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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. I feel like issues and fixes resulting in downright gameplay issues should outweigh say.. "mesa cord farming" that's ridiculous. Although it hasn't been changed, look at how many threads are being made to address the farming rather than say... ballisticas's damage in comparison to the other syndicate weapons. 

  2. We barely get fixes that are complained about here to begin with.


    Silva & Aegis, anyone?


    Ruinous Extension not equippable on the Gammacor/Synoid Gammacor came up around the same time as complaints about it's performance. Not fixed yet.


    It's really a hit and miss around here. Some really big issues are completely passed, and some small issues are being taken instead.


    Sometimes it's the other way round.



    You are right. My concern is more around how things get changed and even addressed in dev stream regarding how majority of the community took issue with something that.. honestly makes the game a little bit more interesting. 


    The exception being viver changes affecting the frames. 


    More so the Tar Moa being nerfed because people were being one hit. whens the last time your character was one hit from anyone in the game besides stalker? Come on man it's challenges, and some people enjoy that. 

  3. Is that the masses of people who complain that everything does not get handed to them outweighs the voices of people who understand that difficulty is what makes the game.. well, a game.


    I haven't taken to the forum much, however because I read hotfixes and attend every single primetime and devstreams I keep up with whats going on in the Warframe community really well.


    Since the inclusion of update 15, I have been silent, but frustrated with the changes that have been made regarding certain aspects of the game.


    When I heard that DE responses actively to players I understood it as a really great game company being on top of bugs and reasonable changes. What caught me by surprise was the amounts of changes that are coming about because... simply people complain too much. 


    Entirely too much about things that shouldn't be complained about.

    Specifically talking about the acquisition process of Mesa, The new infested MOAs difficulty, the changes to mesa's nightmare mode mission. Any many other changes.


    The Warframe community is spoiled. SUPER spoiled and it's ruining the game for me and I'm sure it is for others. I just read another thread where someone's reasoning for continuously raising a issue was because complaining and whining about it for days on end got the syndicate system changed. 


    Is there a better way to have the voices of the players changed? Can we have a little bit stricter cap on what gets changed due to the communities complains? It's taking away from newer content and real issues being fixed. 

  4. Another case of people relying too heavily on the ultimate ability of a warframe to the point where it gets modified and made less great than it is. 

    Yes, we know her ultimate ability is wicked. Great damage over time, scales with her secondary weapon, and is cool looking to boot.

    Know what else is amazing that makes mesa great? Her second skill which does a damn good job of buffing your damage as well as "stunning the enemies directly around you. 

    Another amazing skill of hers is her first ability storing damage and unloading 70% of the damage (before power strength mods) into one shot of whatever weapon  + the damage you are using? May not be as great with auto and spray weapons, but try with shotgun or rocket launchers or snipers. And now that her third ability is working better, her sustainability is that much stronger. 

    I hate when people take something that has had work and love put into it and try to oversimplify and break it down for no good reason.

    Mesa is great for captures, mobile defense and interception as well. She's also pretty good for assassination missions. Stop limiting the frame. She's another great frame added to the arsenal. Be happy. 

  5. Thank you DE this game has literally been an inspiration and manifested into something MORE than a game.

    I've been inspired to experiment with my design skills and try new things, and look for fresh and new ideas to try out. I've been inspired to look at things deeper and appreciate all aspects of design and art with more value.

    I have ALSO been inspired to do big things even when you are small time and that it can be rewarding and refreshing to put nothing but time and effort into your work and watch it grow. I've been playing games online for years and you have literally been the most rewarding experience by far.

    Keep on going on guys! I am right here with you all and I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I'm sick of the devs putting stuff in and never explaining it until people ask.


    It should already just be said when it's added, what is with the secretive nonsense? People work very hard to get these rep points and you leave them in the dark about a lot of actual need to know information.


    I'm sick of it, seriously. It's getting so old.


    May as well say, +1 to Herp De Derp, +1 to Cheeseburgering, +1 to Seinfeld DVD case sleeve, because that information is as useful as +1 to Purity.



    Complain more about having to figure stuff out in a game yourself please...

  7. In the latest devstream DE confirmed they are indeed adding Syndicate EXP multipliers to the higher tier Sigils.

    Though they did say the multiplier would not be too high.



    They didn't confirm it, they were just saying they had talks about it. Don't get your hopes up.


    People are complaining entirely way too much about this and it's super frustrating. Not everything is supposed to be handed to you. It's end game stuff end game in any game is difficult, grindy, and annoying at first.. but it becomes worth it in the END.


    If you're logging in without all your nodes unlocked, without all Warframes tried out, without all weapons leveled, without your MR the maximum it could be. Then you shouldn't be complaining about syndicates to be honest. This is the initial update with some stuff. They talked about adding more mods and rewards to syndicates at higher tiers, they talked about adding more sigils. You have to work for that guys.. and if you don't have the time, then you have to toughen up to be honest because you're not gonna get it instantly, and you shouldn't.

  8. This is honestly the worst ability idea I have ever seen implemented on Warframe. Like, really... Soul Punch is already completely useless, then they choose to focus on it by adding a VERY situational "bonus" that actually PUNISHES you for using it (ALL MY SHIELDS AND ENERGY? SERIOUSLY?) It's way easier to just cast terrify and/or shadows of the dead for 100 energy and calmly revive your stupid downed ally, if they so deserve on the first place. Really disappointed with this. 


    I'm about 300% sure you haven't gotten the mod yet to try it out. And I'm about 350% sure you have NO idea how it's gonna play out when you do get it. 


    Please put a lid on all that anger, it makes you look ridiculous. 

  9. Killing things never gets old. I've been killing things as far back as age 4 or so. I started with Ducks and Mushrooms, and then moved on to robots and aliens before finally settling on... Well, everything. I've killed virtually everything at one point or another.


    Couldn't make this post less creepy huh?

  10. This is literally the most unique game I've ever played. And I enjoy the ever loving hell out of it.. I couldn't be more excited and committed to the evolution of the game. I'm super hype ALL of the time for what's to come, what could come and what has already come. No game has ever made me feel like that, and I admittedly have played a LOT of games. Too much even.. in hindsight.


    On a very emotional side, this game has given me the smoldering inspiration to continue to pursue my dream career as a UI/UX designer, because it just so happens that along the medical, educational, entertainment, and government industry options, it looks like the gaming industry will be a haven for people like me who love the games, and want to create intelligent and unique systems of human interactions with the games.


    I love you Warframe! Thank you so much for this amazing piece of software guys at DE! 

  11. do it like me:

    wait until youre 18

    start a desgining career

    hope that warframe is still running at this point


    Don't wait until anything my man.


    Alright so you have a goal in mind. Let's say by 18 years old, you want to eventually visit DE or another studio to see behind the works. 


    I want to suggest some things for you to do while you are this young:


    Read, read and do more reading. Read tutorials on 3-D rendering

    Practice sculpture and sketching to get better at concepts and exercise your creative mind.

    Learn some coding and play around with it.

    Do some research on schools that offer game-design programs.

    Continue what you are doing now, talk to the companies and try to get their attention on the matter. 

    Talk to people who work at these studios on Twitter and linked-in (when you get a little older)

    Talk to your favorite professionals in the field, never stop pursuing.


    I'm telling you this as someone who is currently pursing my career as a User Interface and User Experience Designer, initially as a Graphic Designer. I wish I knew these things I could do when I was younger but I never had to guidance and advisement of someone older to get a head start.


    Take the opportunity now. Start while you're young and never stop until you end up in the place you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you to wait for anything. 

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