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Posts posted by Minion135

  1. 1 minute ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    Isn't it odd though? And when we first get awoken it is not for sentients, it is because of grineer. There is fear from Natah when the concuclyst is scanned in the sealab. We start off trying to stop where the release of Hunhow, not in fear of what he would do to Tenno, but in fear of what we would learn about the Lotus.

    She didn't know what we scanned when we scanned a Conculyst in that quest. She said her sensors went dark, remember, and then she thought it was something Corpus made. Regardless, there's never been any indication from any lore source, or from DE themselves, that the Lotus doesn't care about the Tenno and want to keep them safe. She's literally the only character DE have said does NOT have ulterior motives for the Tenno, other than them staying safe and alive. Anyone who believes anything otherwise... Well, I don't know why they trust their own character, if they believe otherwise.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    She put Tenno to sleep and threw them with their moon crib into the void. If Tenno have mortal bodies, that'd mean eventual death in sleep due to cryocapsule malfunction or the building collapsing (you saw the current state of Lua, the place is falling apart).

    If I wanted to speculate, I could make a claim that she put us to sleep and sent us to void because she simply could not find a way to kill us and we're immortal (proven by Harrow quest where operator cannot be killed, but sent briefly to the void). Incapacitating us with permanent sleep was her best choice and when we came back and learned the truth about her, claiming she saved us was the only way for her to stay alive.

    Okay, done with the ignorance now. You go on believing what you want, even if it is devoid of all fact and reason.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    The proof was in the Second Dream.

    What proof was that? There was literally 0 indication of Natah existing still. There's only The Lotus.

    14 minutes ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    Money is the root of all evil. I want to kill her to make a better Tenno future for all.

    What does money have to do with anything?

    7 minutes ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    One betrayal would be not letting us know who and what we are until it was a necessity. She let us think we were some kind of mechanical/biomechanical death machine and not people. People who developed transference and became threats to the big bad Sentients. After killing some sentients, i suspect she may have saved us out of fear for her own brethren.

    If she feared for her own brethren, she would have let the Stalker kill us. Period. If you think her waking us up so we could DESTROY Sentients was her saving her brethren, then that's an issue you need to think through on your own. No amount of others explaining it will matter if you think bringing people back that can eradicate the Sentients is "saving" the Sentients. Literally the only way to ensure Sentient survival would have been to allow the Tenno to perish.

    EDIT: Also, her keeping our nature secret was her trying to protect us. If no one knows the Moon is real (indeed, even Alad V thought it was a myth), or that the Tenno AREN'T the Warframes, then they have no way to find and kill them.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Tobbhert said:

    hey! ive been having some issues with CPU goin pretty high in usage and ive been getting low fps so i now enabled V-sync ingame and in nvidia control panel. But now my mouse feels "slow" and not responding as it was before.

    Anyone got a fix for this or do i just have to get used to it? :/

    Sadly, v-sync always runs the risk of increasing input lag. Has it stabilized your FPS, or still having trouble with that? And what was your fps before/after v-sync?

  5. Also, if you want to take about make believe, you're the one who wants to ruthlessly murder her for something there's indication she will do. You want to kill her, essentially, simply because she exists and you feel like it. You're, by no means, a decent person in this regard, unless we're looking at some excruciatingly low standards of what "decent" is, let alone any conception of "good."

  6. 5 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    In other words you can't prove it can happen in sentients or that it actually happened with Natah. The argument is over, the makebelief game has started.

    Son, it started with you LONG ago. I'm going off of what we do know about the game, and reality.


    EDIT: Unless proven otherwise, the Lotus herself IS the proof.

  7. 5 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Again, you have a weak argument because your assumptions are based on what she said (somehow you really want to believe a character, who betrayed the Orokin, then betrayed Tenno and then betrayed the rest of sentients). A character like that deserves zero credibility whatsoever. It's like trusting Patches in DS.

    My assumptions are based both on what she said and what we KNOW Sentients are, the least of which is they are technological creations. Hard drives can be deleted, you know. :P Also, she never betrayed the Tenno. She has always done everything she could to protect us.


    EDIT: Not to mention we've seen that even Cephalons can be deleted/overwritten, and those are biological beings turned into sentient AI, so it stands to reason that deletions can happen with the "minds" of Sentients, too.

  8. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Hey man, that was all SeaUrchins arguing with you. Now I am Bob, your uncle, I love the Lotus.

    Are you even serious man? Changing your name doesn't change who you are lol

    Read my comment that's above this one on page 5.

  9. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    A kind of Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker again sort of deal?

    I think it's more complex than that, given what we know about the Sentients. They were mixes of biological and technological, if the Lotus is any indication (or she could be unique from the rest in that manner).  She could have, in a literal way, deleted Natah from existence when she became the Lotus.

  10. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    What do you mean choosing NOT do horrendously evil thing? She came all the way from Tau just to kill the Orokin, she willingly travelled through the void and became barren just to start killing them faster. A creature that sacrifices its ability to reproduce to take lives is wicked and deserves no mercy.

    That was Natah. The Lotus is no longer Natah, and destroyed Natah to become the Lotus. Same physical being, entirely different person, if you will.

  11. Just now, SeaUrchins said:

    so she can execute us herself. Then she changed her mind. Too bad we learned about it, we could have been friends. Down with her.

    So you want to kill her, in cold blood, for choosing to NOT do horrendously evil thing? "Decent person" who "doesn't tolerate treason," indeed. Treachery runs in your blood. :P

  12. Just now, SeaUrchins said:

    What are you talking about? I am a decent person and that's why I don't tolerate treason, infiltration and treachery. She infiltrated our ranks and treacherously turned us into traitors. That's enough to have her head on a plate.

    She stopped the Orokin before they could execute us or transfer into our powerful bodies. Don't be daft. The Orokin had a very crystal clear track record on dealing with others.

  13. Just now, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    Do you really think she only kept one secret from us? Why did she run if Hunhow had already got everything then?

    She went into hiding BEFORE Hunhow had gotten information from her, not after. After, she immediately had us go save ourselves.

  14. 1 minute ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    Factions? Why do we need such things? Helix.hex said nothing about factions. To think that purpose only comes from a hive is like saying life has no value without an obvious purpose.

    True, helix didn't say that, but the other person I was quoting said he wanted to be a mercenary for any side against the Lotus.

  15. 1 minute ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    She is Barren. We are her surrogates. If she had truly parted with all of her Sentient parts, how did Hunhow get in her head? She is not the direct enemy, but can be proxied by the Sentients to destroy us. Therefore, enemy, very powerful enemy.

    If you mean proxied as in controlled, then there's been no indication such a thing is possible (Hunhow would likely have done it in Second Dream, if it were). If you mean proxied as in they can get information from her, at best it's a maybe. I doubt she'd allow a situation like that to arise again, after it happened once with Hunhow. There's been no indication she can be taken control of. Gleaning information from her is all Hunhow was able to do. Information that is now useless to him. There's no longer any information they can try to get from her to defeat us, now that we're awake. That presumes they'd even have a way to do it, since she now knows they may try that and will certainly have taken precautions.

  16. 5 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Good stuff, I want to fight as mercenary for any faction against the Lotus. Oh, wait, we have no choice of turning against the force that utilises Orokin children as space boko haram.


    2 minutes ago, helix.hex said:

    death to her. i know from natah quest something was up. and i knew i had one question then "when do i but a bullet in you face lotus?"

    then during the second dream i wondered "okay first how you got here and why have i not choked you back to sentient jesus yet?"

    the the second dream confirmed everything: im the monster that makes EVERYTHING crap itself in the night. rell aint got nothing on me.

    Well, I guess we can't expect that anyone against the Lotus is a decent person, since you'd rather join the side of factions that would love to mutilate children and/or use them (us) as batteries. Among other things. :P

  17. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Good stuff, I want to fight as mercenary for any faction against the Lotus. Oh, wait, we have no choice of turning against the force that utilises Orokin children as space boko haram.

    Congratulations on jumping the shark.

  18. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Why do you use past Tense? Tenno never had a choice: you were sent to the void, you were sent to fight sentients, you were sent against Orokin, you were put into sleep, you were awoken, you are sent on missions. You have no choice, you are an axe chopping stuff.

    We do have choice now, thanks to the Lotus. We can choose what missions we do, or even if we do any at all. We can choose if we want to fight as mercenaries for the Grineer/Corpus against the other, or even for one of them against the Infestation. You can literally spend all your time in a Relay, just being friends with everyone, if that is your prerogative.

  19. Just now, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    You are obviously not truly of the Naramon school. You must know the enemy, part of knowing the enemy is figuring out who the enemy is.

    So you believe the enemy is the one person who literally turned the Moon into a myth in order to protect us? That being who turned on her own people to save us? Naramon needs to really learn what allies and enemies are, let alone who the individuals in each group are, if all of you think that way.

  20. 2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    No, I did not. I compared Tenno not killing a sentient to a plumber not fixing the leak, both aren't doing what they are supposed to do. It's quite different, though I understand you want to twist it into "you compared Tenno to a plumber", which was not my point.

    The Plumber was HIRED to do a job. The Tenno were given no choice in the matter. These are radically different. Also, yes, you did still compare the Tenno to a plumber. Regardless of the particulars, those are the subjects being compared, so I stated nothing incorrectly. You're being nit-picky and trying to point something out as wrong that isn't. Yes, you did compare Tenno not killing Sentients to a plumber not fixing a pipe, but the comparison is horrendously flawed. Also, leaving out the "what" does not make my statement of you comparing Tenno to a plumber wrong, because that is what you did. Obviously the specifics matter, but when someone wants to respond to a comparison, you don't have to restate the ENTIRE comparison.

  21. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Yes, you are. In fact you mistaken comparison for analogy. A plumber fixes pipes, there's no reason he can't fix a certain pipe; Tenno fight sentients, there's no reason for them not to fight a certain one. That's analogy, not me comparing Tenno to plumbers.

    Because she is the enemy who didn't finish our existance just by a lucky accident (which is a fact, not empty "she wants" or "balance" nonsense). Since I don't suffer from Stockholm syndrome, I say we better kill her before she goes back to her original "eliminate Tenno sequence". She's not even a human, meh.

    You need to look up what a straw man is, then really re-read your statements all the responses to it. You're failing at comprehension. #1, an analogy is a type of comparison. You compared Tenno to a plumber who gets paid for a job then decides not to do it (in the case of Tenno, it would be not killing a Sentient). That is literally what your post I was referring to was saying. Tenno weren't paid by Orokin to kill Sentients, but that is the purpose we were given. We didn't agree to do something, we were turned into child soldiers and used as tools, and likely going to be wiped out by the Orokin afterwards, since they feared the Tenno. Also, it's not Stockholm Syndrome, as we were never the Lotus' captives/prisoners. You really need to look stuff up before going off and saying others don't know what they're talking about.

  22. 1 minute ago, Ultimate_Vault_Hunter said:

    Not Nazi stuff, i mean that she is the only sentient on our side, they will assimilate her eventually.

    Should all Tenno kill themselves before Orokin find a way to take control of them/transfer into our bodies?

  23. 1 minute ago, SeaUrchins said:

    You might want to re-read my messages instead of creating a straw man.

    No, I'm not. You, however, are deflecting from the flawed logical train of thought you're on. Tenno were created for a purpose, yes, but clearly purposes change, or can be expanded upon. That's very different from work-for-hire, which is what we do when we side with Corpus or Grineer during Invasions. You're trying to say this apple not appling proves that pickle. Why you would want to kill the one character who is most out to protect the Tenno is beyond logic or reason. The devs had said before that she has no ulterior motive with the Tenno. She only wants to protect and guide them (us). You want to simply kill her just because. That's not only for no good reason, but pretty evil when you consider all she's done for us. She literally went against her purpose to save us. You just want to become tools for Orokin again (who would have disposed of us, I'm sure), apparently, but that ain't going to cut it for me.

  24. 2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Axe is a multipurpose tool, which can be used as a weapon (like most of objects around you), but if that's the only argument you have against disposing of the Lotus, it is a weak one, since we as Tenno don't even need a reason to kill anyone. We kill casually and on daily basis.

    You're being circular in your logic. You compared us to plumbers, which was refuted by @trunks013 pointing out there's a difference between hiring someone and something being created for a purpose, then you're saying "hey everything's a weapon," which has no baring on the conversation. The point that Trunks was making is that an axe's original purpose was to chop wood, but it was then used for other things. Also, Tenno don't kill for no reason. We kill to maintain the balance in the system. You know what? I kind of want the opportunity to permanently kill off other Tenno (destroying the account of the player), so we can be rid of mama Lotus haters. It's perfectly acceptable, if we're in-line with your apparent logic on this topic.

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