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Posts posted by Donnell

  1. I enjoy a mass of infected to slice with melee but I would like the rest to be a little more tactical or have unique units that rally others. Perhaps like mini-bosses in front of the locked door? so not only do you need two people to open it, you have need at least two to take on the mini-boss?

  2. First time I killed the stalker on my own was in an Infested survival as solo. He paid more attention to the infested because they were chewing his butt; gave me time to head shot him with my bow :]


    I felt the same way with the stalker for a long time. However I have reached a point where I've learnt when he arrives, his moves and I have powered up mods that can face him now. Although saying that, he dies in about 3 seconds now and only drops Dread.


    With the new syndicate attacks, people are starting to group together when a mark begins. This is the same with Stalker but still, type in chat if you need help. People will gladly come shoot something stronger that drops good loot.

  3. I think this had a quick mention on Destream 40 or 39  but I was wonder if it was pure cosmetic or actual battle armour with perks (like an aura/stance slot)


    Battle armour could have extra elemental properties or maybe support.

    A spiky armour set gives puncture 

    Plated armour gives impact



    Strap on a carrier bag which the kubrow picks up items for later (really wish they would fetch fallen mods like the feral ones do on earth). Such as picking up spare ammo or health orbs when the player cant carry anymore. Allowing a team to circle around the kubrow for needed goodies when situations get tight. Like a little dispenser depending on what has been found so far.


    Anyways, yeah. Do you think it will be cosmetic floaty armour like their collars or could we see some extra goodies to temp people from sentinels? :)

  4. I have had this several times when joining an ongoing game. All I can see is the skybox and a basic/default hud. The mini-map shows I am outside the boarders of the level but unable to move.


    Sometimes waiting to fully load fixes this but I presume it depends on the host and their connection.

  5. Why where they "high flight risk" when they had so much defence? lol


    I think the whole thing would have been a bit more enjoyable if they didn't run until their shields had gone. The group I had most success with put on high impact melee to stun lock the bugger while others shot down the shields. I put the Rage mod on my volt, zapped him when I could to stop him running. But I agree that the difficulty was a bit harsh.

  6. If the enemies are getting tougher and the weapon mods aren't hitting hard enough, get Tenno working together. I felt a long standing issue with Warframe is people sprinting & coptering away into the distance like Rambo :[ (presuming Rambo could copter)


    The locked doors slow them down a bit but I would love to see bonuses for staying together; a buffed, shared energy pool from nearby Tenno, higher resource drop (more eyes to spot such things) or even having two members of the same syndicate getting an overall buff together like Bro's.

  7. I agree mostly. Defence is fairly difficult since mobs attack from too many sides and at range. From what I mostly see, using "pug"s, there is no real team work to make it worth playing. Running about in circles killing stuff while letting a snow globe do the protection bit.

    I have been thinking of ways to change these two missions using current assets.



    Remodel the maps to support a more "tower defence" style game play. Several lanes (from one direction) with the pod to defend at the back.

    At certain points, have turrets which attack approaching mobs but need to be protected and powered: using the excavation power-cell system. At the end of every 5 waves, Lotus sends larger power-cells which can perhaps boost the starting turrets or activate the inactive ones nearby to cover a different 'lane' or reinforce the back defences.

    This gives players a points of focus; keeping players together so they can do actual team work (hopefully). At the end of the current wave system, I feel players are always uncertain about the gamble: to go another 5 waves. With this tower defence style, you know you're in a strong team because the turrets are still holding. If Tenno have been pushed back too far, it becomes clear that extraction is best.



    How about the Tenno be the ones that take the life support!: The opposing faction must force out the Tenno or they suffocate. As they attack the Tenno, the covert op dude can look for supplies.

    Lotus sends life support modules every 5 mins to suck the life out of the enemy ship but doesn't need to be defended. (perhaps taints their supply rather than steals it?). *The modules need to be reached for the rewards.. can't have you camping forever eh? :p*

    Taking away the clock from survival should make things a bit more fun; until the more heavy units come. To combat this, Tenno should think about elements they should bring to survive against stronger enemies instead of hoping the drops are good.


    The only survival map that really gets played, to my knowledge, is "Apollodorus" in Mercury and the Void. Both for farming mods or leveling weapons because of the amount of mobs to kill.

  8. Jumped on the forums to flag this up.. glad to see someone else doesnt like to see speed running.

    What attracted me to this game in the first place was the co-op and it is sad to see people rush off. Didnt really want to compare or mention left4dead but.. the one who runs off on their own, dies alone.

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