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Posts posted by TychusMechanicus

  1. My exact reason for buying the Palatine Skin... but without further Rhino reworks and gold tinfoil skin I'm having regrets of throwing my plat at it. It feels meh this way. Scott mentioned ideas in a previous devstream, along with a custom Iron Skin mentioned by Rebecca.


    Let's hope these things change and I might enjoy rhino again with his new skin.

  2. A thing to note is that, when the mod is working, you stagger. This could be dangerous as you can be stun-locked and killed.


    Pretty much this. Most important factor in using QT above all that was mentioned before. You can get stagger locked with the mod and die anyway if you get in a situation where you cannot break contact with enemies once QT got triggered.


    (Similarly to being pinballed around with ground pound attacks coming in from multiple heavy units around you)


    I'd leave QT off from any build except Trinity as she can use Link to transfer the stagger effect onto enemies instead.

  3. Thanks, but no.


    EDIT: to be more on the point: Any frame can roflstomp low levels. I can speedrun with a booben by only throwing teslas everywhere, as volt spamming shock, etc. You get the theme. You can do the same with Ash if you want the 4 back in "Press 4 to win".

    Ember needs a tweak here and there, especially in high levels, but generally she was always the fire damage frame with a dash of fire and some damage stacked with some more direct damage as her abilities. Making her not do damage is pretty much taking away her abilities.

  4. Must. Not. Taunt. OP.



    My only salt with Saryn is about having her HP lowered. I could use 150 base HP and some more armor buff and she is fine in my eyes.

    Cap her ability costs to 25 50 75 50 and we talk about near OP joyride of a frame.

    (EDIT: I already like current Saryn the way she is now. The absolute minimum duration spam build was kinda fun and I really really really got bored of it a while back, now I play Saryn again)


    I hate the "Push button, ??? ,PROFIT!" gameplay. If I wanted that I would've scripte macros on my keyboard and went binge watching my series while pressing a macro every odd minute to call it an evening.

  5. I bought only the Ophid skin first because... meh. Not that convinced about the Zorens. If it was a Dual Ichor skin I would've immediately paid for it. (Shouldn't the Ichors fit Saryn's theme better anyway? Toxin axes anyone?)


    However, I'm a bit miffed that now I'd have to buy the full set all over again if I had a change of heart regarding those Zoren Skins and the sugatras.

    If they came separately I'd might change my mind but this way I am committed to my first decision otherwise I would just burn off 165 plat for nothing.

  6. Lacerating Heap - make a right hand upward strike, left hand horizontal swing then a spinning double hand cheerleader pose&pause.

    I'll be okay with Crossing snakes if they remove this move set or be changed with something else.


    Yeah, I can see that too :D




    It makes me feel that I am dragged forward with a cable attached to my solar plexus while I'm making a "come at me bro" shrug...

    The final strikes feel completely weak as they are both swords start low and strike upwards palm first which is the weakest cutting position even with a two handed hold. All while practically sliding forward. It is slow and breaks the flow of the strikes unless your melee speed got up to ludicrous level. (Warcry/Speed/Berserker stacks or any combination of these)

    This combo and how easily you trigger it every time makes me hate the stance.


    If they just change it so you don't always automatically end up doing it would be a huge quality of life improvement.


    Anyone at DE, feel free to correct me, but changing the trigger on the combo seems an easy hotfix to do especially compared from creating a 3rd stance entirely from scratch. Please look into this.

  7. So I managed to acquire a Prime Dual Kama and its stance polarity matches the dreaded Crossing Snakes stance.


    So I've been playing around with this stance instead of immediately changing it to Swirling Tiger.

    Yes, it is a tiny bit slower but generally speaking the move set is actually quite nice and feels better than the other. 


    With one exception:


    One of the combos - Lacerating Leap - is triggered by your forward key being pressed along with your melee attack key for the second swing.


    In reality this means if you hold down the forward key during your attacks you will do this combo, timing practically not important - which is nice normally on combos but not on this particular one.


    I'm fairly sure that most of us who equip our melee weapon instead of just mashing quick melee instinctively hold down the forward key to go towards our targets which triggers this combo automatically.


    This combo, however, kinda sucks for just having it constantly triggered:


    With high attack speed you end up jumping all over the place missing half of your attacks.

    With low attack speed you channel the spirit of John Woo and gently float towards the enemy in one 3 second long single attack getting you seriously damaged in the process.


    The latter can happen quite a lot if you rely on Berserker to get your attack speed up and forget that you should release your forward key and let the basic attacks make you follow you target.


    My suggested solution:


    Make Lacerating Leap combo use the backwards key instead of the forward key.


    This solves the problem of automatically starting this combo by instinctively trying to go towards your targets and you still get to keep the jump when you need to use it and actually have the attack speed to execute it with the same ease of triggering it has currently.


    Right now I have to keep reminding myself to let go of W just so I don't jump over enemies like a startled rabbit or have to rely on keep holding down my block key to force Crossing Snakes down a different combo path with my base attacks as I chase enemies.



    Of course we can just keep on using Swirling Tiger instead, however, neither stance is popular with the community and this may just be the saving grace for Crossing Snakes. 


    I have to admit that at first when I was just trying the stance when it was new I honestly thought the jump part was part of the basic combo and I hated the stance for that almost immediately and avoided it as much as possible. It took me this long to actually take a second, closer, look at it.


  8. So now I have to pay for youtube to watch videos I may be interested in?

    Not a day goes by that google doesn't try to fix what's not broken with Youtube and all that achieves is making it worse.

    As if the marketing revenue didn't burst their wallets before with the new era of unskippable ads that is one of my most motivating incentive to not ever buying a TV.


    Too bad google as a company is unavoidable on the internet so the only thing I can do is to deal with it. Slightly upsetting.

  9. Aside from the silly title, Kubrows still insist on spawning into archwing missions.


    When you join late they spawn in the middle of the battlefield with you.  Not only that: they are invulnerable and I can also confirm that my raksa even restores my shields if I am in range. Other than that it sits there idle for the most of the time. Plus they are gigantic!



  10. I cannot wait for this skin to be honest. I like how it keeps Trinity's underwater crustacean theme (this sounds weird if I put it like this) but switches the lobster butt to a nautilus skirt.

    Much smoother looking.

    I just hope however that it won't jiggle like it is made from jello but more like articulated armour plates. 








    Also, just to give voice to my evil thoughts: this was a nice way to plug your youtube channel... 

  11. I absolutely support this.


    I'd love a smart design that allows pattern differences (like current Void and Grineer lockers) and smart label placement (Chromas energy colour and the respective elements) to make the UI more intuitive without having to rely on colour to determine what is what.


    This of course along with options and presets for UI colour sets for various types of colour blindness if not free colour selection for various UI elements.

  12. -snip-

    Symmetry FTW! (unlike those pesky Dakras)


    Actually it is the Dex Dakra which is the only dual sword that uses identical swords for both hands...


    EDIT: Dual Kama and its prime version are symmetrical too but those aren't sworts, just share the meh stances.


    I'd rather have a mobile and more spinny dual sword stance first.

  13. How about nerf X because it makes the game booooooring?


    How about nerf X because it's horrible for the game and the nest reason you could come up with NOT to nerf X is petty insults?



    How is a melee focused frame being invulnerable for energy drain horrible and boring for you?


    Is Valkyr killing your game because it instagibs everything in a 50m radius around her as soon as she hits her Hysteria and she cannot even be killed?

    Is it boring because you have nothing on the map because she took all your kills?


    You know, I mostly saw people sniping away targets from my melee range when I need to use Life Strike or god forbid Hysteria as a Valkyr to regain health. Nobody I saw in a game complained about this ruining their game, unlike with Mesa or my pet hate Ash. In fact other players were grateful that I could revive them in the massive crossfire when they screwed up.


    Is it then not bothering you that Mesa reflects damage and has a 95% damage reduction?

    Or that a Chroma can do the same with over 99% reduction and even gets a massive damage multiplier doing so?

    Or Ash presses 4 and starts dealing finisher damage while he cannot be shot at? Or he goes invisible?

    Or Loki goes invisible?

    Even Nyx can absorb insane amounts of incoming fire for another energy drain?

    Zephyr can deflect all incoming fire (yes, hitscan too by lowering their accuracy to near 0 within a radius if you actually mod for range too)?

    Nova making enemies have abysmal movement and fire rate to the point you can run circles between them without taking any hits or god forbid even eat all incoming fire with an Anti Matter Absorb mod?

    Limbo and the rift walking squads?

    Volt enveloping himself in Electric Shield?


    Not to mention the brutal synergies between some frames that make an entire squad laugh in the face of incoming fire.


    Valkyr has a very limited kit focused on melee and mostly self buffs for that and she is rewarded with ignoring damage if you play her right whereas other frames can nuke or just lock down entire map tiles and hog all the kills.

    Also the longer your run with her the more damage you absorb and the more likely you'll die when leaving Hysteria with an enemy nearby and she is not immune to Nullifiers nor Ancient Disruptor energy drain auras so that can happen more often than you'd expect.


    With Life Strike and Warcry you could always outdo Hysteria and for the most part it was just a panic button for most Valkyr players. And while claws are cool they get boring just like Excals Exalted blade that wipes everything clear off the map with its 40m range.


    All I'm trying to point out is this: Valkyr is not broken, no need to further 'fix' her. 

  14. I think the base drain might indeed be a little too high. It drains 15 energy per second and with max efficiency it drains 3.75 energy per second. Other skills like Hysteria or Exalted Blade require 2.5 base energy per second and World on Fire drains 3 energy per second. Other unmodded toggle abilities drain less than a fully efficient Peacemaker.


    But take it with a grain of salt, I don't really play Mesa.



    No grain of salt needed, the numbers are correct.

    Max duration and efficency only pulls Peacemaker down to 3.75 energy per second. That is the lowest it can get.

    That is really high.

    I aim for around 1 energy / s for toggled abilities, that is manageable perfectly for the duration you need to use them but some can go even lower than that.


    Mesa eats insane amounts of energy and basically can only gain energy from orbs while doing so and is also immobile. 


    I'd like a tweak on her energy consumption and a bit different reticle than the current one she uses and she'll be actually rather nice.


    EDIT: highlighted the important part. I don't play mesa much anymore as she is boring to play for me.

  15. I'm baffled.


    Valkyr was always capable of going indefinitely long as long as you could overcome damage fall off!

    Eternal War? Warcry builds centered along heavy hitter melee weapons and life strike? Innate 600 armor you can mod your abilities for to have a base 98% damage mitigation on health? I did 60m ODS rounds solo, farming for Nova Prime, with her and a Scindo prime before the rework. 


    Suddenly she got a bit of spotlight and made her kit more comfortable to use with Hysteria being toggle and Ripline being easier and more rewarding to use and people are whining about it. Barely anything changed in her power level.


    Do you really want everything nerfed EXCEPT your precious favourite frame?


    I literally never see requests for a Valkyr in the recruiting chat because she is pretty much a solo frame offering very limited squad buffs that are aimed at weapons that are not even popular: melee weapons.


    But if your Rhino/Ash/whatever flavour of the month frame isn't invulnerable Warframe's only melee based berserker frame should definitely not be that either, am I correct to assume this is the general attitude?


    And the most prevalent argument against her is that people saw a video of a 120m T4S run?


    Going 120m in a T4S is not that mind bogglingly difficult with any other frame, be it supported by life strike, crowd control or a life steal furis or just craftable gear and AoE weapons but as soon as you see a rework on a not so popular frame and someone proving a point by doing a 120m run and you cry OP? There are videos of players pulling off crazy long solo runs in this mission with a large variety of frames.


    Unless you go a solo 120m run with your Valkyr and other frames to see how easy/hard it is to do yourself don't come running here asking a frame to be nerfed/buffed.


    Instead of celebrating skill you ask the seen equipment to be nerfed because you cannot pull it off with your own favourite choice? That can be pulled off with an AMD absorb based Nova, Ice element Chroma, Exalted Blade Excal just to name few choices I'd go for from the top of my head.


    Sorry for the rant but I got really disappointed (don't know what I even expected) when I saw the reactions in the thread.


    Valkyr is fine as she is, especially so if your biggest counter argument is that you can solo a "hard" mission with her for a long time. She is not the only one that can do that with ease.

    If you compare her to other frames in depth you'll find that it is not her that is overpowered but certain frames abilities didn't age well and in need of a buff/rework instead. Not to mention she could always be practically invulnerable with or without Hysteria changes.

  16. Just To Clarify before I make any purchases, did you move the gene masking kit from the Main PA bundles (so its no longer in the bundles for future purchases) to the exclusive bundle? Or did you add the gene masking kit to exclusive while still part of the Main Bundles(simple copy and paste)



    It will get added to the Prime Accessories pack too, not just in the platinum bundles.

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