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Posts posted by SilverHazzes

  1. Stop this kind of topics, there are different tiers of weapons in this game like in every other one. It´s just that simple, soma is still a gret top tier weapon and it has some advantages over boltor prime and I can say the same about boltor prime. The we have weapons that shine specifically doing somethiing like the detron for killing high level grineer and that turn top tier depending of the user and the mission. 

    You  complain about boltor prime but there are more great weapons than you can think and it depends so much in the user, in invasions against the grineer I am faster cleaning the room with my hek shotgun than the boltor prime users and this is a proof that a weapon being ''OP'' can be something so situational so sop complaining and learn how the game works and respect DE´s effort for bringing it to you and they os course looking or try to look on everything, imagine that it is your game.

  2. Lies.

    This is what happened to me in my case and I am just putting my experience in a post, I never said I have done some stadistical studies between thousands of players or nothing like that so that kind of response is unnecessary. Hope you get I am not trying to offend you or look down into your experience or your thoughts.


  3. If it's so easy, where do you usually get it ? (I'm not against you, I'm just curious.)


    Go to any t1, t2 or t3 void defense and bring a Nekros for more farming, I allways get 2 or 3 at least without Nekros and with Nekros standing 25 or 30 waves in t3def I get from 4 to 7 argon cristals. I only had the argon issue when it was first release and I didn´t realize the fastest method of obtaining it. Every time I need cristals I just go do some voids and easy get it.

    You just have to figure out this isn´t that complicated to aquire.

  4. What truly happens is that in this game there are tiers of weapons where you can choose to use depending on your level as player and that´s not a bad idea because it makes variety and distinction from players depending on their level. The lack of variety in the end game happens because the game is in open beta and we still getting reinforcements every week. So in a period of time you will notice variety in every tier of weapon but you have to be patient and wait till DE make a greater pool of weapons and that requires a lot of work in design, performance and testing and you still have to take care about the cosmetics, the missions, the maps, the lore and so much much things. 


    I am not saying we don´t have to complain but I have to point that it is a big game and it requires so much work so wait for the reinforcements and maybe one day you get a new weapon that it is end game and most important that you like how it looks and fits your playstyle because I know dual ichors are top but I don´t like their look and that´s a good reason for not using them because I want the playing experience to be better and that means choosing a weapon I really like.

  5. Before I say nothing I have to give this weapon a try but honestly it seem the same old theme, lack of variety and some very cool looking weapons and concepts that don´t stand a chance in front of other weapons when the game gets difficult. I am not sure if DE are going to work on this because it is too strange that a new weapon tested and born in the new system has to be not as good as others. I guess there really is in this game a ter classification of weapons so the suggestion it´s not only balance but get more viable options in end game. What I do now is taking a different type or tier weapon depending on the mission so I don´t get bored and I can use some weaps that aren´t viable if you try to play high level missions.

    This makes warframe a game where the old players have to come back allways to the starting places in the starchart to get resoources, level things and use them. So at the end of the day it has advantages and disadvantages and I don´t know the oppinion of DE about the weaponery and so we can finally get to know what´s going on or whats about to happen. We get their plans or opinions about everything except for weaponery, specially firing weapons.

  6. Paladin theme, he heals and deals damage, as paladins do. Also he has a nature theme going on as he looks like a Satyr and Oberon was king of the faries.



    Oberon is also a ''deer'' frame, it has to do with mithology in europe and his helmets in name and design refer to some species on that animal family.


    This topic isn´t worth, why you have to judge other people creative areas like that. The design of the frames is more complex than you are thinking and I have to say that this game it´s pretty original if we talk about designing characters and weapons. Rework the things and recombine them in new stuff that´s why marelok is a pistol and not a shotgun, they took the idea from the Terminator fil but they changed and recombined it into something different and original.

  7. I wouldn´t complain, it is a different kind of weapon and argon isn´t that hard to get, specially if only two. Maybe I was upset when argon was first released but now I know that it is so easy to get and I don´t have to worry about it, I mean that in one day i builded Hidroid parts because I already put crafting the nikana and I had too many argon cristals.

    So I guess people are complaining for going to farm a material for a weapon since they can´t craft it wiith the ressources they had stocked and have to play for it. The goal of every game is playing it and the argon cristal helps with that and ads something new so I don´t think this is something about to post.

  8. The problem here is people and their thoughs about this game. Lots of players seem to forget this is a teamwork game and I can´t go to every survival (not only void keys) with nekros because everyone goes away and let me down or do not revive me. I hate peole going online in survival just to stay 5 or 10 minutes, that´s something you can do by yourself and you don´t have to make my or any other player lose time when I want to stay 35 minutes or something like that to farm things and get some fun. I don´t have a squad of friends playing warframe, we are just two and I prefer that more than playing online with people that don´t even listen or talk having a chat function for playing.

    About the melee, there are players capable of using it well, I killed the stalker once with my kamas and I saw people killing G3 and stalker easily with melee but if you want to go melee you have to get some skills and know about the powers and limitations of your gear.


    So I agree with this post but sadly peoples attitude is something a videogame can´t change, it requires from some players to think and mature their ideas.

  9. Reading the posts I guess at the end it´s you choosing the weapons you like and dealing with the function. If you don´t like the reload speed and to have to land every shot then this is not your weapon. And there is the point of having a secondarie and a melee to fill the roles you can´t with the weapon, that´s why we have three weapons instead of only one or something like that.


    So you like it, use it. You don´t like it, stop complaining and find yourself a weapon you like more. It´s sure not all the new weapon releases will be your playstyle maybe but we are lots of different players that will have a other oppinions. 

  10. Want a serious opinion. This rifle is for skilled and smart players. Put shred and build it well and you have a great weapon cappable of crowd control thanks to the shred mod that solves fire rate and crowd control issues. I actually use the sybaris, you have to watch enemies and know were to place your shots in a fast period of time. And you know what? that is what makes for me this game funnier, to master weapons, parkour, think how to make good builds. There are some top tier weapons in this game because they are powerful and specially because they are easy to use like rhino for example. I am not saying rhino, soma or boltor prime are noob choices, you can learn how to use them better but for my experience most of the players don´t care about getting better skills, most of them will built the same every weapon and use them as they are something else they aren´t.


    If i can clean a room with 6 rounds pistols, and do lots of things like knowing how to move, take cover and use my brain this game can become funnier.


    So thinking about that you realize sybaris is a good weapon, the problem here is Are you sure of being a good player at all? Do you really work your performance? because my fastest weapon for extermination is my six round hek with the long reload speed. Some players don´t use valkyr and other ones are masters using it. It´s allways the same topic, skilled players vs non curious easy going players.

  11. Since update 13 i felt several time from the maps, specially in invasion missions were I oftenly felt from grineer ships to the space and after being launched in a capsule i ended outside the ship with mag prime. I don´t know how to upload  images here but i have a couple of them.


    So please fix this bug because everitime this happens you die inmediatly after some seconds and you waste one ''revive'' without any good reaso.



  12. Since update 13 i´ve been thinking about this. We have something challenging and cool like being able to carry only one weapon and we have the rifle amp and the steal charge so why not having the pistol amp and shotgun amp?

    Steal charge has more rank and i understand that because most of the melee weapons don´t have of course the range of a fire weapon. So i would like to have an aura that increases the damage of my secondary since i can just carry it with me. I posted this because I am a pistol lover but why not give something like that to shotgun players.

    Of course I know this game has very good sistem in secondaries, it´s remarcable and i am happy with it so I wanna know if is viable and your opinions about it and it would be amazing if some DE can explain to me how they work this because at the end DE are who know how they making their game.


    Forgive my english because I am spanish, I twrote this being polite and calm so i wish everyone can answwer like that.



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