe I have, I may take some time but I get the job done, something a few players can't stand.

  14. 10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

    for most open-ended aspects of the story it's just likely DE has something planned for it in the future. might come MANY years later but that's what it is.

    The problem with that way of delivering story is the possibility of these things to outlive their audience.


    7 hours ago, (PSN)SolarPhantom82 said:

    Yeah, the same.     After the new war, supposed to be an actual war.    Which turned out being a love drama,  which would give us Nama.  Which would turn out to be nothing burger.,   

    Then we get multiple dimensions ,  and now time travel,  not addressing whatever the lotus did  to the man in the wall, ( we think )  

    what happened to the sentence?  The big, scary reaper styled enemy.,  that was so cool,  The story has become some serious bad fanfic , just stringing players along to whatever DE want to do next, with no thought of consistency or coherency. 

    Now every tile set has a new faction.  With no connection to the overall world whatsoever..   

    remember how we’re supposed to be getting adult operators

    Remember how we’re supposed to be fighting the Lotus in the new war

    Remember the lotus,s mother, supposedly coming to play. 

    what about the plot hole in the new wall where the Tenno ( singular ) gets vanished. Like there’s more than one, WTF.  

    With them updating the story so little you would think they could at least keep it focused.  

    Now we have extremely annoying talking animals,   This is the definition of the writing style called, fly by the seat of pants.  


    Were adult operators a separate thing from Drifter? as for Lotus and the New War, remember how the Paracesis was meant to be something more or less relevant until it was just there in cutscenes?

    Some people think I more or less take a shot at the many other things in the game like Solaris, Ostron, etc., those are not quite the tangents since they are more like world building, they kind of get a pass, but as someone mentioned, sometimes we just get this little containers where a new faction resides and that's it, when I saw Ostrons and Corpus on relays I was a bit intrigued since it meant the first ones have means of space travel and the Corpus can be a bit more approachable than Grineer outside of the battlefield, but as I said, those are only small details; my main complaint is how we are getting a new "true" nemesis with every major development.

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  15. 19 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    To some, Warframe is a game about efficiency. People generally want to do the objective asap because they have to grind it multiple times, so the less time they spend with it the better.

    That said, I've never met with the level of impatience you're describing. The worst I ever encountered were people leaving if we failed to defend even one objective in Archon Disruption. It doesn't fail the mission itself and it's a minor setback that takes a minute or two to rectify.

    Ironically enough I have seen many players failing spy sortie/archon multiple times because they want to do it super fast, triggering alarms in the process, when that happens I always tell them "remember, work smarter, not faster", if anything spy is one of those missions which require the player to pause for a second or two, I also prefer to bring a hacking moa.

    • Like 1
  16. I feel like the story has gone on too many tangents with little pay off to the big questions, probably not gonna see much in the upcoming update, so let's recap.


    - We start up not knowing much, we meet Lotus and Ordis, being completely new we may see Vor as the big enemy at the beginning... unless we start in Duviri or something, in which case we may even be a lot more confused.
    - So we know there is the Grineer, Corpus and Infested, at first we seem to be the ones cleaning the whole mess... but then turns out we can play for the first two factions while always trying to stop the 3rd.
    - Orokin and Void mumbo jumbo, Stalker, who is that guy?
    - Many things like syndicates and secondary factions are there for world building and a few new warframes lore so we skip that.
    - At some point some people suspected Lotus was hiding something, she kind of did but not the way we thought.
    - Chains of Harrow, Wally is kind of a thing.
    - Sentients become a thing, Stalker... seriously, who is that guy?
    - Potato kid is a thing.
    - Lotus takes a vacation with someone one would probably know little of if we never see the trailers (correct me if I am wrong.)
    - Free Umbra Excalibur, Lotus doesn't even explain anything at all cuz reasons.
    - As some stuff unlocks the Entrati become a thing, also, Alberto el Entrato has been thing.
    - New War, we forgive Lotus because Reb can't just be replaced, Narmer are like Sentients so they have been a thing for a while, clearly not trying to be left alone, also, Wally is still not quite a thing yet.
    - Zariman is a thing, at this point most of these new tilesets seem to share the whole "if you don't max rank the syndicate something terrible will happen" more or less.
    - Alberto el Entrato becomes a foreground thing, kind of, Cavia is the next syndicate we have to save or something.
    - We unlock the ability to customize the Cavia, there is not quite the payoff for them... yet.

    Stalker is still there trying to punish people for killing anything regardless of its danger or alignment, we still don't know what's exactly his deal, Wally is there still doing things, so far one could have jumped from thinking the Grineer are the bad guys, then both them and the Corpus while the probably badder guys being the Infested, but turns out the Sentient were kind of the biggest bad guys, while that went on we could think the Orokin may have been the original bad guys but as far as we know they are all dead, but turns out Wally may be the one true bad guy... for now.

    I can't say the plot thickens as it is kind of becoming a bit saturated with too many flavors by now.

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