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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. I still will go for duration. I just bring in my gear health and energy pack, they're dirt cheap. Low on health or energy, pop up those pack. Energy got zapped dry? Pop up two energy pack. All this whilst still maintaining invisibility.


    Alt for health = Life Strike


    Added: While your reason for this build is on energy efficiency, mine is on risk and survival. Let's say 30++ minutes play. Your risk in dying is greater because you're out in the open more than me. I use Natural Talent on my build.

  2. Before melee 2.0 you can time your attack with heavy damage as you know, suits very well with those heavy weapon. Now its just a slow weapon with combo. But I've seen a player wielding the Galatine with enough speed, but it still lacking imo. I think they should bring back charging to heavies. Melee is handicapped as it is, you want a slow one? Nah, I'll pass.


    Currently I rather wield a fast criting melee. Dual Ichor and Swirling Tiger is perfect.

  3. I admit, I did this test horribly. Even try to cheat twice and failed on both account. First cheat was with zephyr, I've flew but gotten lost on direction. Second cheat tried to switch tele my way to finish but in doing so made the time orb not spawning.

    In the end just do it man, add speed and stam to your frame. Do slide copter on long path, don't do a jump copter and risk overshooting. A Soma or high mag weapon for the orbs. When you reach he maze, look for arrow markers on the floor, it tells you which way to go. Relax, don't think to much, focus. Good luck.

  4. Suspicious Alert Event, the last one I think.


    Got down several times and revived by John Doe. Die once trying to revive John Doe. he then took his revive and proceeded to revive me. Then we start fighting again, he died, I revived him. The other two fare no better :p


    At the end, I then say.


    Me: Wow that was intense.

    John Doe: Not really.

    Me: (why you arrogant son of a B)

  5. I've had a hell of a lot more luck with transmutation than with farming.  I got most of my stances from dumping the piles of junk rares I had.  Not like there's all that many other things to use credits and junk rares on.

    I personally agree on that, but can't say the same thing for peeps that don't have resources to burn, or newb. That was why I posted earlier, it is in their point of view.

  6. Thanks.

    What I may end up doing is starting on the premade and buying parts to upgrade it, slowly replacing most parts. I'd do this cause if I messed up i'd be able to bring it back to what it looked like with the previous parts. And I have a local shop that does computers, but its more repairs and upgrading pc's.

    You know, most of the time, upgrading PC ends up buying a whole new set. Compatibility issues. Like CPU slot not compatible so you need to buy a new motherboard, new Graphic cards need new PSU (power supply unit) because the current ones lacks power.


    Pick your CPU and go from there. Since you have a local shop near you, I'd say go there for consultation.

  7. I have no idea how this works, but I'm aware that this is definitely a thing. There was a year when I was furious I couldn't run any games and was saving up to get a new PC. Someone from a gaming community told me to stop setting everything to minimum because it was actually harder to run games outside 'recommended' levels (up and down alike), so I went back and set all my games to recommended with only minor tweaks to disable extras.


    Didn't need a new PC for another year.

    Thx for this, gonna try this on my old pc which on minimum settings will give 10 FPS in missions. 

  8. So say I did get the pre built garbage thing, would it be able to run warframe and other games like planetside 2? (probably going towards something else, but if it comes down to this being easier I want to make sure it'll work)

    You can play Warframe with it 

    he has the same GPU but yours have a better CPU.


    I don't recommend buying a pre made, you would get more for the same price if you build it yourself, albeit more difficult for you since you don't know which one to pick. Buying a good PC is a long term investment, so choose wisely. Research on the internet for which parts fits your budget, go to some cpu benchmark sites, read reviews, hardware forums, etc. Doing it will be a surprising fun learning experience for you.

  9. The trade route is the best way to go, I can comfortably play this game and obtain everything without spending real money. 

    You're spending someone else real money peasant.


    Joke aside, this is why I love Warframe. Free players (with more free time and patience) can farm plat by providing items to paying players (that has less free time nor tolerance to the farming aspect of the game). it's a WIN, everybody gets what they want including DE.

  10. Nope, not expensive at all comparing to other free games that I played, even to web base games. With just 5 dollars you can get very far in Warframe, not buying market stuff mind you but acquire good stuff from trade, be it a prime weapon and mods that compliment it (ex. you can get a Paris Prime and 3 rare mods with that), and then use that to farm other stuff that you could get for free. 

  11. Power Throw makes it explode on the last impact. Quick Return makes the first impact, the last impact. So it explodes every time the first time it hits something with those two mods.

    Ah thanks Darzk, a fully rank Quick Return I presume? Will try that. But if we use this hack, we can no longer kill mobs by bouncing the glaive on corners. But then again it's worth it to have a predictable explosion on the first impact. I died more to Glaive then Penta or Ogris :/


    But you know what is best, change the mechanics for throwing. Just hold E while glaive is equipped would be awesome.

  12. Personally, I'd forma it Three times, and run with This build



    Thats what i do, and its pretty effective up to levels 130-140 or so. Its definitely a good weapon, has been my most used secondary for a very long time...since i got it actually. And that was right before U9 i believe.

    What makes despair so good that it is still effective at that high level play?
  13. I think the reason why most throwing melees are underused is that people don't like mixing them into their regular gunplay. They either want full melee or full dakka. Remembering to throw your melee weapon while you're reloading or opening up a conflict with the Glaive before firing arrows into the crowd is an extra step that most people either haven't thought of or just don't want to take. Personally I find it makes combat interesting. My Glaive Prime is my AoE tool with my Dread/Paris Prime and Despair loadout if I don't feel like using Castanas... which isn't all that often because the Castanas are a little awkward to use sometimes.


    That, and landing headshots with throwing melees is kind of tricky since you can't hold the charge.

    Question on glaive, which is now my default secondary (cause it's fun), how do you trigger the explosion while glaive is not equipped. I can't, aoe explosion seems random after a few bounce. Left clicking only fires your primary weapon. When I want to control the explosion I have to equip the glaive but I dislike it because throwing it is to much hastle, you have to melee left right and then throw (the E hold E thing). Thus makint it a slow weapon in a fast paced fight.
  14. Life Support. Since Nekros can desecrate for extra LS it's easy. I played with meh clanmate on Dark Sector Survival Pluto an LS stayed till 90% most time. Lowest was 70%

    Ah yes good ol nekros :)

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