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Posts posted by SSI_Kryptix

  1. Sorry for that...I thought I wont get and invitation so in the meantime I've joined another group but I left so I would be glad if u could inv again , thx !

    Invitation sent.

  2. Well, find the original and credit it, be a good person. ;) Here's a source: http://ignusdei.deviantart.com/art/Oni-408567971


    Pretty much every artist doesn't draw for free, unless she has a lot of time on her hands and is really interested in project or any other reason. So yeah, don't expect a quality of an image in your example for free.

    To put example prices, we can see that one image fully colored like in example will cost from 30$ up to 250$, depending on how much an artist charges per hour. And because you have multiple images, it's a really high cost.


    Artists don't do things for free and never will. Don't expect us to donate our skills and time for free. We spent years honing our skills, and we've got bills to pay and mouth to feed. Drawing is not a hobby for majority of artists, it's hard work, and we expect to be payed for that.

    Then again, that doesnt mean there arent artist that are willing to help out for free!

  3. DE is building several moon bases where they will build their chicken warframe army for the purpose of unleashing their Avian Flu Technocyte upon the universe.  Chicken Warframe Overlords FTW!  All hail project Chuum Koh Koo Kha Choo!

    Lol what

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