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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. [DE] Steve


    Remember this?



    You publicy apologized for delaying updates for PS4 due to bundling too much content. But yet again you prolong the wait for U15 instead of releasing stuff like: 14.09 Tiberon, 14.10 Excavation return, Blind Justice Stance, 14.10.2 Shifting sands tactical alerts for a week with a 3 day affinity booster as reward that would keep players busy.


    So instead of repeating the exact same mistake again and again why do you not start putting out smaller updates on a more frequently basis?


    I for one support these slower Updates

    Sorry but that and the very unnecessary bundling of updates is very detrimental in causing player retention. DE Steve publicy appologized for this for update 14 during DevStream 34



    So instead of 14.09 Tiberon, 14.10 Excavation return, Blind Justice Stance, 14.10.2 Shifting sands tactical alerts for a week with a 3 day affinity booster as reward that would keep players busy. We now get another gigantual bundle of updates and a longer wait. Instead of repeating the exact same mistake again they should start putting out smaller updates more frequently.

  3. I tried, but there have been no official responses:



    There is probably some business decision on why they are doing this (save cost, console development cycle impact, etc), but we will never know.


    With a slew of titles coming out this and next week for console (AC:Unity, GTA V, Far Cry 4, etc), I predict lesser console participation until U15 arrives.


    Most likely saving cost by having fewer certifications I would guess. Ninjas play free.....(at least to some extent)

  4. I mentioned in another thread that it would've been nice to get 14.10 update out first to give console owners a little something extra to do, but DE seems intent on bundling everything into Update 15, so we just have to wait longer.


    Also, I believe it is almost the 1-year anniversary for the PS4 Warframe release.  I don't expect anything from DE, but I'm hoping to be surprised, even if it is something small like a weapon skin.


    Yup , been meaning to call DE Steve out on that one as he publicly admitted they messed up for U14 with bundling too many updates together. Cue U15 and even a more prolonged wait. Empty promises sure help a declining PS4 community. I have been to these post before and I have been the one posting "come on guys, it is just the new chat system, lots of people are on" etc etc.


    I used to play several hours each day but now I login in for the rewards and that is about it. Truth be told PS4 is a bit of a ghost town. Not even any alliance members on and recruting is not really happening. You get a steady stream of new player so the first 2-3 planets are always easy to get into squads. Anything later than that you will most likely have to clear most of the nodes solo.


    It is also time to stop blaming Sony and their certification process. There has to be something to certify before anything gets into Sony's hands. Their factor is a given each time and a little week should not warrant the lackluster support for PS4. PC master race get's excited when each wednesday is closing in because they know something is coming. No matter how minute.


    Seriously, 14.09 Tiberon, 14.10 Excavation return, Blind Justice Stance, 14.10.2 Shifting sands tactical alerts for a week with a 3 day affinity booster as reward would keep people occupied for quite a bit. Now instead we get another gigantual bundle of updates. Would it actually kill DE to push out more frequent updates for consoles? .............. I guess we will never know.

  5. That has happened to me once as well with frost prime chassis. Did you have a trade that got disconnected or crached? That is the only time I have experienced it happening. I also submitted a support ticket for it:


    Playing on PS4. I have a problem with one prime part in particular. "Frost Prime Chassis" is available in my "Foundry" for construction and also listed in my "Arsenal - Inventory". However it is not listed when I enter the trade system at all. I tried to trade it once but the trade partner disconnected when I called his scam (part swapping) then I got host migrration and was kicked out of his Dojo. I checked my inventory and item was still there so did not think about it anymore. This is the only incident I could think of that could have caused it. Do you have any solution?


    Reply was:


    Thank you for reporting this bug! I will pass this information along to the rest of the team to look at. Unfortunately we don’t have an immediate solution for this issue, but we will be sure to follow up with you if we have any further questions. To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums.


    So I just had to wait it out and after a few updates it was available to trade again.



  6. We have a lot of AAA competition jumping into the next-gen consoles. There is DLC coming for Destiny, and cool new games for PS4. 


    And PC don't have a lot of AAA competition? I would say there is a stiffer competition on PC with greater variety of F2P games and a lot of powerhouse MOBA games out there. So that is really a moot point. No matter what system you are on you are gonna have a lot of competition.


    The way you battle that is to keep the player base interested with frequent updates so they don't get bored and move on. Warframe made the mistake with U14 on PS4 and bundled up too much content instead of releasing Operation: Breeding Grounds. Which Steve actually admitted was a mistake during devstream and said they would not make that again.


    .......but it seems they actually will do the same with U15. Rebecca hinted "I think we'll be able to submit console builds in mid November" on the reddit ask question thread. Which will probably mean late November early December for that to go live. So instead of releasing: Tiberon, Excavation missions, Blind Justice stance, Shifting Sands Tactical Alerts to keep players occupied we will have to wait for one massive update instead. Which will most likely cause more player retention.


    You see the excitement in the forums from the PC users as each wednesday closes in because they know something will happen. Be that just a hotfix or something bigger. Therefore you will see threads like "It's Wed!", It's Wednesday we all know what's coming today" "So no update this week?" etc etc It also is a bit like waving a carrot in front of you since the console users see all the things that are released but we can't have them.


    So if you have everything the game have to offer what do you do?....... you move on.

  7. 1) Don't know but you can go to your armory and equip either Akvasto and Vasto and see if the skin is available that way. Just choose apparance and skins. If skins is not a option then it is not available


    2) Sadly no, I used the above method and none of the skins will work on the prime versions

  8. I even heard word during one of the livestreams that Valkyr is next on the frames to get Prime status.


    Do you happen to have a link off that statement?


    I seriously doubt Valkyr will be next as that poses a problem both lore wise and sequence wise. Trinity is my bet as she is one of the original 8 then we will be moving on to 2 males to follow the M M F F pattern. Volt is my best guess for the first and then Ash so you just have to hold your horses and forget your conspiracy thought. In time you will get your bling Volt.

  9. DarkSignal, on 26 Oct 2014 - 02:04 AM, said:

    Where's diversity lacking? In not being able to remove powers? Does one extra slot really make that much of a difference in the long run?

    Well....you asked.

    You can no longer create unique specialized builds as every warframe now are the same.

    You can no longer equip low level rank ability mods to get a different benefit from the full rank.

    You can no longer equip full rank ability mods on a new frame or after forma because you have to level the skills again, That means you are not able choose which skills you will use on your warframe. Iron Skin / Stomp for Rhino is not unlocked before later as an example which makes you stuck with Charge no matter what. Same applies to any frame.

    You can no longer remove ability mods to lower your conclave rating which is a possible problem for future tactical alerts as I mentioned in this thread:


    One slot also make a difference.


    So even though you don't seem to see it a lot of options were actually removed by implementing that change.

  10. I have Forma'd 1 of my abilities slot n i was wondering if i swap polarity to a non-ability slot will my forma still be refunded after update 15  or will my slot stay polarized?


    If you have only forma'd 1 of your abilitiy slots the script search for 2 available ability slots and remove them instead so your slot will stay polarized and you will not receive any forma.


    Same applies if you have forma'd 2 of your ability slots the script searches for 2 available ability slots and removes them, leaving you with the 2 polarized slots and you will not receive any forma.


    If you by any chance have forma'd 3 of your ability slots, one of those will be removed and you will get refunded a forma.


    If you by any chance have forma'd 4 of your ability slots, two of those will be removed and you will get refunded two forma.


    If you have not forma'd anything the top left and top right ability slots will be removed by default

  11. I would use a different analogy.


    You bought a movie on DVD you watched and enjoyed it.  Months later it's on TV and people watched it for free.  You feel cheated.


    You may have thought that the movie would only ever be available on DVD  but no-one promised that to you at the time.


    That is quite a bad analogy, no one in the world would ever expect a movie to only be available on one media, DVD.


    This on the other hand is a game that makes it's money out of players buying items like cosmetics for real money and has a history of NEVER including any of the cosmetic items in the games drop tables. When they then introduce them into the game without even a notice understandably quite a few players will start to question if there is any point at all in buying such accesories since DE might just add anything down the line. Which in turn will make people be a lot less inclined to spend their money since it might turn out to be a waste.


    As to the whole "no one promised you it would be exclusive" "you wanted it you got it" argument even thought there is some truth to those, it is more about the statement DE makes when flipping the finger to all of those who paid for those items. I would say that it is generally never a good idea to cause discontent among your paying customers. Remember the Kubrow scrambler??? Those got refunded, just saying.

  12. Because a 99% boost to power strength should be enough on its own. The first set of corrupted mods already broke the existing balance of Warframe abilities (I'm looking at you, Fleeting Expertise...). The last thing we need is a second set of more or less identical mods that can further stretch the limits of reason. 


    If that is their reasoning then why release the mod at all?

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