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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Look Warframe has no paywall whatsoever, what you guys are describing is just inconvenience. There's so much work around you can do. I will be at your side if Warframe is putting some kind of "pay up or you will not progress" scheme, but it isn't so. You can pay to rush or wait for it. Simple, DE is playing the waiting game.

  2. that could work too. i dont really NEED them right now but ill need them in the course of 2-3 days. but still...why cant we make more then 1 at a time? whats the point? to make us rush and go get moar plat? if anything it makes me question the money grubbing BS that their doing and turns me away from buying plat any further

    Well it is fair doesn't it, it is after all a free to play type of online game. Impatient players are and still is the most efficient way to milk money from. But really have you compared Warframe with other F2P? I spent money in Warframe because I want to not because I have to.

  3. Well DE can make it so that we can queue our production. So we can build 10 forma in 10 days, new forma will be available everyday.

    I've always stock piled formas even if I don't need it, I make them everyday. You know cause you can only build it one at a time. So when the day comes when you need more than one arise you're ready.

  4. Not when they are coming at you with great numbers.

    If you're dealing with infested whether it's survival or defense we can no longer sit on our asses and kill them at a choke point. Killing those ancients for me is still top priorities, while they're still scattered and far. Tar MOA is not a threat if you put on anti radiation mod. Anyway my frame load out is defense oriented. And I kill with my weapons.

    I have a hard time in ODD, they now come in 6 direction.

  5. thanks, and as an update I just scoured a grineer map with loot detector still yeilding none. Have you personally found them on grineer maps?

    Yes of course, but not on defense mission, I think there are no medallion on def. And If you can put on thief wit for longer range. And go to every pathway till the end so it can show more spots to check out.

  6. Found a secret room in infested tile set, I used both thief wit and loot detector. Found a spot in my radar it was behind a wall, a tunnel area where we use to breeze by it without giving any attention. There was no way into it, and then I saw a red canister in front, shoot it, boom! The explosion made an entrance, surprised. Picked a medallion inside it. Sneaky sneaky.

    I know medallions is not much but, hey I'm having fun finding new secret rooms that I have to parkour into it.

  7. Idk, am not a Vauban user, but a friend asked to play it in ODD. Well I can say it was not pretty. 3 vortex and bastilles didn't do squat. We're getting damage from all directions. Didn't observe enemies doing stuff inside the vortex, was to busy not getting killed.

  8. I think it's just that we can't trade prime BPs at all yet mate, none of the weapon bps are appearing for trade to ducats yet either

    Just a thought, do you have a built prime parts in your inventory? Maybe it's why it does not show up in Ducats. 


    NVM, you said weapons. How about frame prime parts?

  9. How do you guys design your warframe cosmetics to make them look so great and which cosmetics should I buy in the market? Are there specific colors that work best with with specific warframes?

    Go to Arsenal, frame appearance and then slap your frame with any cosmetic and colors you like and observe without the need of buying it. If you like how you look then buy it.

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