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Posts posted by (PSN)ELIT3_EXP3RT-01

  1. Back then, it was because people thought it would ruin warframe.


    Now though, it's really done nothing but bring a whole new level of fun to the game.


    Yes! With it being unbalanced and other issues, it adds much more to the game. Believe me sometimes after your 10,000th void mission and collected and used everything it has to offer, I appreciate what DE has done. Once its executed to a point where Quests and end-game also are included, it will be hard to turn away from other video games.

  2. Im in 0SIRIS(Ghost Clan) and my Alliance is Dragons Down Fall. Built my old clan which is now a storm clan with 70+ active members, however due to a very long Warlord absence, made a new clan specifically for Dark Sectors and Veterans on PS4.


    Unfortunately our Dark Sector presence will be low to none come next update but if your interested your welcome!

  3. Ill be excluding my Alliance and clan next update:


    1) The event to get exclusives like Prova Vandal and fire mods, high priority and wont be able to participate in conflicts.

    2) Alongside event, Quests, Ships, Kubrows and Mirage will be our focus.

    3) Due to the above and time constraints, this will be a month at minimum even longer especially when I game share so clan mates that are absent because of work I can hopefully complete the event for them.


    Other than that Tenno, Goodluck and see you in future battles!

  4. Okay, after a few issues this week I figured I'd add to the posts:


    Was in the middle of a mission, someplace on Mercury I think (low level). About halfway through the mission I was unable to interact with anything. Not able to pick up items or hack alarms. I was still able to participate in combat, but that was about it. Was playing Volt at the time.


    When in the arsenal, I was unable to rotate the frame/sentinel to get a look at them or their weapons for the color schemes. While there, there was a spare hand/leg that just sort of hung out there or clung to the sword. Was not a part of the current frame on the screen. Actually don't know whose hand it is. I only have Loki, Volt and Frost.


    The lag was very noticeable in very 'busy' defense missions. Hadn't had much of an issue.


    Got two freezes that made me lose being the host of a game. Had to exit the game and come back in.


    Sometimes having trouble drawing the right weapon. They get hung up on having that sword out and don't want to draw the gun.


    Got stuck in some scenery. Instead of re-spawning where I mis-jumped, Frost was stuck in some decorative pipes.Took many tries and a few more failed wall-runs to get the re-spawn without quitting the level.


    I can confirm a few things you have listed:


    1) Random times to view sentinels and Warframes it will not let me rotate them when I need to put on armor, helmets and different colors.

    2) Switching weapons, ill be glued with that current weapon and unable to switch in-game until death or random moment

    3) On occasion when I die and revive, I am unable to move, shoot, options button, camera is frozen on one angle while prone to any enemy damage.


    Lag it seems not to have any effect on the above.

  5. Same problem had it for weeks. Tried a reinstall...failed. This is obviously not an isolated incident! 


    Oh and I would love to use my phone but can't and I have tried other things posted in other threads nothing has worked. I have quite a bit of time invested in the game and don't want to get left behind so fix this asap please or at least post why it is happening?


    Did you send a support ticket? They cant help if they dont know directly to solve any issue.


    What is your NAT Type?

    Is your PS4 up to date?

    Did you reinstall the update or game itself?

  6. Must be a bug.


    I would like to add:


    1) Sometimes in a full party, it shows me the wrong players load-out(switches each players ) in the lobby.

    2) It shows my load-out from my previous match making players nervous when I use questionable gear or having Dragon Key equipped but they cant determine it from their perspective.

  7. Me as well, and occurring more and more frequently. Not only that but when the mission finishes my starmap/arsenal/ui completely freezes each time.

    And only after the reputation.


    Yup, that's the worst part. It froze up and you have no choice but to close the app.


    Yea it happens to me but rarely freezes which still happens regardless of getting reputation screen or not. I also have to force quit app too.

  8. After i finished the mission, my menu didn't pop up on the solar chart. i was unable to select anything. Afterwards i was invited to a game and when i accepted it my screen glitched out again and i wasn't able to go to my arsenal. Please watch the last minute of the video.


    This happens on occasion usually when playing very long game sessions.


    I would like to add:

    1) Sometimes going UI takes forever to load when selecting CODEX

    2) When I change loadouts my screen will freeze however still present in current lobby and will load when match starts.

    3) Selecting nodes and Dark Sectors sometimes will make my screen suspended and forcing me to restart app if im not in a lobby.


    Thats about it for now.

  9. With resource boosters(Best booster IMO) you can get more than enough of each within a 3 day time period. If that is not an option I guess patience is a virtue. Distilling Extractors I find are worth it but I prefer building them once you reach end-game(MR15+) since many frames, weapons and research require them now.


    I'm guessing you haven't built Zephyr yet. 600 not including the research.

    Go to a higher tier Corpus Def/Sur and you can easily get 30+ in 1 run. Strap on an affinity booster and you'll double that.
    MD aren't bad, but never get as much as the others.

    But yeah, it's a lot to make them.


    Yea in my used to be Storm Clan, 2000 Oxium was for research alone.

  10. Same thing happened to me, but a lot more of my other mods for me went missing too, I'm not missing any frames/weapons though.


    Send tickets through support Tenno. Be patient as their team is in super busy mode still from U14.


    I look forward playing with more space ninjas!

  11. Why I can't access my dojo ? i did the migration thing, but it says nobody is hosting dojo or my current class can't do hosting something like that, I mean wth I'm alone create that thing and put all necessary rooms even a training one., wth ?


    So somebody knows ?


    Clans do not migrate over from PC.


    Just make someone you know well enough in the Dojo a Warlord (that's what I did) and leave the clan, make the key, get an invite back and get upgraded to Warlord. It's always good to have at least 2 Warlords imo.


    But other than that yes there needs to be a fix for this as its clearly a bug.


    To a point unless both of them discontinue playing Warframe forcing me to make a new clan and alliance.

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