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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Just rank up and play with other weapons, you will somehow find a reason to build a secondary. And yeah I love Marelok, killed those Grustrag swine with it. And soloed dark sec conflict mission with it, was packing a Paris Prime but had difficulty with ammo, so used my trusty Marelok all the way. Damage wise Marelok is okay but it's not it, it's the status chance that's what.

  2. I dont need to make this one work, i did everything necesary to make it work and its still giving problems, it is a belkin n300 though, but what i am asking is for someone to say "hey i use this one and works fine" i will take care of the reconfiguration.

    Ok, I use Mikrotik RB1200U and it works fine.

  3. Not enough info given, what router did you use? What network configuration did you make on said router and on your PC? Firewall?


    Most of today's routers can easily meet your needs, even the cheap ones.


    So, it seems that my router is simply a piece of crap and will just not work well with warframe or warframe will not work well through it, whatever the case, the fact is that i just disconnected and connected my desktop directly to my source connection and i think that solved my connection issues ingame, so... what router are you guys using? can anyone recommend me a cheap common router that works well with warframe?

  4. Here's a mechanics-based answer for you: a Rhino with Iron Skin up effectively negates a lot of the factors that make draw time a nuisance. For instance, Rhino can draw in the open without worrying about flinching under fire and losing the charge, or being dragged off by a Scorpion, or knocked down by an ancient. Rhino looses the arrow precisely when he intends to.


    Bows reward precise aim with ludicrous critical headshot damage, and a Rhino player simply has less to worry about, and is thus calmer and steadier in making his aim count.

    ^This! Although I still can do the same thing with any warframe with  my bow, only the Rhino can take away the worrying part, I can take my time and aim.

  5. There are two reasons to play the game. One is to acquire new weapons and tools and the second is to use them. If someone else prevents me from the latter, I get annoyed. I am not exaggerating when I say that usually after playing a mission with a Nova, I stop playing for the night. It frustrates me that much. And aborting a mission is kinda bad manner because it can force a host migration if you were the host so it's not as viable as you'd think.

    When you get this annoyed from playing games, I recommend taking a break, really.

  6. I really don't get this hate about a warframe, it's not like your stuck with one frame, you can play with any frame you like. It's not like you don't have any option to abort if you don't want a specific frame in the mission. It's not like in every mission you play is with a Nova. 


    But what you should not tolerate is bad attitude, I can give you one example right here in this thread, a player don't like what he sees decide to teleport, abusing a frame skill that wasn't meant to do. Or how about this, a player rush, and take the elevator by himself (yep Vanguard Rhino). Or players that need a lift to some alert, gets invited and telling the taxi driver to go quick even though was still looking for others to help out, inconsiderate prick. Or how about this, a Mag Prime spamming pull every time someone tries to kill a mob.


    Bottom line is the player.


    Anyway, every time I play a mission and there's a Nova, I relax and enjoy my mission. Love shooting at the mob and see them go BOOM! Besides, with all these complaints about grinding, doing repetitive tasks, you should love Nova because she makes your work easier.

  7. Hello SharinganANBU,


    Since your computer sits behind a NAT then:


    1. Give your computer a static IP, you can do this manually by setting it in windows network.  Or if you use DHCP then instruct your router to give you the same IP every time. Set it in your router DHCP settings (dhcp reservation).


    2. Access your modem router and add two rules for DNAT (port forwarding), you basically telling the router to forward incoming UDP traffic destination port 3960 and 3962 to your local computer IP. Read your router manual regarding port forwarding. I think this is a must if you are hosting a session.


    3. Allow access to inbound traffic in your windows firewall (or any firewall installed) for UDP port 3960 and 3962. Refer to your firewall manual on how to do it. 


    4. If you have done the first 3 points, then use the Warframe network diagnostic tool in settings menu, click it. The result will acknowledge if all is good or not regarding your network setup. If not good, check point 1, 2, and 3.


    5. Default ping settings threshold is 300, that might be a problem if you or a friend ping is higher than this, it will fail to join session.



    Hope this helps.

  8. Ok thx for the answers, work for some and not for others, it seems ultima does not like the country of origin. Never had problem with paypal before. Will check the steam work around. And probably will send a support ticket to DE. Just a bit upset that I got the 20% discount from daily reward and now it's a waiste.

  9. LOL had that and almost quit the game thought that DE was trolling new players :p. Ask for help in recruitment chat, plenty of good folks out there that is more than willing to help a fellow Tenno. Do the first 3 mission in Earth to get neurodes or kill Vay Hek and finally the boss on Jupiter, kill Alad V. Suggest you read the wikia on those bosses so you know what to do.

  10. Correction, Mag will take you farther.


    Mag is one of three Warframes that scale with mission difficulty, the other two being Nyx (absorb) and Nova (M Prime). Mag's shield polorize has the potential to be the most damaging ability in the game, since it uses up to 100% of enemy shields as direct AOE damage. Clusters of corruped/corpus have no chance.


    She is also an amazing tank, since she has unlimited shields via SP.

    Hmmm so Mag to do hard Corpus, Vault, OD and Rhino for the rest of the planets?

  11. Mag was my first frame, I rarely die with it. Just played Rhino, don't know him yet. What I need is a frame that can take me places with high rate of success, farming rare mats so I can progress. Since Rhino is harder to die, is it a wise choice to upgrade it? I know Mag has an awesome offensive skill such as pull and shield polarize, the later only for Corpus.

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