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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Latron Prime is one of the most undervalued guns in the game. I have 3 formas in mine and it absolutely wrecks. Ammo efficient and one hit killer. I also have a 4 forma Boltor Prime and Soma but this gun seriously grows on you. Take some time to aim and you will be kicking a s s in no time. Boltor Prime and Soma supports more run and gun gameplay, and in general more assault rifle gameplay while Latron is more of a heavy punching rifle.

  2. Yeah I know the feeling, I've been doing countless ODS runs and still no prime parts, starting to wonder if the tables are legitimately broken.


    I totally agree. I have yet to actually see a prime part. I stopped doing them all together and just traded for the Burston parts instead.

  3. The Jupiter DSD guarantees at least 10 for 25-30 waves, although you have to be patient, nothing really comes easily tho 


    Godspeed :D


    Guarantees 10??? Yeah sure, then you must have a private DSD because that is not happening.


    10? I've never gotten more than 3 in that amount of waves, with Natural Talent Desecrate Nekros spam.


    3-4 Is max for me as well. I solo using Nekros, Ogris and spam Desecrate. I can go for how many waves I feel like but going 40-50 just takes to long and does not yield any more Neural sensors. So I normaly head out after I get 2-3 sensors.


    Elara Survival on Jupiter is also quite ok but you might end up with 0 even after 30min. Got 2 today from a 30 min run but generally much slower and more hassle than DSD for me.



    I have not needed to farm for neural sensors for a long time the extractor I have on jupitor gives me at least 4 per week.


    You must be extremely lucky then because I have have a Distilling Extractor running on Jupiter 24/7 and it has given me Neural Sensors a whooping 3 times in all my playtime.


    For a coop game, why is it so much easier to find people I hate than people I want to play with?


    I think that is a growing problem the more you play the game. In the beginning I had no worries and had fun in every mission. Now that I have played quite a lot I find myself more and more annoyed over other players occasionally.


    The biggest issue for me is DEFENSE missions. Why on earth do the 3 other people always have to run around like headless chicken all over the place and not even be close to the cryopod? Why run like crazy when all the mobs will come to you? All the while spreading the loot all over the place and making my Desecrating less effective. Those missions I do solo.


    I also find myself equally annoyed over slow people as rushers. Specially when you are doing MOBILE DEFENSE missions and come to a door that requires two people to open and the rest of the group is off sightseeing.


    The guy that constantly keeps dying every second and even though he has been revived 5-6 times proceeds with absolutely no caution whatsoever trying to melee everything. This has become exponentially more frequent after melee 2.0 I'm sorry to say but after 5-6+ times I just let him die.


    Nightmare missions is actually one of the redeeming features if you get a good team. Specially the Mobile Defence missions. There you all of a sudden get some camaraderie and team play going. Same to some extent with Vault runs as you rely on having all the dragon keys.

  5. a question, if cert says the patch is good to go, does it go up inmediately? i'm hoping for a mag coil helmet but might have to end up buying it for plat, unless someone wants to trade it for another helmet ._.


    When the next PS4 Update is live, stat helms will be phased out.


    So it seems it will be immediately. I'm glad Drew posted a heads up so more people will have a chance to aquire these before the change happens. As for the Mag Coil helmet, I have only seen 1 alert for this in my 400ish hours playtime. Same with the Rhino Vanguard helmet so I would definitivly consider getting one before the change as I suspect the price for one after will be a bit higher.

  6. Thanks for sharing!  That's a decent amount of time put in for runs.  I do have one query however, were you running solo with a key each time, or did you do each run consecutively and consistently with more than 1 player?  If you had 4 people going in each time with all 4 keys you will get a 100% mod rate so I'm just curious how you went about it.

    ~Tenno out.


    Not consecutively but with 4 people over a larger period of time. Was stuck in the vault a few times and only had 1 time where the game glitched and simply would not accept my key no matter what. Other than that I would recommend that people smash every container they see as I frequently would find at least 1 orokin cell. Unless your in a hurry to finish


    Also worth checking out the secret room in the elevator shaft(s), the alcove in the water and I also found a secret room that seems to be outside the map. Spawns quite rarely apparently. Best I have found so far have been Orokin Cells though.

  7. I made only like 10-15 runs but I noticed some weird stuff.


    Like if we do 2 sequential runs, we get the same Corrupted Mod 2 times in a row.

    It happened 3 or 4 times.

    That means random is kinda broken.


    Did anyone notice the same thing?


    The human mind always tend to try and find patterns. Therefore we have a hard time with comprehending randomness in general.


    You might want to read this before you come to any further conclusions:



  8. So now I have done 100 vault runs and I thought I share some statistics with you guys.


    Vault Mod    Received    Percentage
    Blind Rage               2         2,00
    Fleeting Expertice    8         8,00
    Narrow Minded         4         4,00
    Overextend             10       10,00
    Critical Delay            2         2,00
    Heavy Calibre           4         4,00
    Vile Precision            8         8,00
    Tainted Mag              5         5,00
    Burdened Mag          7         7,00
    Vicious Spread          7         7,00
    Tainted Shell              5        5,00
    Hollow Point               7        7,00
    Magnum Force          8        8,00
    Tainted Clip               3         3,00
    Spoiled Strike           14      14,00
    Corrupt Charge          6        6,00
    Total Runs              100      100%


    Key Used                   20    
    Key use percentage   20%   


    Runs before Heavy Calibre    40    
    Runs before Blind Rage         76  


    Since I might use different keys each time I did not keep track of which key got used most frequent. I also made a note of how many runs I did before I got Heavy Calibre and Blind Rage as they were the mods I wanted most before I started.


    So what are your experiences and are there any other people that have some similar statistics they want to share?

  9.  we lose out on yet another event with the specters of liberty.


    I just got word that Specters of Liberty is prepped for PS4, along with any hotfixes that were done for it. We are aiming to submit for certification early next week.

    If/when more gets added to the PS4 build, I'll post the info. And, as always, we'll post an announcement when we submit to Sony.


    Drew said that in this thread:



  10. we will probably be little short of the 7 day notice but people already knew that helmets are being phased out a month ago when they released it for PC. so, i do not think we really need a 7 day notice.


    I would never persume that most of the people playing warframe know about the helmet change. Lots of people in my clan and on my friends list don't play every day or are active on forums. Many of them come back when there is a new patch. So even though YOU don't think we need a 7 day notice I don't see the harm in letting people have a notice in the ingame login screen about the change and a few days to decide if they want to aquire the helms or not. It would also most likely increase the sale of those helmets generating more income for DE.

  11. Confirmed: stats will be removed from helms. 


    If you do not have any helmets and want one with stats:


    You have 1 week to craft or buy a helmet with stats. After Wednesday, May 7th, helmets with stats will be phased out.


    taken from this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/224988-stat-helmet-blueprint-changes/ (posted 1 may)



    So will we PS4 Users actually get a week to buy Arcane Helmets like the PC users did at a discounted price or will you just slam the change in and instantly remove everything?  I'm obvious aware of the change but I'm quite sure the rest of the PS4 community would like a heads up as well.

  12. Loki




    Pssst.....use Loki/Ash and cloak yourselfffff



    They have killed me through invisibility without a hitch, and I was not even close. Sometimes they are easy and sometimes they are not. They seem to have some insane peak damage when they arrive and if you live through the first few seconds you can make it. Last time they arrived I had Rhino skin on, 1170 Shield 660 Health standing untop of a small hill scouting for them to come up as there was only on path. Me and 2 others were waiting there. Saw something in the distance and used rhino stomp, 2 seconds later BAM insta dead.


    I would really like to know what / how they do that because sometimes I'm dead even before I see them. Other times you can stomp and kill them all while they are in the air. They seem very inconsistent in more ways then just their appearance in missions.

  13. If he didnt show up exaclty AFTER i decided to forma my ash, it would be cool. Because when you are rank 30 you atleast have a chance. but not when you are fkin rank 6.


    I can not remember last time I was actually killed by the stalker. No matter what level I am he is instantly shreded by my 4 forma Boltor Prime.




    So I guess it depends on what weapon you have equipped to deal with him. Loki is funnest though as you can just go invisible and kill him with what ever you have at hand. He spawned during a Nightmare mission for me as well today but Loki fooled him once again. He is kind of relentless when he firsts gets &!$$ed at you. Frequently have him spawn in 3-4 missions within a few hours. After I gotten all his drops he is not that interesting. G3 on the other hand.....

  14. Just tested it (PC version). 30 Minutes not a single leech ospreys or Elite Crewmen.


    So no chance there mate.


    It's Eris or nothing it seems.



    Cupid - Uranus spawns Elite Crewmen all the time and quite a few Leech Ospreys as well. At least on PS4. I have been running 25-30 min missions there for close to 2 weeks trying to farm Gnashing, Gleaming & Jagged Edge. I split those Flux rifle wielders in two so I can desecrate them twice but they still only drop EVERYTHING else in their loot table than those 2 rares.

  15. Void Key Types

    Void Keys are ranked I, II, III and each have a preset mission type. The rank corresponds to the enemy level range and difficulty of the Void Mission, while the type determines the objective.

    Available From


    Very low chance, yeah right..... Would love to see the loot table percentage.

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