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Everything posted by zylik

  1. Ya I have and your not wrong they do take the easy way out it's more of the hope they don't because steel path is already kinda dead I usually find myself giving up on playing steel path and going to the regular mission is simply because I can't find anyone
  2. So if we would just get blown up by there defense then how did we repel them from fortuna homie we defeated them when they came for the lotus
  3. That sounds like a bad ass story all we are saying is that eventually it's gunna happen they can only do so much with the current story and eventually we are gunna have to somehow go to tau to kick some sentient ass
  4. We are talking about after the current story arc it may be possible we just don't know until they release more of the story we are not talking about leaving right now
  5. I just remember on the forms before revenant came out there was people saying he wasn't going to get one because he was based on the tau wasn't a lore conflict per say just saying things happen all the time in Warframe that some people think isn't going to
  6. Ok but like I remember people saying revenant wasn't going to get a prime because he is a sentient Warframe but he got one and DE has already done stuff in the past that conflicts with the lore which was later rewritten to make sense especially when Warframe was in beta it happened alot I'm a firm believer that when they can't add anything else to the star chart there going to make a new one so they can still make money from a business perspective it makes sense
  7. dont think thats a good idea kinda feels like the lazy way out
  8. what happens when they add those like what happens when the star chart is full full are they just going to stop adding locations?
  9. I understand that but all I'm saying is they can fix the hole we can't breathe a thing with a story mission that makes us build a component that allows us to and it's not all about going to a different solar system all I'm saying is the star chart looks pretty full like sometimes when kuva fortress goes by Saturn it clips the words and you can't really read it I mean does it not look cluttered to you guys
  10. What do you guys think personally I feel like the starchart is pretty full I think maybe if they add a new solar system in the game not only would it give them a new way to extend the story but it would also act as a clean canvas for them to add new story missions etc
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