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Posts posted by KlarVyvern

  1. No one will this this is scary...


    One time, I just dreamed about a grinning, creepy, face. It was in shadow, but the eyes and teeth were surprisingly easy to see. It was definitely attached to something, but it was too dark to see. The features changed from time to time, but whenever I blinked, they returned.


    I could not look away. Or move.


    In my dream, I was spending more then a day, just staring at it, enveloped in a place filled with shadow. There was nothing but me and the face. Forced to burn the features of it into my mind.


    IRL, it was a few hours.

    That actually sounds pretty unsettling.

  2. Let's begin posting everything that doesn't make sense in the Warframe universe.


    Frost's shields go down in an icy environment.

    Hydroid turns himself into water, and won't dilute in bigger bodies of water.


    As for fire, I dunno, how often do you have water ready?

  3. So I was busy with the recent Catalyst alert (as in, I threw a vortex on the ground and emptied my clip into the clump of zombies) when I saw a familiar name in the squad.




    Needless to say I got kind of stoked, considering I like their videos.


    Also, I'm sorry for the (kind of severe) lag, I share a modem with a bunch of people who like to download movies all the time and the game wouldn't let me become a client.

  4. During Blackout, I did all 3 missions to get all the prizes. I did the first mission twice because I didn't notice there was another one (I thought it was just do the same mission 3 times).


    So that's 30 Manics per mission x4. Which gives us 120 Manics in the span of an hour.

    Not a single drop, not even with Nekros.


    Yup, he's broken alright.

    The drop tables were pretty much disabled in the Alert.

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