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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. I've had this happen as well. With frost prime too. Just thought it had something to do with whether I had already built it or not. Can't trade it to this day :(


    Ouch that is discouraging, oh well I guess I have to wait and see if I get a response to the ticket I submitted. Thank you for your reply

  2. I have a problem with one prime part in particular. "Frost Prime Chassis" is available in my "Foundry" for construction and also listed in my "Arsenal - Inventory". However it is not listed when I enter the trade system at all (yes it is a PRIME part)


    I tried to trade it once but the trade partner disconnected when I called his scam (part swapping) then I got host migration and was kicked out of his Dojo. I checked my inventory and item was still there so did not think about it anymore.


    This is the only incident I could think of that could have caused it. I have submitted a ticket but wondered if any others have experienced this and have a solution?

  3. Would also be nice if you could chose which mission like you can for Nightmare. I had to wait a day to do Kela De Thaym when there was a "Gift from the Lotus" alert mission on Merrow. Even after I did the mission I was always thrown into a MD mission with other people running the alert. So a promt to either do alert mission or regular mission should be implemented.

  4. Now that you have opened for trading of all prime parts 3 slots simply does not suffice anymore. Trading a full Prime be it a Warframe or weapon forces you to exhaust 2 trades and also leaves you open to scamming. 4 or 5 should be minimum and this should not be to difficult to implement.

  5. Update 12.4 included:

    Modified the Mastery Rank Challenge 7 to 8 to be easier to complete while using a controller.


    I'm interested to hear if players feel this change has made an impact. Let me know here! 


    The problem is with connecting to the walls in general so the test is still beyond annoying and very uforgiving. If you turn off "hold x to wallrun" you can not extend your vertically wall run with crouch as easily as with that option on. With it on I can climb straight up to the roof of the dojo without any problem. WIth it off you just climb a little way up and then slide slowly down.


    Using the Ignis, Acrobat and Marathon makes hitting the orbs no problem but when jumping of walls and trying to connect to another you often just fall straight down without connecting to the next wall. If you are lucky to connect to the vertical wall you end up not climbing high enough and the resulting backwards jump does therefore not connect to the platform.


    Connecting from a wallrun into a opposite side wallrun is even more troublesome. You mostly end up free falling to your death. I have found several good practice spots in missions and have manage to do the wallrun and connecting to a vertical wall every time without a hitch. Still trying to do the same in the Mastery Rank test just seems to not be happening.


    I suspect I will be rank 9 or 10 before I get to pass this cursed test.

  6. This test is doing my head in as well. I have equipped the Acrobat and Marathon mods, use the Ignis, Rhino and have turned off "hold x to wallrun". No problem hitting the orbs but sticking to any wall is just no happening.



    Every time I at least jump from wall to wall, my warframe just falls like as if the wall wasn't even there to run on......That's the main problem I am having......shooting the orbs are mostly okay, it's just the wall


    This is my issue also. Connecting to a wall is very random. This test is beyond terrible and annoying

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