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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Random Number Generator. It's working fine - Whatever you're after it's just going to take some luck.

    And isn't it obvious that mag part has the highest chance of dropping. Just keep at it, or do something else.

    Pro tip: convert and sacrifice a goat to RNGesus.

  2. people still do t1 defences? a most disturbing notion.

    You sound like a stuck up player, aren't you the one that said owning 67 mil (with a 'lol'), and don't have a problem with credit even though some people do.

    On topic, I don't see any issue here. You both discovered a different needs and wants to late, depends how you negotiate it. In this case not so nice. But one thing for sure, you and him will definitely gonna make sure things are going to be as expected up front for the next tower defense.

  3. 15.9.0>15.10.0


    DE I don't think you know how decimals work.

    That's software version numbering, nothing to do with decimals.

    And DE...Just stop giving us fun things and then take it away. Make up your mind will ya!

  4. Oh, it's one of you. I believe I have a right to try and imitate the stalker, ALL I did for 5 months was log in to hunt for him. That's it. Aside from the archwing event we just had, I did that as well to get my vandal. So yeah, I do want to look like the prey I have hunted for so very long.

    Ah don't mind him, he jelly yo. Grats m8 you deserve it. That's one of the coolest looking sigil.

  5. Screw that, I don't care what people say about rhino p with boltor p. Rhino is my most played frame just because I like it, when people start stereotyping me I just shrug it off. It doesn't affect my game fun whatsoever.

  6. The easiest way is to use UPnP, enable it on your router and Warframe game option. And then add in inbound firewall rules for Warframe allowing UDP port 4960 & 4965 (or whatever port you have chosen).

    Or if you choose to port forward manually then set your computer to have a static IP address (let say

    And then add two port forward rules in your router, one for UDP 4960 & one for UDP 4965, that all incoming traffic to that port will be forwarded to IP with the same protocol (UDP) & the same ports. Allow those in your Windows firewall as well (inbound rules).

    That's it, you don't need rules for 80 or 443 or any other protocol or port besides what is asked of you.

  7. I'm under the influence as well, takes one to understand one. So his saying went to T3 for 40 minutes, about. Then when near the end asked his team to do T4 sabotage, and then the server blew up. Mission fail. Warframe sucks since U14. All that while stuck in a wall.

    Last bit: if you says otherwise you are r3tard3d.

    Close enough.

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