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Posts posted by TychusMechanicus

  1. 19 minutes ago, TheLocalHentai said:

    It would be nice to have a prime toggle option overall without having to use skins, or in most cases even with the skins. Individual toggles for all the prime pieces such as the gold add ons, body parts, and auxiliary stuff like the raven wings, which wouldn't interfere with the already sparse aux slot equipment.

    So much this... I'd love to get rid of Loki prime's thunder thighs and brooch that clip with every chest attachment...

  2. I took another screenshot when I remembered I can use my operator to get better camera angles:




    Just like as the syandanas, the shoulder armour and chest piece is a bit floating off Valkyr as if it was on a much larger frame. Regular Valkyr doesn't have this issue with the Gersemi skin.

    I hope this will get hotfixed because I really love my Edo Prime pieces and the Gersemi skin as well. :)


    (Maybe PBR Bastet helmet at some point too? :) )

    UPDATE: I've checked the armour pieces on Valkyr Prime's regular model:
    The syandanas sit on her back ornaments so I can see the reason for adjustment there (still should not apply to the Gersemi skin) but the armor pieces are oversized and clipping on her shoulders and the chest plate is still floating on her as well.

  3. Dear DE,

    My Valkyr Prime finally got built so I said goodbye to the regular Valkyr and set out to kit her out with my favourite attachments and colours to start and level her up and forma to my favourite builds for her.

    Then I noticed this:
    Valkyr with Gersemi skin:                                                                                             Valkyr Prime with Gersemi skin:

    Leg attachment points were fixed so now leg armour pieces fit snugly, however, the shoulder and chest armoor pieces attach differently and are oversized making them look a bit ridiculous.

    Can these armour attachments use the original Valkyr's scale and attach angles please? This way they are a bit of an eyesore and they look out of place.

    I have also noticed that the Syandanas sit a bit higher and further away to the back from this skeleton compared to the original one's.

    PS.: I've been experimenting with other armour pieces, most of them are good, but the Edo Prime set seems oversized compared to her with the Gersemi skin.

  4. I have something similar so far, but it gives about 120% blast damage with the crit damage boost instead of more punch through and zoom.

    Actually positive zoom modifier is a negative for me as Warframe gameplay doesn't really do well with long range scopes.

    EDIT: I want a specific set of attributes to be exact: - zoom and + crit chance, and the others should be electic/toxic/crit damage/base damage buffs. That would match my playstyle and ideas with my Snipetron. Until I find a mod like this or roll my other Snipetron mod I'll use the blast + crit damage one :)

  5. Hey all!

    I'd like to buy a good Snipetron riven mod!

    Something like a Snipetron Crita-acriata, or something that adds crit chance, crit damage, electric or toxic elementals... Nothing faction specific and if it has a negative it should be for the zoom level.

    If anyone has something similar please PM me so we can haggle for the price. In the mean time I'll keep kuva farming and rerolling my current Snipetron one :)

  6. 8 hours ago, Praxxor said:

    I'm just popping in to say that your color combination looks really good. Can you tell me which palette has that purple?

    Corpus purples, Shadow blacks, Grineer for that blueish metallic and Twilight for energy colour. If you need more details PM me :)

    5 hours ago, Volkovyi said:

    I just noticed this myself!

    Its definitely an accident, as it appears the body textures are being applied to the Pelt upon going into effigy. They should hotfix it soon!

    I guessed so. :) Thank you for your amazing work as always! :)

  7. Dear DE and Volkovyi

    I immediately purchased the skin right after the release (I had it in my favourites since first uploaded by Volkovyi) and I noticed a little hiccup with it:

    The pelt's skin gets bugged out once you trigger your 4th ability and leave it to fly freely. See the links for visuals:


    Otherwise this is an amazing skin and I hope you can fix this bug soon.



  8. Just to put out my two cents on the table in this matter:

    I hope that the final solution that will get released won't upset the current balance too much.
    I am one of those rare weird tennos who manually collect the drops. If there is a universal vacuum I hope you can either toggle it off or ensure that it only grabs specific items:

    • I wait to pick up sniper ammo for weapons that use it manually: I don't want an ammo drop to be used up for replenishing only 1 shot fired when it can replenish 10 shots just because an overzealous carrier sucks it up prematurely.
    • I want to decide when I pick up energy and health orbs - similar reasons as above, however, with Health Conversion in mind, even more so.

    In fact, pretty much only mods, endo and resources are the items I could enjoy using a vacuum effect for. The rest can be just as much a hindrance as an advantage, purely situational whether it works for you or against you and with the carrier sentinel the choice is taken away from you.

    This is why I haven't touched the carrier for over 2 years now.



    Yes. the Carrier still shows as the most used companion in my profile because my kubrows and kavats don't show up there.

  9. Hi all!

    Selling my Kavat's imprints:

    Head: persian, folded ears

    Pattern: Hyacint

    Tail: Guppi


    Here is a screenshot:






    Write offers here or in game!


    (Kubrow is for sale too, but it is common colors, athletic male, medium size, nothing special. Ask about it only if you need a very basic cheap chesa breed :) )

  10. Thank you for posting them.

    I am careful with buying Baro's Syandanas since there is no preview and I got burned by that once. DE Support helped me out, I just don't want to fall into that trap once more. Not that I don't have more than enough ducats for many Baro visits, I'm just lazy to farm so I spend carefully :D

  11. 3 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

    The V.Hek [shotgun] is probably tied for third strongest with its sister boomstick the S.Tigris, behind the SySim and King Tonkor.

    That aside, I used a maxed weapon (two different ones, in fact, both accurate precision weapons). They usually have no issues with beefy foes, but apparently Vay Hek has 500 times the armour and 5000 times the health in comparison, for all the good it did. Both being sniper-class weaponry meant that I had to make each shot count, and.. well, that is difficult between proc ignorance and having to waste ammo killing other units, eventually running out while he tags something that runs out of my LOS, meaning I have to go in and get Magnetised (and die) or he gets free health. Lose-lose.


    I added the caveat of "at least unless partied", and you yourself had two people to ease the load, one could hit Hek while the other dealt with potential heal targets.

    Now, it's not impossible solo (as proven earlier), but consider the burden of attention that is levied upon a player - avoiding procs, avoiding damage, having to aim at an erratic, small hitbox as they try to wear down Hek with outrageously weakened weapons and objectively broken status proccing (and not in the good way). Then add in clearing out other Grineer - it just wasn't balanced for. In the Raid there is no healing, flying annoyance stage, it's straight to Terra Frame with extra mechanics and four people to execute them.

    I said that I used that. I know how powerfuk that VHek is.

    We did the mission just the two of us and I ended up carrying my friend and minding the mobs most of the time as Hek decided to pay attention to my friend covering his face from me.

    I'm not saying it is easy, but as a third mission for a sortie I think the difficulty was justified. All I am saying is that that round was nowhere near as impossibly hard as some of you point it out to be.

    1 hour ago, EvilChaosKnight said:
    3 hours ago, TychusMechanicus said:

    Heh... Read through this thread...

    There are definitely some impossible combinations for certain bosses and sortie limitations, however, Vay Hek this time was very well within doable limits. This was really the case of "git gud" //anti-fun police...

    1. Grab a gun that you can hit accurately with and maxed it out already. I used my Vaykor Hek. Fitting punishment for Hek, right? :D  //So Opticor or Bolotor Pr are not sortie material even though they have high puncture and high base DMG? Since neither performed well really. Corrosive 5-forma Staticor did jack sh... Hek is also immune to procs. GG.
    2. Learn the mechanics of Vay Hek: he drains health from allies. Kill the highlighted enemies and you don't see him heal back up. We pretty much prevented him from doing that and just kited him when he was invulnerable. //Too bad it takes less than a second, he can feed through walls, and highlights aren't even visible at night. Oh and sometimes mooks just spawn on Hek himself for free food. Oh and he can feed on thin air also sometimes.
    3. Get a group that knows all his mechanics. You don't want to carry 3 clueless players when all they do is increase Vay Hek's pool of drainable allies. If you get a PUG then tell them what to do. //A friend of mine and I knew what we were doing, still took a ton of time. Prob. longer than Def/Surv mission in fact and certainly was even less fun than that.
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT \\Uniaru lens get. Several of my clannies got that.
    1. Boltor P and Opticor are good, not great. Again, as above, I only said I used the Hek. I like my Hek. I would've used Soma P or a bow too if I felt like it. Tonkor is hard mode with Vay Hek's small weakspots.
    2. Yeah, true, Hek has wonky behaviour.
    3. Your results may vary. If Vay Hek didn't focus my friend so much he would've died sooner. Most of the time I had to chase my friend to hit his weakspots. Actual play greatly defines your results.
    4. ???
    5. I got a Nezha helmet. Unairu lens the next time. Neither is the Snipetron Vandal I want. Reward is RNG but still is a reward even if you hate it.
  12. Heh... Read through this thread...

    There are definitely some impossible combinations for certain bosses and sortie limitations, however, Vay Hek this time was very well within doable limits. This was really the case of "git gud"...

    1. Grab a gun that you can hit accurately with and maxed it out already. I used my Vaykor Hek. Fitting punishment for Hek, right? :D
    2. Learn the mechanics of Vay Hek: he drains health from allies. Kill the highlighted enemies and you don't see him heal back up. We pretty much prevented him from doing that and just kited him when he was invulnerable.
    3. Get a group that knows all his mechanics. You don't want to carry 3 clueless players when all they do is increase Vay Hek's pool of drainable allies. If you get a PUG then tell them what to do.
    4. ???
    5. PROFIT

    Mind you me and my friend used our Vay Heks, he was a Loki with a freshly formad kubrow so I needed to revive them a lot, and I used Inaros so I would be tanky and need little energy only. Took us about 10 minutes to go through him mostly because we needed to wait out the invulnerability phases. Was a nice bit of work but very far from impossible.

    However, I do feel there could be one specific very bad combination for assasinations:

    Melee only for Vay Hek, Raptor and Lephantis? Yeah, that is indeed unsolvable.

    Though there are other not so good ones too: bow only/sniper only would be comfortable...

    And I shudder at the thought of fighting Lech Kril anyway. Not because he is a hard boss to beat but beacause he is a huge pain in the &#! with being invulnerable 99% of the time and only taking capped amounts of damage on a specific attack for the better half of the fight. God forbid someone keeps stunning him or uses a slow nova... That will be the most boring bossfight to last an hour in this game.

    I just hope they actually did add limitations on what boss/restriction combinations cannot appear in sorties to prevent impossible missions.

    One final note: Sorties do need specific set ups. This is why they were aimed at "veteran" players. You need a large pool of maxed gear to be able to pick from the blast through these. By design. So yes, sorties are the type of content that does require you to gear up for the missions appropriately.

  13. 15 hours ago, Vitalis_Inamorta said:

    First off, Zenurik was never a requirement for frames, and they certainly aren't balanced around it, so why the hell should reworked frames be nerfed or weakened to balance them with zenurik to the level of other frames without zenurik?  Your zenurik-using argument, as well as anything involving arcane energize, is utterly illogical and impertinent to the discussion.

    Bruh. Reading comprehension!

    I wrote:  "Without triggering my Zenurik passive and my Corrosive Projection aura isn't an energy booster either." - extra highlight added for your reading pleasure.

    Not once did I mention that I had to rely on those to remain in game.

    The rest of my post is just defending Saryn and not giving a definitive ultimate description why she is the best frame ever this way. She is not a trash frame. 

    • Needs a lot more player skill to stay alive and do well? Yes. 
    • Could she use some buffs? Yes!

    In a later post in this thread I actually played around with buff ideas.

    I know it took you almost 6 weeks to come up with your reply but please read more carefully on what I meant.

    Just to point out because I cannot leave it be:

    Your math on her old ultimate is wrong.

    1. You are correct about her total damage divided into procs of damage at 1s intervals for the duration of her ult.
    2. You are also right that compressing the duration of her ult condensed the procs into less in number and high in damage. 

    What you totally missed is this: if you went below 1s duration for her ultimate the damage started to rise up because of funky math with the ult while still having that single burst of damage.

    I specifically playtested this: 

    The lower duration I had, the higher damage I got. I used the arcane helmet as a point of comparison as a maxed Fleeting was enough to compress her ultimate into one single proc. You did more damage with the -5% duration helmet on than without.

    Then they released Transient Fortitude and I was happier than ever before. 13k damage was with max Intensify, max Transient, Arcane Chlora helmet and max Fleeting Expertise. Blind Rage would've boosted that up to 24k but would've trashed your efficiency.

  14. 42 minutes ago, Robm said:

    LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

    I actually agree with the OP. Been playing over 2 years now and recently Corpus just started to annoy me.


    They are not difficult, just annoying enemies. Allow me to elaborate:


    • I like my one shot one kill weapons, I don't like spraying ammo. Nullifiers beat that play style. You shoot them at melee range or if you are already there just stab them. Or you'll need AoE / bullet spray weapons.
    • I don't want to reapply my self buffs or have to recharge them every 5 seconds when a Nullifier jumps on my back from a balcony. Again, can be counter played, but frustrating.
    • I don't want to have to wade through a bazillion instakill sapping mines from level 100 Sapping ospreys because my kubrow decided to stay in a room triggering more ospreys to spawn rather than to follow me.
    • Small easy to kill enemies with overpowered CC abilities are getting spawned in endless numbers.

    Grineer Scorpions, Hyekka and Drahk masters, Bombards, Rollers and Napalms:
    They either have AoE damage, knock you down, steal your guns, stagger you constantly. Yet they are fun to play against for me and I don't feel the need to specifically assemble a set of weapons with select mechanics to counter them. I can play against them with whatever frame or weapon I want to play with just by changing my approach.

    Corpus challenge you by forcing your hand to use certain frames and weapons if you want to lessen your frustration. Do that or get frustrated and be ineffective.

    What I see problematic with the Corpus is just these things:

    • Sapping Osprey SPAM and their SPAM of Sapping mines. - Lower numbers spawning and less overlapping damage zones with tiny mines would make it better. Damage is fine as it is as long as it is not an absolute area denial spam.
    • Bursa SPAM. - Make less spawn. 1-3 total per non-endless mission, never at once, but make them tougher.
    • Nullifiers. - Just no. We have the modular units, those are good. A lot better executed than this admittedly stop gap unit. Modular units don't negate your warframe AND weapons at the same time and reward player skill. (You know, headshots?)

    In all honesty, the corpus had good units already, like the Leech Osprey: Has a nasty ability that you need to pay attention to, yet doesn't melt your eyeballs and don't block entire tiles and there are others like this one that barely even spawn.
    Instead we get these newer units that are spamming the map and are just frustrating to play against. Not challenging. Frustrating.

    So yeah. I avoid Corpus too. Corpus sorties especially. Only play them when I feel like using the equipment suited against corpus. Then I switch back to whatever I am more in the mood for and kill Infested and Grineer instead. 

    If you think this is not a valid problem here is a challenge for you: Do a Sortie 3 survival with Saryn against corpus. Now do the same with whatever against Sortie 3 Grineer/Infested Survival. Compare your levels of being challenged/frustrated. 

    (inb4 I still get called a scrub who needs to git gud)

  15. 8 minutes ago, Raniu said:

    So we wait for DE to either enlarge the Liset in the Vor's Prize quest and introduce different craft interiors for each crafts (I'm all for it) or to change their lore in like one or two spots in the game.


    I wonder what they'll do~~


    I'm fairly sure they'll create our Orbiters fully with some new interactions between players and their Orbiters and model more interiors for each landing craft - or just change the current one that we have to be the bridge of the Orbiter and skip the landing craft interior completely. 

    But not anytime soon... Starchart 3.0 and a bunch of things are more important than this snippet of visuals/lore.

    I'm all for this change ever since they brought in UI 2.0 but I can understand that there are higher priorities than this. I think the second cinematic quest will elaborate on this more or even sooner with that bit of infested goop going on the starboard corridor of the orbiter in the current patches.

  16. How about you guys wait until DE actually models the Orbiter and how the landing crafts attach?

    You do realize that what you argue about is admittedly half finished at this stage as the whole concept got pushed back by a miriad of things DE released instead of finishing the animation for the orbiter and landing craft docking.

    Since the first concept (originally planned to ship with UI 2.0) other landing craft types were implemented, then the Focus trees and room came and now the original concept for the Orbiter and Liset doesn't match what they have in the game now. Steve said that this is still in the pipeline but pushed even beyond U19 if I remember correctly.


  17. 4 minutes ago, Soldier1312 said:

    The only way to have both War and Broken War, plus pretty cool armor - I'd say it's worth it.

    Pretty much this. I use the chest piece of that Pakal armor too, however, I bought the set for the War only. That way I got to keep my Broken War too.

  18. 4 minutes ago, chaotea said:

    It wouldn't be rigged, mostly because it would be much harder for DE to rig it so that certain players have a lower chance than anyone else. In fact it would take alot of time and resources just to implement this and keep it updated every update.

    Also, bear in mind that DE didnt originally put the trade system in, but put it in after it was requested by the community. As far as DE is concerned, the market makes them less money as people will trade for items rather than buy straight from the store. Frankly, there is no logical reason as to why the would rig the rng system.

    I agree, it is not worth rigging.

    Actually, trade increases their profits as more people are just buying plat to trade (including me) rather than not buying anything as shelling out a lot of cash for a prime access pack is not an option for many.

    It also means that those who cannot afford to support the game can still obtain plat just by playing which allows them to get pretty items for FashionFrame and keep them engaged longer. Which also means that unlucky people with money to support the game can trade rare items and not ragequit out of frustration.

    I belive trade is a good thing and helps the game a lot.

    6 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

    Sooo...this guy played for 1920 minutes and you guys think he is unlucky. Well with that much work put into the game i think it is unfair to call him unlucky and call it a day. Then there are the "I got it on the first run lol"-people. Guys. Do you not realize that this system is not okay?


    Edit: it seems like you are all defending the system even if it is that heavily flawed. That's what i wanted to say.

    Bragging is not cool, I'll give you that. However, explaining the system is not defending it.

    The question is this: do you want to feel lucky on a lucky drop or you want to have the ability to grind in 3-4 hours in a survival mission so in the end you can guaranteed get the rarest loot? RNG vs. progressive RNG?

    Or in a more open way of asking: if you don't like what we have now how would you improve it?

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