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Posts posted by SSI_Kryptix

  1. I dont think that it should be, for a very simple reason.


    Many dedicated players, including myself don't have access to the Design Council. 


    there are players out there that are very helpful in the community that don't, those players would (hopefully) do quite a bit of work helping the Devs Polish stuff up before release.


    I'm not the most helpful player, I dont have tons of bug reports (I dont even know If I have any, I usually tell a friend and let them deal with that cause my computer hates recording) but I want to help where I can. and I'm sure a lot of people want to as well. which is why I suggested the 200 hours/MR 10+ requirements. only players that have been playing a while and know something about the game can participate.


    look at Planetside 2's Test Server thats where I got my ideas from.

    Hopefully you should be able to access DC next month.

  2. Fractale

    5 members atm

    i am the warlord


    you alliance has great goals i would love to join you guys and help you reach your goals

    "Clan already in Alliance" it seems you guys are already in an alliance, leave if you wish to join.

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