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Posts posted by Lichcontract

  1. I skipped the Prisma Veritux because I'm not gonna grind out 40 more prime parts just to get a moderately better Archwing weapon.  At this rate I might just give up on Trader weapons entirely.  Warframe is literally becoming all about the grind now, and it's disgusting.


    It's because for some reason they think stupid amount of grind is the only way to keep old players....how about idk maybe *cough* lore *cough*

  2. 5k for 3 rare cores then XD, I'm just viewing this as one of DEvelopers, cos I know they're very sensitive about everything 

    But you can't really view it as a DEv because their perspective is kinda skewed to balancing around the people who are robots and grind everything in a day, where they should really be focusing on the casual players who take their time because if a new player were to come in and see a mountain of grind in front of them (meant for vets) they are gonna feel at least a little bit DEmotivated that they will have to slog through a hell of a lot of repetitive scenarios that take way more time than it should (since the balancing is based on the people with 8 forma maxed out gear who find everything else easy).

  3. Totally agree with OP.

    i think R5 Bundle must be dropped from all rotation "hard" mission:

    1. Rare in C (shares space with the keys or mods from event mods, one-two per mission, from different pack)

    2. Common B (shares space with the keys)

    3. Commone A (shares space with 3-Uncommon Cores Bundle, like unlucky drop)


    Or for each full circle (20 minutes) Rare Cores Budnle should be increased by 5.


    5 cores on 5\10 minutes, 10 on 25\30, 15 on 45\50, and etc. With drop chance like we have now.


    This. Assuming the drop rate is actually around 25% while not nearly as good as 77% in T4S, not only would this reward player skill but it would also reward veterans who have high level weapons they've spent multiple forma and hours into, that can take them to longer game play. It also caters for new players by way of providing incentive for them to unlock the star chart instead of doing T4S, it also gives a breather for them so when they do decide they want to max out the essential mods they can do so without too much hideous grind because as they get better and can last longer they will get rewarded with a nice sum of cores by the end.


    That being said DE do need to realize RNG isn't exactly the best route to go with these things I like the fact that they are indeed actually trying e.g. the earnable potato in Stolen Dreams but realistically they need to change their view on grind.

    Since DE is constantly adding new content instead of making current content less grindy, i think their overall notion of 'the grind' is that players do the same thing over and over again instead of varying their game experience with other content. Assuming this train of thought is correct, then to DE, adding content basically means giving players different things to do than the current repetitive loop, thus to them it's a form of 'reducing the grind.'


    Meanwhile, the players' definition of grinding is spending a lot of time doing the same thing in order to achieve a certain long-term goal, may it be mastery rank, syndicate standings, or in the current case, maxing out high-rank mods by farming R5 cores. So instead of looking at ideas like reducing the amount of fusion energy it takes to max out mods or making R5 cores drop in larger/more common packs, both of which will directly (and immensely) 'reduce the grind,' what they did was gave players a different set of missions to grind in so that they don't exclusively do T4S for cores. (same goes for halving syndicate caps so that people actually do missions other than interception, but that has more to do with playing WF like a 1-button phone game than it is with grinding)


    This doesn't reduce the amount of grinding a player has to do to achieve their goals, it just changed the grind so players don't stick to a single mission (T4S) to achieve their goals. The time spent grinding will still be the same, (though in the current case it actually doubled lol) it's just that the place where people will grind now is different/varied. DE has to understand this very concept before they can come up with ideas that can actually reduce the time spent grinding, if that's really something they want to pull off.


    I'm not trying to put words in DE's mouth  with all these assumptions, but with the past few updates that had loads of new content to make things varied yet no form of making the grind any easier/lesser, this is what i think their concept of the grind is.

  4. What about converting unused mods into fusion cores?

    like... depending on the total rarity combined say idk.. 200 common mods or something would grant you 2rare fusion cores. That way unused mods arent a complete waste and still serve some purpose.

    But c3s are a third of r5s fusion energy so if DE were to do that it couldn't be 200 for 2 ratio unless they want to make a ton of people unhappy 

  5. Yeah i hate this nerf , who doesnt. But to be honest, when im reading through threads like this , its funny how people post solutions (like this one) pretty much asking for a easier way out of things .

    Did you mean my solution or OP's? And yes we are gonna ask for ways to make it easier because they DID nerf drop tables since it was around 77% in void now it's around 12.5% chance to get them not including weightings which obviously goes against DE saying they wanted to reduce the grind....

  6. I hate the fact that it wasn't in the patch notes most of all since DE have been slowly stealth nerfing tons of things and we can't tell because they encrypted the drop tables. A solution I propose however is adding the r5 core packs into syndicate rewards instead of the random keys which I'm pretty sure everyone just went with the lesser of 2 evils there. Couldn't 5xr5 core packs be sold at 10k standing? Instead of this BS 25k for more RNG in a game with too many weighted drop tables and PAINFUL RNG in an attempt to extend gameplay time. Honestly DE people complain because they love the game, we aren't just gonna suddenly up and leave if you are actually plain and transparent with us instead of saying "we want to reduce the grind" while changing the weight of the drop tables to increase it

  7. Well, I did a solo run of Apollodorus and got around 3k rep from it. Regular missions *do* give decent rep. Ever since the 10x rep change, I can totally see someone naturally making it to tier 5 of a syndicate without "super efficient" farming.


    I've already seen posts about people quitting the game because of the addition of corrupted nullifiers. Yes, they're annoying units (although honestly I like them), but the reason that people are so upset is because it compromises their farming. Quitting the game because farming is compromised. That's so wrong.

    Well tbh this game is kinda about the farming....Want credits? Farm t4 void caps and run them. Want standing? Farm dark sector or void. Want EXP? Farm high level endless missions 30+minutes/waves. Want weapons, warframes,companions? Farm bosses, credits and resources(unless you are above mr8 since by then I had enough of most resources). Want anything primed? Farm void or derelict. Want to rank up mods? Either farm t4 for r5 cores or farm a ton of MD/defense/survival/interceptions. Want actual mods? Farm bosses/enemies.


    If you want to enjoy the game in actual missions(hijack,spy,deception,sabotage etc...) you tend to want gear that can actually perform in those missions. you tend to want gear(weapons, warframes, etc...) which guess what you need? credits, resources and drops. Lets not forget the fact that you're also gonna want to mod that gear and that's another set of stuff you're gonna have to farm for.


    Look, truthfully I like the nullifier crewmen(if only because I'm a melee guy) but they actually need to have some reward for killing them (~93 affinity wtf man) because veteran and new players all need a place they can reliably go to farm so they can then actually go out and enjoy the fun game DE made. We are meant to have dark sectors for that right? No. The dark sectors generally seem to be inferior in EXP gain to high level endless missions for the same amount of time and they got their taxes messed up (the other day I saw ICE with 100% tax on both resource and credits....) so that leaves us with the void(oh, wait, they just put in corrupted nullifiers....).


    IDK maybe I'm a weird MR16 guy with ~540 hours in this game who actually likes playing regular missions with rank 30 gear and halfway decent mods for fun.

  8. False. You cannot sell those blueprints from Syndicates.

    You used to be able to but they nerfed it with the 15.7.0 Yet again I cannot farm credits in an efficient way since dark sector taxes are not good

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