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Posts posted by StarCommanderVong

  1. 17 hours ago, (Xbox One)JadeSalamander said:

    I was referring to the Arbiters, the only "Tenno" with adult voices, frames we don't have access to, and a desire to take leadership roles. Did I mention they know how Tenno work and have corrupted specters. Oh, and their arch enemies, the Red Veil, are most likely the original unaltered form of the Infestation, seeking to purge the Orokin influence or "Corruption". Working with the Arbiters or their Cephalon ally even gives you the Red Veil title of "Corrupted".

    Ever notice that the Arbiters never actually let us be anything more than warriors, despite their stated goal of escaping that label? Only the highest members of the Orokin government knew how warframes worked, and they fully expected the Tenno to betray them, so they planned for that day. When we struck them down, the high council members that were able to used Transference to jump into warframes. While we constantly hear about how decadent the Orokin were, we need to remember that the top members of the Orokin were the ones who built the empire from nothing. Also, leave it to the Orokin to have the top sigil of their deception be called "Truth".

    (This theory also explains why Red Veil and Steel Meridian are buddy buddy, both are rejecting the attempt to weaponize them.)



    The Arbiters don't let us be anything but warriors because of the limits of the game, not due to any lore reason. If the missions were done due to lore reasons, don't you think the New Loka missions would only be on Earth? Or maybe the Steel Meridian would only be rescues? And Red Veil, they'd only pull off Exterminates. No, we're just doing random missions in random locations for no particular reason because game mechanics. Quests and Events are where the Lore shines through, and we have yet to get one for the Arbiters.

    But more importantly, the highest echelons of the Orokin did not use Transference to enter Warframes. Transference is a process only usable by the Tenno, due to the fact that they were exposed to the Void Energy during the Zariman Incident. No other Orokin were exposed to Void Energy in the same way. At least, none that survived and remained sane enough to take advantage of it.

  2. On 3/30/2017 at 3:19 PM, Corvid said:

    And what's to stop me from bouncing this right back at you?

    You were almost mature there. Next time, try to resist the compulsion to have the last word.

    Because over 20 million people wouldn't still be playing a game 3 years on if it was a dull and boring game.

  3. Interesting concept, waaay to powerful, and encroaching on the territory of other Frames.

    His 2 is literally just a flat upgrade to Blessing, for a much smaller cost.

    His 3 is just Radial Blind with a party buff tacked on.

    And his 4 does way to many things at once.

    Maybe think on it a bit more? Approach the Buddhist idea a bit more and less the Netero one.

    18 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    I don't want religion in my game - Arin Hanson 2014

    Bit late for that, bro. We already have 2 deities and a Titan, plus what may or may not be a Christianity reference.

  4. 24 minutes ago, FLEXXIMUS said:

    That's not right.

    I was playing warframe at least a year maybe two before destiny came out!

    And destiny is a blatant rip off of warframe and don't care what anybody says......

    My thanks to all the kind folk to explain to me what i need to do for the raids, but i ain't hearing that "Destiny was original" bullshiiiiiit....

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but...

    As I said. Destiny entered development in 2010. Warframe entered the first beta in late 2012, not long after first being unveiled. Destiny didn't release until 2014.

    So, while you are right about playing Warframe before Destiny came out, you are wrong in saying that Destiny somehow ripped off a game that didn't exist as public knowledge until two full years into the development cycle.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Church002 said:

    you mean destiny 1 was a fantastic game?



    4 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    Somewhat agree. But see my above edited comment.

    Heavily disagree. It was monotonous and bland.


    The setting has promise. Such a shame that none of the setting's lore is in the actual game.

    Well, to each their own. Everyone is allowed their own opinions.

    Even if they're wrong.

  6. Just now, Corvid said:

    I am well aware of that. Hence why I said "Sharing an actor" instead of "Sharing a character". You still have not given me a reason to care for him being in Destiny.

    That's pretty much it. He's a fantastic actor in a fantastic game with a fantastic setting and story.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Corvid said:


    Seriously. You're going to have to convince me on why I should care about Destiny sharing an actor with a series that I literally do not care about at all.


    That's a character, not an actor. The actor is Nathan Fillion, best known for his role as Captain Malcolm Reynolds on the show Firefly. He plays the character Cayde-6 in Destiny, and will play him again in Destiny 2.

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