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Posts posted by S.T.M.P.D

  1. I agree.

    See, sacrificing your time to do something unfun in the game is alright, but when it allows you to progress through what little scrappy progression this game has quicker than playing it as a super fast ninja TPS, it renders the point of playing it the way it's meant to be played moot. This is because playing for the sake of fun rarely works anymore. We need something more - a story to complete, a record to break, and in Warframe's case new mods and weapons. We all want to get mods and weapons and loot as fast as possible, so when one incredibly dull method outstrips the rest we're going to play the incredibly dull method.

    EV is a terrible thing indeed, because powers strike me as things that are supposed to be limited by energy, and when an ability can generate large quantities of energy at will, then challenge involving lack of energy to use an ultimate or whatever disappear into the ether. But Energy Restores do the same thing, and then you have to contend with too much energy drain for some abilities (Peacemaker), Nullfiers, and then you start looking at the big picture and you can't help but wonder if maybe energy needs an overhaul. Give it some sort of inherent regen, nerf Flow a tad, make getting energy orbs more important for combat, I don't know.

    But that's the entire problem with Warframe. Enemy AI is borked and derpy, Enemy design ranges from harmless mooks to cheap cheesy tactics with very little middle ground, Serration and Vitality will continue to dominate our mod loadouts as long as they share a space with other mods, the devs weight different Prime parts differently instead of just giving them all an equal chance, you can still get Void Keys from Void Keys, non-endless missions largely consist of stuff like Deception, Prime Droptables get more and more swollen with every update and old Primes have to pay the price, scaling is inconsistent, armor scales way way faster than shields, several types of damage are useless, Focus only gives you a super-ult and is largely poorly organized, and to top it all of we still don't have any news on Starchart 3.0.

    If you want to kill the meta - and I think we have to kill the meta - the devs are going to have to work on almost every aspect of the game at once.

  2. Every safeguard is bound to be broken sooner or later, games and game devs should protect themselves against piracy by providing worthwhile content and encouraging actually buying the game instead of trying to penalize pirates. History of videogames proves that excessive security measures were nothing more than an annoyance to the customers, while pirates would enjoy the game pretty much hassle free.

    What? What the flying F*** does that mean? Even if games have good stuff on them that people want people would still try to pirate that S#&$. Maybe some people pirate out of spite, but I think most people pirate because they want to play the game and at the same time have some sort of self-justifying morality complex that has little to no connection with the material world.

    I mean, Just Cause 3 doesn't require a perpetual internet connection or some sort of scummy DRM, but it's still difficult to crack. The consumer isn't being shat on by anti-piracy software and the pirate finds themselves frusturated. How is that wrong?

  3. The Harebrained Schemes Shadowrun RPG's. They've got Xcom style turn-based combat, awesome writing and characterization, and a very compelling Cyberpunk-Magic hybrid universe to play around in.

    Shadowrun Returns is meh, Shadowrun Dragonfall is nothing short of awesome, and Shadowrun Hong Kong is somewhere in the middle. Buy Dragonfall (Director's Cut!) then buy Hong Kong.

  4. Because they don't bother with minor stat tweaks on the rest of the content.

    Conclave's a separate team who does nothing but small tweaks (they only have 3 people!), and the main team works on everything else, who put out lots of content but never bother with small stat tweaks.

    It's a shame, because this game would be much better if PvE got tweaks like Conclave, and Conclave got content dumps like PvE. As it stands we haven't heard anything about the "Nuclear Bomb" of tweaks in months.

  5. Oh boy oh boy. Where to start.

    I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from Warframe after The Second Dream - The underwhelming design of the Sentients, the Void-but-reskinned lackadaisical looks of the Moon tileset, the forced character creator for a game where I preferred to be faceless and let the body of the Warframe take priority over whatever was under my body, the sheer obviousness of how much the ending pulled from Evangelion, and the incredibly crappy dialogue riddled throughout the whole thing kinda gave me a bit of a desire to play other games, and brought Warframe’s flaws much more to the front of my mind. I guess I’m not really sure when I’ll come back.

    So let’s see if y’all can prove me wrong, especially when I’m limited to three wishes.

    1.Hire a proper writer, or get Sheldon to handle that part. Warframe needs a good story behind it, a campaign to drag us face first through Origin. I get the sense that The Second Dream is a step into that realm - perhaps 2016 will be Year of Campaign. However, as it stands the writing for the lore and such - the actual writing, not the overall story - is incredibly disappointing. You guys can’t even bother to correct spelling mistakes for god’s sakes. I read somewhere on Sheldon’s Twitter that Steve and another guy actually do the writing, and I think this is a bad idea, because writing cannot be done by just anybody. It's better to get someone who actually writes as part of their living to write, because it is a profession which requires taste and finesse. Steve strikes me as more of a hard tech guy, so maybe it would be wise to hire someone new, or get someone else in the studio to write dialogue. Doesn’t Sheldon write part time? Why the hell isn’t he doing something? He might just be studio manager, but surely he could come around to write rough drafts or something. Heaven knows the writing couldn’t get WORSE.

    2. Enemy Diversity/Intelligence: After the Proxy Rebellion, a few threads made the rounds discussing how the Corpus, saturated with Crewmen as they are, are not really that much different to fight from the Grineer. All of these threads suggested more Proxy diversity, lining up with the description of the Corpus as rarely seen, preferring to reinforce their presence and offering unique gameplay options. But the truth is that enemies are kinda lackluster right now, divided between “insta-death mooks” and “cheap high-power destroyers descended from the big Galleon in the Sky OH GOD ANOTHER BOMBARD”. I think that the game would be made immensely better if enemies were more diverse, utilizing different kinds of tactics across factions, using different weapons, and acquiring more powerful ones as the game progresses - basically, like Elite Lancers and Crewmen, Elite Troopers could wield a Hek or something.

    Improving AI is an entirely different demon, I know, but even if AI is dependent both on tiles and individual AI surely some of the tiles could have their pathing and such updated? There’s a whole lot of times when the enemy just does not react rationally to what I do, when it runs with its back to me to reach cover and I shoot em’ in the spine and they die miserably. Trust me when I say improving enemy (I know you guys are working on Kubrows and I love you for that) AI would be worth the time invested.

    3. The Nuclear Bomb cannot come soon enough. Shields mean nothing compared to armor, since one scales linearly and the other scales exponentially. Impact means nothing compared to Slash. Scaling is bizarre.

    But I saw Scott’s “Nuclear Bomb” tweet, and despite all my salt I still believe. I want to see the energy system and the modding and the damage and all those good things all changed up, yo. I want to feel the newfound lack of an incredibly overwhelming meta coursing through my computer. I know you guys can do this.

  6. See that gun in the market labeled Tonkor? Buy it, slap Point Strike and Vital Sense on it, and watch in glee as hordes of heavy enemies get critted into oblivion.

    Beyond that... Equinox is hard to get but I'm told xe's a God of Draco-farming, Energy is still easily obtainable through EV Trin...

    Oh! Draco, Ceres, is basically your one stop shop for affinity and mods and stuff. If you care about meta, you'll spend the rest of your life there.

  7. Okay, I cannot figure out what you're upset about, especially considering invisible walls are the de facto solution for this sort of thing.

    Oh, is it because your farming spots are suddenly no longer exploitable by hopping on places and spamming abilities? CRY ME A RIVER.

  8. Look, most of U18 was pretty good stuff, I guess. I'd like for there to be more than two types of Sentient to fight against, and for them to be actually interesting, like the Stalker's little mini bossfight, and I'd like the moon tileset to be more than just slightly altered Void, and last but not least i'd like Focus to have an effect on more than just my ulimate ult, because if it involves bringing that kid back up I'm not doing it.

    I can't stand bad dialouge, okay? I've got like a sixth sense for this sort of thing that causes me near physical pain when dialouge is tame and boring, and let me tell you i yanked out my earbuds just to not hear that S#&$ at the end of the quest. The stories, the fanfiction I concieved inside my own head, stuff about empires and history... all meaningless because I realized Steve Sinclair cannot write, and so he shoehorned us into Evangelion stuff, all meaningless because this is the kind of stuff I'm going to have to put up with as they go on building the campaign, this kind of writing. I don't want that.

  9. Here's my feedback:

    If juggy is too big for most eris tiles, have him only spawn in actually large tiles that can fit him in his proper size. I cannot equate Juggernautiness with something the size of a small kubrow.

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