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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. What about events to fill the void between updates though? Because, you know - Strun Wraith, Machete Wraith, Primed Chamber.

    And don't hurry with U14 update. It looks awful, especially star chart progress bugs and kubrow stuff, which is complete mess.


    I agree, do not look forward to the new UI at all.  They should have released "Operation Breeding Grounds" already instead of trying to squeeze 27 updates into on big cluster that demands a lot more fixes, attention and time.

  2. S8ctm6C.png



    After doing T4 Survival for 30+ minutes I always get this end screen and get booted back in to a none responsive star chart. Getting invited to a lobby and booted back makes everything work until I go into the Alert menu. Then it locks up again and refuses to go back into anything. Only solution is to be invited into a game, finish mission, extract and it's back to normal. Alternativly restart Warframe.


    None of the loot or drops received during the survival mission are affected by this bug but it is really annoying and should be looked into.

  3. However, the key used statistic isn't very useful because if you have 150 vault mods that means 150 keys were used and even if you only count the 32 you yourself used out of your squad (which I assume that you had a full squad to open every time) but you also switched key types then information continuity is lost and it becomes less meaningful.




    I specifically noted in the post that I did not keep track of which key got used since it will be switched around a lot. It is still a very useful statistics since it gives you a indications of how likely you are to use your key if you run in a full squad each time. Four keys and four people would mean that each would have a equal 25% chance to have to apply their key.  As you see I landed on 21.33% which is not that far off and I consider that rather useful information for people doing vault runs.

  4. I did 3 runs today and all 3 times the vault required decaying to be opened


    Yeah I did 5 successive runs once and the 3 first times I had to use my Hobbled key. Which reminds me of this classic Dilbert strip.

    Which is actually spot on to how random number generators should behave. Humans have a very hard time comprehending that and a very interesting read is this article regarding the subject.
    As it points out if you ask humans to generate random numbers and compare them to computers that do the same task it is very easy to spot which are done by whom since humans will not put down successive runs of same number.
    This causes people to claim all sorts of tinfoil hat theories specially since humans always try to find a pattern.
    "I played right after a patch and got X so therefore you have to do that to get it"
    "You have to reconnect until you connect to a secret loot server IP then you will get X"
    "If you play with someone who has not gotten X you will get it"
    "If you have received X you will not get it again"
    "I got X several times in a row, RNG is rigged and not random"
    etc etc etc etc
  5. I have now done 150 vault runs and I thought I share some statistics with you guys so you might get a heads up before you enter the vaults looking for treasures.


    Vault Mod    Received    Percentage
    Blind Rage               5          3,33
    Fleeting Expertice    9          6,00
    Narrow Minded         5          3,33
    Overextend             10         6,67
    Critical Delay            5         3,33
    Heavy Caliber           6         4,00
    Vile Precision          11         7,33
    Tainted Mag              7         4,67
    Burdened Mag         10         6,67
    Vicious Spread        12         8,00
    Tainted Shell             9         6,00
    Hollow Point              9        6,00
    Magnum Force         10        6,67
    Tainted Clip                5        3,33
    Spoiled Strike           26      17,33
    Corrupt Charge         11        7,33
    Total Runs              150      100%


    Key Used                  32   
    Key use percentage   21,33%   


    Runs before Heavy Caliber     40    
    Runs before Blind Rage         76  


    Since I might use different keys each time I did not keep track of which key got used most frequent. I also made a note of how many runs I did before I got Heavy Calibre and Blind Rage as they were the mods I wanted most before I started.


    Some of you might remember my previous post at 100 runs:




    Blind Rage and Critical Delay both were the least frequent after 100 runs and still are at 150 but now they are joined by Tainted Clip and Narrow minded.


    A interesting fact is that Overextend was the next most frequent drop after Spoiled Strike with 10% after 100 runs. The following 50 runs yielded 0 Overextended thus knocking it down to the 5th most common drop. So RNG truly is a fickle mistress.


    I also saw a guy in recruting today posting "Doing vault runs until I get Blind Rage" and thought to myself, that might take longer than you think. But who knows, he maybe got it on his first run :)



  6. Why should mods be appreciated only for how much you can sell them for? They don't release them to please your business plan you know. Also you just did the event because they were exclusive, and want to refrain from further event because you are less likely to make platinum of them? Yet you have the audacity to calling DE's practice BS......

  7. I'm curious, are its combos actually of any use? I never use handheld attacks on glaive-type weapons. Is it just the extra 10 mod capacity people seek it for, or do the combos involve throwing too?


    The Melee combo is quite useful as it explodes everytime you throw it at the end and very easy to execute. Silver reach is also quite awesome and flashy. As a straight up melee weapon with handheld attacks it is rather slow and not that awesome. I use it as a throwing glaive with Whirlwind, Power throw and Quick Return along with Corrosive and Heat damage and it is a exploding rocket of awesomeness and very fun to use. You can easily one hit heavy gunners and ancients or mow down enemies both when thrown and on the return trip.


    I also had to give up farming this and was lucky enough to get it on my first try of transmutation. You can also check out this Gleaming Talon review for a quick look at the combos:


  8. Is it just me or is Corrupted Vor suddenly dying within 2 seconds after spawning despite not being attack by anything?


    This has happened twice to me so far.  I was ignoring him and suddenly there's a cicero mod on the ground and he's giving his death speech right after finishing his introduction speech.


    This has happened to me several times, but for me he does not appare at all so no mod drop. He just continues with his speech and goes right into his death message.

  9. DE Rebecca: If you are going to use real life analogies it would be more reasonable to compare it to getting your own dog in real life. You don't control what color the offspring arrive in but you actually get to pick the puppy you would like take home. It's not like they put them all in a blender and you might end up coming home with a parrot instead. Which brings me to the next point


    DE Pablo: I understand your trepidations towards pink, green Kubrow but that is really easily solved. Take a look at the dog color genetics chart below:




    So all you have to do is make Red, Black, Brown, Grey and White optional color pallets acquirable for 50p each. No need to add ALL colors.


    Then you can also make a option for markings similar to lets say this:




    These could also each be acquirable for 50p each.


    All you then would need to do is sit back and enjoy the increased income. Win win



  10. Well I actually agree with Lord_Gremlin. I don't like the change of the UI and it seems to be a lot less well presented and harder to get a complete overview. It might look nice but when push comes to shove it really is about how it handles. They seem to have made it very similar to the Dead Space game interfaces. That might suit that game but Warframe has a lot of info through the menus and now it will involve a lot of scrolling instead.


    Take a look at the foundry at 0:42 in the below video



    It's now filled with 6 items that take up all the viewing space


    Same with the market at 1:10 in the same video, also your warframe take up a fair bit of the view.


    The star chart at 1:46 is way less intuitive and a scrolling necklace is not a upgrade from the previous star system.



    Mod overview is also worse. Instead of a complete overview you now get a slanted view where your warframe takes up about 1/4 of the picture



    So it might look cool and suave but I have quite a few trepidations about the new interface and I don't see how pointing that out makes one either a troll, hater or crybaby.

  11. Lets compare the Prime gear drop for these to T3 Capture and T3 Mobile Defense 


    T3 has 2 extra drops and T4 have no unique drop whatsoever.
    T3 has 2 extra drops and T4 have no unique drop whatsoever.
    So the big question is why even bother doing T4 versions of these when you can do T3 with a lot less hassle and also probably have a easier time acquiring keys for them? Vor is about the only reason for doing these in T4 as I expect nobody is doing them for 5x R5 cores.
    T4 Interception, Exterminate, Defense, Survival all have new and unique parts that makes it worthwhile your time. So why make the drops for T4 Capture and Mobile defense a worse copy of the T3 missions and so uneventful?



  12. After testing the Opik mission (with some awesome Tenno, might I add), I got a T2 Key after round three. This stood out to me as something that may not be intended and have relayed to Dev. 


    Did a few rounds on Mars - Augustus, got a T4 Capture at round 3 first time. Next game we got a T2 key at round 3 and 4. Are these suppose to be in the drop table at all?

  13. Now that the event is over here is the complete list of all alert and rewards for the event


    Psoro (Eris)            150k Credits

    Thon (Ceres)           1 Argon Crystal

    Mariana (Earth)       10 R5 Fusion Cores

    Phithale (Sedna)      4 Orokin Cells

    Cressida (Uranus)    175k Credits

    Monolith (Phobos)    Orokin Reactor

    Mimas (Saturn)        Cosmic Specter

    Armaros (Europa)     300 Oxium

    Spear (Mars)            Forma

    Psoro (Eris)             150k Credits (First alert was run again, most likely since rewards were bugged)

    Adrastea (Jupiter)     Forma blueprint

    Acheron (Pluto)        Orokin Reactor blueprint

    Eurasis (Earth)         Orokin Catalyst blueprint

    Thon (Ceres)            200k Credits

    Linea (Venus)           Orokin Catalyst

    Lares (Mercury)        4 Orokin Cells

    Hall (Phobos)           Orokin Reactor blueprint

    Rusalka (Sedna)       Cosmic Specter

    Thalassa (Neptune)   175k Credits

    Setebos (Uranus)      Orokin Reactor

    Valefor (Europa)        Orokin Catalyst blueprint

    Augustus (Mars)       300 Oxium

    Epimetheus (Saturn)  Forma blueprint

    Metis (Jupiter)           Orokin Catalyst

    Lua (Earth)               10 R5 Fusion Cores

    Saxix (Eris)              Forma

    Ceberus (Pluto)        150k Credits

    Undine (Sedna)         Argon Crystal

    Histo (Eris)              10 R5 Fusion Cores


    It got off to a rough start to say the least with 4 out of the 9 first alerts not yielding rewards, but it was resolved by the post script that sent the missing rewards to our inbox at a later point. Still frustrating for the people that ran the 3rd alert up to 10 times though with the same error each time.


    I ran all alerts with my belowed Saryn (Miasma build) and she vaporized all opposition without a care in the world. The missions were basically exterminate with a bigger cluster of enemies packed into them. Some new tiles and the infested lab with the poor crewman in it. Always been a great fan of Alad V and his antics so his banter was the highlight of each mission for me. Kudos to the voice actor for a brilliant job.


    I realize that I was in a forunate position to actually be able to do all alerts (skipped one Cosmic Specter for some sleep) but how about you guys?


    *How many were you able to do?

    *What do you think of the missions and it's difficulty?

    *Which warframe did you use for the alerts?

    *What do you think of the event in general?

    *What is Alad V up to?






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