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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. A lot of people figure the higher teir survivals are all Ooooo ENEMY KILL EM RUN KILL EM. That's now how it works. You kill when it's efficient. That's my issue with novas in the part running across the map spamming 4 (unless it's a low strength build nova). Everything is better in bulk :D.

    Stick together, clump up enemies and hover around LS modules. Pop one in moderation; aka coming too close/lack of enemies. When they run out move into the next huge area.


    The most important part to it all? STICK TOGETHER. I can't stress this enough. 

  2. RNG dependency of Life Support pods and doesn't require Nekros? Seriously just had two T4 Survival Runs and we couldn't even make it to the 20 min mark because of Low Enemy spawns and lack of Life Support from Lotus. This is absolutely unfair especially since the way to acquire T4 Keys is already a chore. I consider anything under 20 mins a waste of the Key. Looking from Feedback, Excavation is doing well with the players, and i hope it finds it way to the Void.


    I sense lots of potential in the excavation missions.


    As for survival, it's survival. What do you want mate what do you want?


    On topic.. I feel like it's definitely possible to go longer than 20-30 min on a party set up of your own.. but then again 20-30 minutes is the average time. And you really do have to have a decent necros in your part to do well.. 

  3. Just gotta face it man. People are too sensitive. It's how we've grown as a people. People take offense to every and everything. Though in this situation you don't know if the new guy did, it could be a misunderstanding. However, reading from these posts solidified that conclusion for me.


    People get riled up over anything. Too touchy.  

  4. I don't call them newbies. If I see someone that low of rank I usually say: "Welcome to Warframe! How are you liking it so far?"


    And yes, some beginner players do take offense to being called newbie. It's not exactly the nicest thing to say and comes off as really quite condescending.


    Newbie? Or NOOBIE. Huge difference. It's not condescending. When you're starting a new school or new job you're called a newbie, or "he/she's new" If you take offense to a true statement, you're simply too sensitive....

  5. All of you who have stated that you would have to look first, exactly. Now back to T4, if you have a bunch of keys, or rather a key where you know how the mission goes and what it takes to clear up to your standard and you were spamming it for a day or whenever you have the time to play, do you want to sit there and inspect everyone you invite and go through the process of restarting the part/waiting for that person to leave?


    Or set the req. right away so that people know already if they're under a certain level, you would rather have the latter.

  6. This is kind of pointless. I've played with Rank 16s with decent Conclave rating who are utter garbage. It happens more often than you think.


    While this may be correct, if within a 10 second window of adding someone to a series of instances that came out-- lets say T5 hit the tables. 


    First day of the update, you get a bunch of requests for invites as you have a key for survival.


    If you had to choose between two MR4 and one MR12 or two MR12 and  one MR4 what would you pick?

  7. Im game for this, mastery has needed an overhaul for a long time. maybe then we can finally stop having these kinda of threads.


    There's nothing wrong with these kind of threads, as it incited discussion. People just need to stop taking things so personal and turning discussion into heated passion-sweltering debates when bringing up one of the elephants in the room.

  8. The problem is MR is a fundamentally flawed system. In the vast majority of games it's all well and good to base a general assessment of player skill on their game rank, but the way rank is handled in warframe makes that incredibly illogical.


    If rank was based off, say, a combined total mission score then you'd be set guessing at skill based off rank, but since rank is solely based off the amount of items a person has ranked to 30 using it as an indicator of anything is flawed. That's what people are responding to here. Also, an MR lock for towers is a bad idea, for the same reasons outlined above.


    Mastery 2.0, anyone?



    I do agree on a harder determination of skill in the game.




    However, MR as it is the closest thing to classifiers, as anything else in the game. I can't sit here and look at a person's stats before each match. However, I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do to assure myself a bang for my buck, so to speak.

  9. The only thing youre saying is that "I dont want to have to say no to lowbies wanting to enter my run because people yell at me"


    to which I say you're going to have to get over it, you didnt bring some new fangled phenomenon to attention here in the forums, youre just another in a long line of people saying that they dont want lowbies in their runs. This, again, is 100% fine, but its not something that should be forced on the player base as a whole. You are essentially suggesting the entirety of the player base be forced into following your ideology of how you pick team members via rank locking. Some of us do not share your view and that is why they should continue to be open, because some of us will invite those people, enjoy the run, teach them, etc. 


    This is not what I am saying at all. And As I have stated several times before (this is really getting old) I take lowbies ALL. THE. TIME. Most of my clan is under rank 5. And I take them on runs all the time. So I really have no idea what you keep poking at, and you shouldn't be putting words in my mouth. I don't care if you guys yell at me for talking about something. I am not a child, so I won't act like that. 

    I think you just have stuck in your head that you want to argue against me for something. That's fine! if you want to find something to argue, by all means, go for it. However, the things you are bringing up are not correct. I'm not suggesting anyone be forced to anything ideological by me. I am talking about game mechanics and the game structure. Mastery ranks are a feature of the game that suggest the time and effort spent on the game.

    I am stating that I find it illogical to be upset/frustrated at the fact that people want to usurp the system in place because of outliers which I understand because I take lowbies on high leveled missions all the time. 

  10. I'm liking the ideas of having Void Tower keys rank locked, even if it was just a 1:1. 


    T1 = MR1+

    T2 = MR2+

    T3 = MR3+

    T4 = MR4+



    It's not only about drops they've gotten.. but it is about weapon unlocks they have access to, too..


    I'd probably through Orokin Derelicts around the MR2+ area..


    This this this and more this. However I'd up the ante and make it

    T1= MR1-3

    T2= MR4-5

    T3= MR5-8

    T4= MR8+

  11. Well technically you didn't, but I can read between the lines. Perfectly understand your gripe in this issue. But you correlate rank to skills. I don't agree with that and showing one example, even forgot to tell that one player even use a Karak and still kick @ss.


    I want people to not read between the lines because there is no underlying meaning. I'm trying to be as concise and clear about my points as possible. I don't personally believe, skill level as vague and subjective that term may be to be of the same meaning as master rank. I DO believe however that certain instances of the game do require some level of skill and mastery rank (for load-out purposes and general knowledge of game mechanics)

  12. I respect the newbies and often give them advice here and there about stuff they probably shouldn't be doing yet.

    Those who decide to frown upon another for being ignorant are elitest; elitest players are the type I stay away from.


    For the record. Mostly. All the "elitest" players I've been in towers with turn out to be a morale killer and an utter waste of my time.

    I've been in groups where there are high MR players that are utterly useless; huge trolls and once again. A waste of my time.

    If I'm looking for something more specific in chat.


    I'll specify: Looking for Loki with Radial Disarm Build. etc...



    I enjoy taking low level players with me on tower missions unless they're Tower 3 Survival/ Defense.

    I don't mind. They're usually a blast to talk to and a much more friendly bunch of guys. Which for the most part is more than I can say for some of you lot.


    This is another point, I am glad someone has made. I regularly take people into t4's and such regardless of rank. This post was to point out that the ignorance and rage of both the low rankers and the veterans who "defend" them as if I'm attacking their souls. I guess people don't seem to understand that. I also actually act as squad leaders and instruct the people I'm with on what they should/could do to make something go easier.

  13. When you equated rank with skill in the OP.



    I said of a certain rank and skill level. Meaning that you need a certain master rank and skill level to really participate in these as well as you could.


    "and" meaning both things. Meaning not one without other, doesn't mean their the same. Yes I equated rank with skill in the mindset that you need them for these instances. I never came out my mouth and said to everyone "don't invite lower ranks into your party because they all suck"

  14. I'm mastery rank 4 using a 3 forma rhino prime with a 4 forma boltor prime and I'm mostly DPS #1 in T4 survivals. I honestly don't care about low/mediocre weapons/stuff and I'm only chasing best of the best in this game and that will hardly put me above mr 6. Damn you dragon nikana being mr 8.


    I'm actually really glad you pointed this out. So  you're a 4 forma Boltor prime and rhino prime wearing player. I am HAPPY FOR YA, however, you are not most players.


    I would like to think you know that already, however, I'd like to state it again for emphasis for everyone else who is reading. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get your boltor prime and rhino prime?

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