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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. I'm hoping to find an optimization from you guys on getting better quality out of my games. I sport a GTX660 and a GT520 with an i7 processor and 16 gigs of ram. I'm just wondering if you and any suggestions on how I should build my nVidia settings/warframe settings or both? 




    I'm aiming for something liek this with the smooth framerate.

  2. I think it'd be interesting that instead of adding damage, it should increase in a certain stat with each forma along with a polarity. Very small increases to certain stats or adding passives to the weapon. That way we could find use in every single wep in the game by eventually forma'ing it enough

  3. let me highlight the part where i get it 3x a week in a country such as spain or , tjechie(my brother noticed it too, reason why i went to forums) , and the part where 5 of us ( me and other friends ) never get 75% at all in holland, sure im sure if i wait long enough il get it , im just talking about the frequency, because there is this one point where i start saying this aint RNG, idk i would like to hear a reply from another traveling player.


    You're not serious right? Come on man, please tell me you're not.

  4. Can't help much sorry.


    I main the Kestral, but by main I mean quick melee throws, never equipped!

    I did try Entropy + Whirlwind and it is very fast, still nowhere near hitscan, but it is faster than Glaive Prime (with Whirlwind) if that gives you an idea.


    In the end though, because the Syndicate effect only procs if it is equipped I dropped Entropy and went back to just Whirlwind which is more than fast enough.


    As for Heavy Trauma, I have it, but nowhere near maxed.

    As others have pointed out, I just think a faction specific element will give you more mileage.


    Warning : The bug where the Kestrel bounces around for an age before you can catch it happens even more with both speed mods.

    Like, a lot more often!

    Even if you put on -bounce? And what about the explosion effect? You ever try that?

  5. Been there done that...that doesn't solve the problem of parasitic eximus spawn and drain rate at all after you find your death screen swarmed with them at just 20mins.


    Are you Tar-Moad Tenno? Can you get up fast enough at that point. Its not like your in a squad of 4 everytime you go on mission. It might just be you or the "other" tenno that is with you. If you get hooked and tarred...now all you need now is feathers.


    Lol ah, i see. 

  6. I like the idea of a single mod having different effects on different weapons. Much like firestorm while yes it just "increases explosion radius" It has different effects for weapons with different mechanics with generally the same concept. If serration and multi-shot had these changes it would be a very cool change to the game.


    As if your are truly modifying/augmenting your weapon to tailor it to you.


    I imagine it would take a great deal of conversation thought before it could actually happen. 

  7. Hello there fellow tenno I'd like to ask a question and direct it towards any of you Tenno who still don the Kestrel presently. 


    I would like to know how this combination works for you guys? Is it now super deadly/useful? And has anyone tried it with Zephyr's turbulence at max power str for maximum hit-scan possibility? 


    I want to hear how the kestrel is now so hit-scan and so impacting you can snipe headshot Tyl Regor reworked from your liset before the update.

  8. This isn't the feedback section. 



    Also, the toxicity isn't the feedback its the "I'm quitting" in your title. And the seeking confirmation from others in the forums that's the bad juju. 

    I honestly never have been able to figure out why people make quitting threads.


    Just seems like an attention grab to me.



    EXACTLY my point. 

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