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Posts posted by StarCommanderVong

  1. 42 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    Don't get mad just because someone has a different definition of fun than you.

    Do I sound mad in the least bit? Because I'm not mad.

    Far be it from me to judge you for playing the game Skinner Box style (and if you don't know what that is, watch the video I linked earlier). After all, I play Cookie Clicker.

    But, you shouldn't then be complaining that the game lacks anything interesting to do just because the Devs aren't building a Skinner Box game. They provided a new, distinct tileset with new challenges and new variations on the enemies that hadn't really been done before. Just because there's no "actual" reward doesn't mean you should just not play it.

  2. Just now, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    Why should we play a mission where we can't farm anything worthwhile, when we can spend the same time farming kuva or something else we need? When I only have a couple hours to game after work, I'm not going to waste them playing for nothing except a different looking map.

    Boom. That mindset right there is exactly what I'm talking about.

    It's a video game. Have fun with it. Don't Skinner Box it for yourself.

  3. As the title says. After getting staggered by a Grineer Roller, all my melee attacks, both quick and standard, while moving started moving my character backwards instead of forwards. Things went back to normal during the next mission, but yeah, that was a problem. Couldn't hit anything.

  4. Got a really good reason to replay the Kuva Fortress: You like the tileset.

    Boom. Minds probably blown.


    Foreign concept to a lot of Tenno, I know, but you really shouldn't need a reward to make you want to go back and play a certain mission type. And it annoys the piss outta me that almost no one gets that.

  5. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    Doing what?

    And let's say i agree with you, that does not prevent to have more cap

    Sometimes I try to beat as many missions as possible in a row without getting detected as I can. Sometimes I challenge myself to only using the Lato on a high level mission. Sometimes I just go in and kill some @&#(&*@#$#s.

    Point is, I just play the game and entertain myself, because that's what video games are: entertainment.

  6. Just now, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    How increasing the cap wouldn't be fun? it sure does and it sets a new dimension

    Aren't you tired of waiting on DE (since they mentioned that it is a beta?)

    It's time for an impovment


    Nope. I just hop in and play a few (dozen) missions each day because that's the fun part of the game for me. I enjoy running around doing stuff, not arbitrarily ticking a number up/down in the fastest method possible.

    If I wanted to do that, I'd go play Cookie Clicker.

  7. 9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    All weapons and frames (361 if my memory serves well), have a potato and been format at least 2 times including the lousy weapons.

    Some were format 7 and 8 times.

    as for focus, i have an excess of a minimum 1 mil on each one of 5. i am just still farming them hoping that DE one day will make an upgrade to that system.

    (as i mentioned in my op.. not that i need some)

    So... Maybe stop making the game less fun for yourself? I can't see anything stopping the game from being fun other than you just pushing towards a number.

    Make a new goal.

    Be like that guy who forma'd his loadout 200 times each. But do it for your entire arsenal.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Sakatchi said:

    Or we could be nice to it, and actually buff its damage.  No need to be so convoluted about it.

    But that's the thing: It doesn't need a damage buff. It deals pretty decent damage already.

    It's just that the problem is that it has a 90 round magazine and a max fire rate of 12.5/s. It burns through a mag in about 8 seconds, and then spends 4 whole seconds reloading. It's a decent weapon that's just really annoying to play with.

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