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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Yes, with a slower warframe will do the trick. Used my rhino to past this test. Btw what's with this shooting while running thing you said? I didn't do that at all. I just shoot all the orbs until all path is shown for my next platform and then do parkour.

  2. In the game Dark Sector you could also mod your weapons, and the multishot made you actually use 2 bullets per trigger.


    I wonder why it doesnt do that in warframe aswell, atm it's just a free bullet which increases your damage and status chance.


    It could be more balanced by adding the recoil of shooting two bullets at once and actually using up ammo from shooting two (or more) bullets at once.


    Whaddaya think?


  3. Becaue:






    No mere mortal being should be able to use him just like that. You need to be lucky, patient, and you need to be regular in sacrificing virgins to the RNGods.

    Goats I say, goats! Or if you can't find a goat to sacrifice, a broberon will do.

  4. Or you could farm those on Dark Sector (which planet depends on what resource you would like), while it's not contested. I usually do defense mission, an AoE weapon would help a ton. 


    Edit: It takes a while, doing 20 - 30 waves, but worth the time 'cause you also farm mods, cores, and other resources.

  5. All stock weapons are meh, this game is about upgrade, supercharging your warframe, weapons and setinels with Orokin catalyst/reactor, mods, and forma. Your MK1-Braton could be deadly if you choose too. But I don't recommend waisting valuable resources for the MK1 (some did for the lulz).


    Here's a explanation from a player in youtube 

  6. The last time I played, Nuovo was invaded by the Corpus, so who won? I sided with the Grineer on this one, to hell with the Grustrag 3 death mark, I can get it from somewhere else. It was a 25K versus 25K credit reward so .... the Grineer should have defended Nuovo.

  7. Against Void - A combination of Shield Polarize and Pull will get you well into Void missions. The thing is, as you go longer on T3 Survivals, Heavy Gunners will make more frequent appearances. These can only be taken down with a Pull (to knock them down) and a good gun (to kill them before they get up again). Make sure you pack a high DPS weapon (Boar Prime, Phage or Boltor Prime) if you are doing a 1 hour runs on T3 Survival.

    Not recommending Pull too much 'tho as it throw off your team mates aim, unless it's for emergencies. But I do have some questions on pulls, why is it sometimes they are pulled way back behind you flying, and sometimes they just face plant where they stand.

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