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Posts posted by (PSN)ELIT3_EXP3RT-01

  1. Armor sets would take time but at a cost of say 125,000 standing, it would encourage people to actually stick with a group rather than grinding all alliances. Its obvious to make them non-tradeable.

    Wearing the Raksta Syanadana for example should give a boost since its being introduced by Red Veil months ago and suits that Sydicate.

    Implementing armors, syanadana's and helmets alongside sigils they need balance. Stacking rep cant happen and only one Syndicate boost can be activated at any given time.

    This seems like exactly the right way to implement Syndicate cosmetics.

  2. Happened to me on Sechura, where I get the sword and gun, even throwing the sword since I had the glaive equipped.

    Another bug is it shows me an enclosed Archwing and my normal weapons but Waframe is invisible and just shows my Prime Armor.

    DE Please fix in the next hotfix or update, thanks.

    *Will edit with pics soon*

  3. Hey fellow ninjas, I need your help! Looking to get an emblem for my clan, something mystical, dragon-like, perhaps sci-fi like or just cool looking in general.

    What am I offering?

    50P or your choice of any Arcane helmet.

    How is the emblem picked?

    Ill simply decide which one out of personal choice.

    Who can participate?

    PS4 Users only

    When does emblem need to be submitted?

    I want it soon as possible but Im willing to wait only until this friday for entries.

    File Must Be:

    *128x128 PNG


  4. The only question I have is how is the reputation experience going to work. Is it the way it was prior to the viver incident, or is it the new mastery dependent way?

    Prior, as in we get the Viver exploit.. Who really knows though, we'll find out tomorrow. I got my boosters and plat ready regardless :)


    what was the Viver incident?

    Its the ODD x9000., ridiculous easy XP, Credits, Mods and Syndicate Rep. Making the grind for anything an uber easy mode while making nearly any other game mode useless(over exaggerating just a little).

  5. I'm playing warframe since 3 weeks more or less and I always wanted Ash ! Now I finished the blueprints etc. I love that warframe more than everything but I think that ash should have a prime version too !

    For everyone who has the same opinion ! Ease comment.. Maybe we can do it and get an ash prime version !

    I want everything Primed. Volt more than anything.. I guess they'll be the last primed frames :(

  6. Considering the trans-humanism that saturates Warframe, it's likely that Lotus is originally human but with additions to make her job more feasible. She may be linked to Command and Control AIs that interlink via that headgear she wears. This would partially explain how she's able to keep track of all the Tenno, what's going on in the system, and what comes on at eight pm on channel four. She might just be a Tenno too, powering all her equipment with that inherent energy Tenno put out. Some folks call that energy Void magic, but I prefer trans dimensional vorticity manifold Einstein-Rosenburg bridge self-collapsing inertia, with a twist.


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