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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Well as a primary I would recommend:


    Paris Prime (puncture dmg)

    Dread (slash dmg)

    Bows have innate punch through on charge attacks and are completely silent weapons


    Boltor Prime (puncture dmg)

    Perhaps the deadliest assult rifle in the game, fits run and gun gameplay


    Latron Prime (puncture dmg)

    A superb rifle for people that like to aim rather than run and gun. Great range as well.




    Marelok (impact dmg)

    Along with the Brakk this is pretty much better than most primaries and hits like a truck


    Twin Gremlins and Despair are actually pretty decent secondaries as well so you should keep them




    Orthos Prime (slash dmg)

    A amazing polearm than can hit multiple enemies at once and great fun


    Serro (electricity dmg)

    Polearm with same benefits as Orthos but has elemental damage as base, looks quite bad though


    Dual Ichor (slash dmg)

    Dual swords with innate poison damage, great for just about anything


    Dakra Prime (slash dmg)

    One of the very best swords and high damage potential melees in the game


    Dragon Nikana (slash dmg)

    Highest base damage of all melee weapons and a ninjas best friend


    Now some of these require farming for parts, high mastery rank, clan research and such but most of them have non prime counterparts that can be aquired and tested straight from the market. So you might want to test a few of them out to see if they fit your play style.

    There will also be elitist people that will bad mouth certain weapons on this list but never mind them and just enjoy the game the way you see fit


    Happy hunting and good luck tenno.


  2. Current Status (September 17th, 11:15AM EDT): Sony starting the cert process last Friday. We're waiting to hear back from them. Hold on to your hats!


    Why not just be upfront and tell us that it would earliest be deployed in Week 39?


    Quite a few people have been refreshing this thread and eagerly awaiting the update. Instead of holding our hats and leading us on you could pull the rabbit out of the hat and be done with it.

  3. For the life of me I can't deflect bullets back at the opponent without using a reflection mod, is it meant to be that way or am I doing something wrong?



    I'm fairly certain you need reflection


    You don't need reflection at all. It clearly states in the requirement "with your melee weapon". Just equip your melee and spam block without killing anyone. I got it in one mission.

  4. I hate players who bash on other players for a way they play just because they don't enjoy it. Sure, Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime are the most commonly used frames, and they are my most commonly used weapon and frame in my profile, because I got them before I got my current main, Loki Prime and Paris Prime. Sure, I may not like it, and in retrospect, it was a rather redundant, but they should be free to enjoy the game without me nagging at them for something that is frankly none of my business.



    Seems these threads are popping up more recently, so.. our community really getting a bit lower? Anyways was side tracking, my honest gripe is high rank player that act high and mighty. Elitist basically. Give the rest of the high rank players a terrible name. People tend to generalized, once they had a bad experience.


    Could not agree more, the elitism in this game is what I dislike the most. They have a list of all disapproved frames and weapons and if you use any of them you are a scrub and a noob. Funny thing is these players complain about the majority of players using this and that then fail to comprehend that they themself are actually the minority. So why they think their opinion is more validated is beyond me.

  5. Do kubrows give you mastery rank points, cause i dont see it under my profile, like you have for your primary, secondary, sentinels etc?


    They do. I double checked when leveling all my 4 breeds. Why they are not listed under the profile page is a mystery though. Most likely a developer oversight.

  6. Lets see:


    Wraith: Gorgon, Strun, Twin vipers, Machete, Latron

    Vandal: Snipetron, Prova, Braton, Lato


    A whooping 9 weapons, you will be waiting for a loooooooooong time for that slap in the face my friend.



    .......................................while the slap you get from yourself by not adding catalyst and forma is instant. (just saying)

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