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Posts posted by StarCommanderVong

  1. Name: Doesn't have one, often referred to as the Silent One.

    Faction: Arbiters of Hexis

    Species: Tenno

    Frame(s): Excalibur, Nyx, Ember, and Limbo.

    Age: Doesn't know.

    Gender: Doesn't have one.


    Personality: Not much is known about the Silent One. True to his name, this Tenno has never said a word since his awakening many years ago. Assumptions can be made based on his actions, such as that he has a deep seated hatred for the Grineer. He has also demonstrated a greater loyalty to the Arbiters of Hexis than to the Lotus.


    Preferred armaments: The Silent One is primarily a user of the Excalibur, with tendencies towards the Paris, Dispair, and the Jaw Sword.

  2. Than why nor Orokin gold if a prototype?

    One of two possible reasons.


    A (Least Likely): The Stalker Frame wasn't made by the Orokin. It is a modified version of the Proto-Armor (which highly resembles the design later used for Excalibur) used by Hayden Tenno to defeat Nemesis (who resembles Nyx, who's design is almost identical to Excalibur).


    B (More Likely): The Stalker Frame was made by the Orokin, but only for testing purposes. It was never going to be given to the Tenno, so the Orokin felt no need to make it look all pretty. After the Tenno brought about the downfall of the Orokin Empire, the being who becomes the Stalker steals the Stalker Frame and uses it's power to take revenge on the Tenno, hunting and trying to kill as many as possible.

  3. Do you not realize that both Excalibur AND Excalibur Prime have that Codex entry? Where are you getthing the information that only Excalibur Prime has this entry it seems you've been mislead or have never opened Excalibur's codex, most likely both.

    Well, I wasn't in the game when I made that post, so I couldn't check the Codex outright, and it has been a long time since I checked the Codex.


    That being said, someone needs to update the wiki then.

  4. I feel like this is often missed due to the fact that relatively few people have one, but the Codex entry for Excalibur Prime seems to state pretty much outright that the Tenno are Orokin who were sent into the Void due to the war with the Sentients and returned twisted and changed by the Void energy (The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place).

    This gave them incredible power, which was also incredibly unfocused. The Orokin built frames around and gave them the weapons and laws they use today (We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born).

    The newly born Tenno proved to be almost perfect warriors, driving back the Sentients and saving the Orokin, at least for a while longer (These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend).

  5. I'm messing around, trying to rank up my Archwing. Do a Grineer exterminate. Get down to the last guy, and he's way out far away from the rest of the dudes.


    So I fly out to kill him, and the Lotus gives me an out-of-bounds-type warning, just as I reach the dude, telling me to return to the mission. Kill him, turn to go to extraction and...


    Lotus pulls me out, mission failed.


    Seriously? That was a fair chunk of time wasted and mods lost because of one dude who spawns outside the level limit.


    Anyway, all that to say this, dude spawned "outside" the level and I failed the mission because of it.

  6. Maybe Mind Control could be made permanent. Right now, because of Chaos, it gets the shaft, since negative duration is the one thing Chaos needs to be viable because it can't be reused as long as one enemy is still affected. Nyx could be the pet class. Wouldn't that be awesome? And seriously, with the current AI we have, it would be FAR from "OP"... Just saying... All Nyx users will agree that MC'd targets aren't very... smart, to say the least.


    Honestly, if you think MC gets the shaft, that's because you're using the wrong targets. Go after the big guys, the heavy hitters with lots of HP. MC a Heavy Gunner or a Bombadier, or even a Drahk Master... Actually, especially a Drahk Master. MC every one of those you see. They will summon perma-friendly Drahk to help fight for you.

    But anyway, take over a Heavy unit and the room will either be cleared, or you won't have to worry about the heavy unit anymore. Either way, 25 energy well spent.

  7. ...Woah, bro. Slow the F*** up.


    I can understand making Nyx's abilities stronger, but damn, dude. That would break the game towards her in so many ways.

  8. The King in Yellow speaks the truth!


    This sounds like I game that I would want to play!


    And for those saying it should be an option, or a new game type, think of it this way: How far into the game do you have to get before the Grineer become more than Lancers, Troopers, and the occasional Butcher? Or the Corpus to become more than Crewmen and MOAs?

    It would simply be something that shows up on more lategame planets, like Eris, Pluto, Sedna, etc.

  9. While the genetic decay makes no logic sense—since the kubrow eggs are found in a natural den, not a Grineer lab—


    That's actually not entirely true. We aren't just taking a Kubrow egg and hatching it. We're taking it, manipulating the genetic code in order to turn it from the feral, mangy mutts we see on Earth, back into the Orokin created noble beasts of old. This, of course, could (and obviously does) result in some genetic destabilization. Much like cloning.


    Plus the fact that the egg hatches in two days and the Kubrow matures from newborn to full adult in anywhere from one to two days... Yeah, I don't think that's natural.

  10. As a person who primarily uses Excalibur (have since the beginning), I don't agree with nerfing the move itself.


    However, that being said, I do think that it should be made so you cannot pick up energy spheres while channeling the Blade, thus preventing an Excalibur from just starting the move and spamming it the entire mission, thus making it more of an Ultimate Move and less of an Overpowered Move.

  11. Thanks for that video upload yeah that really reinforces it, clearly it would be amazing to have as an option :)

    I feel I should note that is not me. I am not SAGE.


    I also feel I should say that I showed off the video to say that if the game can glitch a mostly functioning first person mode, the argument that it would be too difficult to program in is just bullS#&$.

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