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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. I just want to say that camping Void Survival mission on any tier is a strategy for me, I use it to counter the mindless farming and RNG impose on us by the game. Why? Because it's physically and mentally exhausting to run around in Survival to farm the prime parts needed. And I rarely do it past 1 hour, mostly 40 minutes. If you take that away then it would be more pain to do Void Survival. And no, this game is not easy, just hang around in region and recruiting chat and see those call for help. Players that says so, the ones you refer to, they either forgot how hard it was or gotten help from friends tremendously or they bought their way up with money and plats. And I'm pretty sure it's even harder now for newbies, needs confirmation on this.


    Anyway camping is not necessarily evil. Is either that or the squad splitting in every direction.

  2. I disagree on it being easy to hit Rank 2, considering I couldn't even beat the first wave of enemies in the Rank 1 test. The test says to use your Primary, but the only Primary I have is the MK1 Paris bow, which takes 2-3 full charge shots to kill a single enemy. Not to mention the 4-5 seconds I spend after each kill trying to find the next enemy.

    Now, I understand that my weapon isn't suited to complete the test, and that's fine. What really annoys me is that there was no indication anywhere that I would need a high DPS weapon in very short order. Because of this, not only did I pick up the wrong weapon at the start of the game, I also blew all my credits on a set of crappy dual Pistols, which I can't even use in the test. So I'm stuck at Rank 0 looking at the brick wall that is the Rank 1 test because apparently game companies can't be bothered to give you even a basic understanding of how to play their games; you're just expected to know everything the moment you start the game because you have to be omnipotent or something.

    Learning experience is priceless, and you earn it from failures. In my days there were no MK-1 Paris, all I get was MK-1 Braton, Lato and Skana. I ditched MK-1 Braton because it was not performing well and bought Braton, that's 15K credits if I remember. In the mean time you can try head shots with your MK-1 Paris, practice that in regular mission before you take the test again. Again mod your weapon with everything you got available. If you fail again buy Braton.


    Question : is it hard for console player to target headshots on a gamepad?

  3. Which is better for end game?


    I farmed Paris Prime and i got all the parts needed but im still 25% away from rank 4. When i was doing missions to rank me up i got Dread bp from stalker.


    Cant decide whatever to make dread or paris prime :\

    Keep both, it solved my dilemma long ago. Usually end game involve 4 x Corrosive Projection so Dread it is.

  4. Rhino would be your second frame if you follow the normal progression, you get it by killing Venus boss. Getting to rank 2 is not difficult at all. Even if you have the frame that suits you well you still need the mods to properly build your frame thus helping in your play style and of course weapons and its mods. But if I were you I would concentrate on weapons and weapons mods first.

  5. Probably not about money...I would bet it was a newer player who has no idea about mod costs. Hell, I paid 30 plat for hornet strike when I was new since I never seen it advertised and after a month it had not dropped so I thought it was super duper rare. After the trade, the dude made sure to taunt me. I now have over 30 of them. DOH! :(

    From your point of view then 30 plat is fitting, since you have a hard time getting it you were willing to pay 30 for it. I did an unbalance trade before, I traded my rare stance mod with 2 low price rare mod, he then said "Enjoy it, hahahaha". I knew that he meant "sucker!", because he thought I was dumb enough to trade it. But what he doesn't know that I was willing to trade it, I didn't mind, to me I got what I wanted and that's enough for me.


    When I trade, I really care for the plat of the person who is buying, even though it may be causing me less profits. For example, a new-ish MR3 person offered me 30p for a simple vitality, to which I told him that it isn't even worth that much and sold it to him for 3P.  

    MR 3 and still don't have vitality? That's weird.

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