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Posts posted by Toppien

  1. 7 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    My theory is that DE had some plans, but forgot about him, 

    Like most other things. 

    like zephyr, the infested chair and the medical bed, the day and night choices, the last big spider from fortuna, the three keys thing from the grineer ship tile-set, archwing maps, the kuva lich system itself, vor and the sentry corruptor mastermind behind the orokin towers etc...

  2. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The integration part was never intended for the phase 2 release. Phase two was simply the introduction to the railjack system, so they can get feedback on bugs and balance issues etc. before they go wider with it to the point where it interacts with other systems. We've known that for over half a year.

    Liches got seperated from railjack because people screamed content draught yet again, otherwise the liches wouldnt have been released until phase 3 of empyrean hit. So regarding empyrean itself, we've gotten exactly what they promised. And we've never been promised to fight corpus ships over Venus, that part was just a very hasty showcase of the early itterations of the mode. A showcase that barely saw the light at that tennocon, it was simply a bonus thrown together there at the spot.

    Just because something is showcased it doesnt mean it is a promise.

    It was also pretty natural to end up with grineer, since DE tends to cycle through which faction the spotlight is on in a content release. PoE was grineer while Fortuna was corpus, so it is the Grineers turn again since they're probably a better introduction than infested for a mode such as empyrean. And with the future of empyrean we'll see a bigger focus on the sentients aswell.

    well i know the squad link thing is meant for part 3, but what about the kuva lich system? it was completely isolated from the original idea 6 months ago, one would had thought it was going to be implemented temporally as a stand alone mode at part 1 and reintegrated with part 2, but now part 2 is here with the railjack and there's no reintegration to be found

    and ok sure you are right, as i said before sht happens and thing have to go differently, but scrapping entire months of work just because it has to come now, and not even to work on it later but just totally getting scrapped, one would feel kinda deceived by that

    for last, well this is my personal opinion but corpus look better than grineer for space battles ¬_¬  but whatever, is still fun.

  3. 14 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Are they not working fast enough for you? Why don't you call out of work the next few months and go help them, ultra genius.

    its not about how fast they work (even if they took 2 years, but its understandable since we are talking about a whole different game mode) its about how much of the original concept they actually delivered...

    first it was the promise of fighting corpus ships on the surface of Venus, we never saw that again

    then next year it was all scrapped and now it was against grineer and the kuva lich system, liches were separated from railjack, and though yes we have the railjack now (and im happy with it) it is just a fragment of what they announced on tennocon this year, they didnt even re-implemented the liches into railjack, and they reused assets from it to make the assassination target on the railjack missions we have now, and we have yet to see if the squad link thing is going to deliver how they said it was going to work.

  4. Railjack and kuva liches were supposed to come together and what do we got? kuva liches are on their own watered down system (the rest of the liches where put as railjack mini-bosses) and railjack has failed under the same mistake archwing did years ago, (just a few isolated missions being forgotten after) not to mention the plains of eidolon, fortuna and probably the "plains" of  duviri in the future (just a big map with their own resources, and open world bosses?), all of these have something in common...


    where is the vision from DE-Steve of getting everything working together, you know the idea of doing a normal mission with the title-sets then the tile-set gets destroyed, making you jump into arch-wing, then going into railjack, then going in and out of the plains with said railjack? what the hell happened to that concept? why do we keep getting isolated watered down clearly time killing RNG fest game modes?


    now dont get me wrong, i love all of those game modes, i love fishing and mining on the plain maps, i loved arch-wing since release, i love railjack, and that feel of space combat with ships, i kinda like the kuva lich system (this one is the more lacking but i still like it), i love this game, and these questions come from true concern, my concern with DE-Steve all these years wanting to accomplish this vision but S#&$ happens and we always end with so much less and sadly with an incomplete vision of what warframe should had been.

    and yes i know DE is working on some kind of integration using the beacon and some side missions put on all squads that opt to do it, but i fear it may not end as they announced it, i hope it becomes true, but past events had made me cautious every time DE makes promises and announces features.

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  5. 4 hours ago, (XB1)XxLeeRobsxX said:

    This is so Disgusting, I’m trying to farm for Shedu parts solo, I dunno why but the Amount of enemies that can spawn in one area is ridiculous, the Crewships needs nerfing hard aswell

    when the mission starts, ignore the fighters, keep yourself away and undetected, then, hide your railjack inside the sentient ship, do what you gotta do inside, then board your railjack and provoke the closest fighters, wait for a crew-ship to spawn, then hide the railjack inmediately in the sentient ship, then board the crew-ship (they cant reach the raijack, so you are golden) repeat the process 6 more times, then if you have good weapons on your ship, you can deal with the fighters and the rest of the mission in peace, for better results go with a stealth warframe so you can avoid also the on-foot grineer.

    you can solo empyrean, you just need to think differently on how to deal with the enemies

  6. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    DE cannot use concept art that they did not commission. Stop begging for every piece from Deviant Art to be made into a Deluxe skin.

    meh whatever, i already have jelly-bride prime but im just saying that many people dont like that ivara deluxe

  7. great, now after years, zephyr deluxe gets scrapped and redone again, how about not announcing anything to begin with so you wont make me suffer like this ;A;

    now if ivara is the one being scrapped, i think is well deserved, many people wanted this design actually


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  8. i actually managed to do one of those missions solo, i just park my ship inside the sentient ship where the dumb AI cant follow or attack my ship, and then i get rid of the crew-ships first by boarding them and then destroying their reactors with a stealth warframe (im not even bothering killing over-buffed enemies), since they are the principal reason veil is a pain in the neck, then after that i can perfectly deal with the rest of the fighters

  9. 29 minutes ago, Herisen_Version1.0 said:

    wt? u havent realized  the RJ  is  useless?  😂😂😂

    Even waste lot of time to protect the weak ship with  my archwing gun during the game, ridiculous.😥


    my railjack with 6000 heath, Mk-3 vidar carcinnox guns with bonus damage buff that sneezes on enemies and they die , Mk-3 engines that boost shield regen, Mk-3 reactor that auto deals with fires and MK3 shield array that starts regenerating 15% of shields per second with a delay of 1.8 secs disagrees with you about "useless railjack" but that's not the point here XD


    that's the common behavior I've been encountering lately on public games, i find it funny and sad a the same time...

    for example, we were on a veil mission then when i decide to use the main cannon on the ship to get rid of a crew-ship that was constantly healing the fighters, the "captain" goes nuts and starts griefing me for "wasting his ammo" and im like "wtf i just killed a ship that was being a real pain in the butt" but no, the guy says that is his ship and his ammo.

    another different mission one guy was just fooling around chasing fighters at the other side of the map (cuz the damn things keep fleeing if you pursue them) but when i decide to move the ship to a more safe location behind some asteroids this guys gets mad and says "enjoy the host migration, get your own ship"

    well excuse me, my ship is actually pretty good but i cant host for sht so i end up solo with my ship, but anyways.

    the point is that people are starting to get really touchy and possessive with their ships, so much for a cooperative game mode 😞 and i cant wait for the command intrinsic to be released

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