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Posts posted by sambarpowder

    That's just covering it up by doing something else and leaving the problem there, out of the way but still existing.

    That's how DE works. This game is massive and you can't really blame them, but there's a million small issues like this out there and the devs can only sweep up a few at a time. Since daggers are among the less popular weapons now, they don't get any attention when it comes to fixes.

  2. Whoever said Tenno breathe from their faces? For all we know, the Excalibur in the trailer had an air tube tucked away somewhere out of sight. Just use your imagination, and try not to regret it.

  3. They seem to shift between their maximum size and their minimum size based on whether you're a client or a host. My Digga (Yes, that is what I call my Sahasa) does this as well. There's also the thing with size changes when Kubrows use finisher attacks, but that shouldn't be a problem for the raksa.

  4. Tenno were supposed to be their salvation in the first place, but we turned around and killed the Orokin. They won't be happy to see us again.

    Source: stalker emo quote


    Edit: Most Tenno tech looks to be a step down from Orokin tech (primes are better than base items) so the whole going into the future for better tech thing is also not possible.


    EditEdit: Just clarifying, but as far as I can understand, the Tenno were the Orokin's last hope against the Sentients. The Tenno were sent into the void and given the ability to use warframes, but for some reason when we returned from the void all fresh and space ninja-ified, we killed the orokin. I would assume we did because they were douchebags who put kids on burning ships or something like that.

  5. It's the best of all the sparring/fist weapons, but wait till you've used it with brutal tide. That's the real good stuff right there. Obex are pretty good too, lower damage but better speed, jump aoe and crit chance

  6. Thats just an OVA, before the attack on wall rose.

    I've watched and read everything about the series. I like the OVAs and all, but I've been following the manga and it's been too damn long since I saw one of those adorable pink fellows

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