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Posts posted by HC217

  1. 19 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    You are not being punished. DE just isn't catering to you.

    Where did I ask that my opinion be respected? His argument that he's being punished is bad. Didn't say anything about him, personally, outside things he chose to back up his opinion.

    If people don't want feedback on their posts, why put them in a public forum?

    yeah except calling them unimportant. to be clear, i don't agree with his point. i think any mr25 that hasn't maxed all the syndicates/factions is spending too much time in ESO leveling weapons the easy way, but i wouldn't call them unimportant. just wrong in their expectation of a looter shooter's grind to lessen over time. but dismissing his point like that instead of having a civil argument it is a good way to create an undercurrent of toxicity in the community

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  2. 12 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    They have a game they put work into and want you to play it, not whatever piece you have min-maxed the very life out of it.

    They aren't punishing you, you are just not that important.

    1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

    Lightning fast, you've paid several cents an hour for the game. Please, explain what that is supposed to mean here. Is that a lot of money for DE to feel unending loyalty to you and your ideas?

    You've won Warframe. Congrats.

    you gotta stop being toxic on all these feedback posts. don't speak for the devs while you dismiss veterans. they have an opinion, and if you brush it aside with "no one cares", or "you're not important enough", why should we respect your opinion? stop using ad hominim man, it's a waste of time



  3. so you'd like to grind 1 boss fight over and over and over again? might want to rethink that, this game has a variety of game modes for a reason. beyond that, they already mentioned in the devstream they were thinking of adding more loot to the fight.

  4. 2 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Primed Vigor is a good mod; it's just not for every frame and not to be used on it's own.

    Mesa, Trinity, Gara, Baruuk, Nekros and to some extent Chroma, Inaros and Excal make good use of it though Excal doesn't really have room.

    you forgot loki master race, since he needs a bit of both to tank aoe

  5. 1 hour ago, Insidiatorii said:

    Then perhaps the (imo) silly bullet jumping should be removed, and mobility limited. As well as aim gliding (what the hell is that energy that shoots out below the Warframe?). I think that the movement right now is really spotty and super cheesy... if there was better movement that wasn't so light and floaty, I think I would personally be a lot happier with playing.

    Oh okay gotcha. I've always been disappointed with that fact there isn't a clear cut class, Rhino is stated to be the heaviest frame, but he doesn't have to be the strongest, and he can be the fastest, or least tanky, which doesn't make sense to me. By making 100 different Warframes, they end up being diluted, I've been seeing a LOT of similar skills just being recycled, I wish that there were only several Warframes with multiple, interchangeable abilities.

    I can agree with recycled frames lately, but I think limiting frame choice for that and to adhere to a typical class meta will ultimately shorten Warframe's lifespan, so rather call out specific frames and suggest changes with good feedback. I think the main problem you have is you're comparing space ninjas with powers grindfest to destiny but with mechas(2019). Hence what I said before about them being different games. It's really apples to oranges as far as gameplay is concerned.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Insidiatorii said:

    Honestly, there's nothing wrong with taking a look at another's success. The point here is that Anthem made their Javelins FEEL heavy, and they all differ. I think that it's a perfect example to compare both the games for they are already pretty similar. Also, there isn't anything wrong with having some planets being better than other, the point is to create a dynamic environment. There are going to be places in every game that isn't the best to farm or do fun little speed runs...

    i didn't say it was an inherently bad idea. just that people will dismiss it because people on the forums dislike warframe being compared to other games. go look at a "destiny has this thing, so let's bring it to warframe" posts and you'll see my point.

    also, warframes differ already, at least in conclave. it's pretty meh considering you then need to mod around it, which is another issue here: nerfing mobility for tank frames makes people feel like mobility mods become mandatory on them. if i main frost, but i don't want to double my cap speedrun and annoy teammates by bringing it, i'd feel i had to spend 2 mod slots on mobility.

    in fact, the biggest argument against vastly different movesets per frame, other than the massive development time needed to do it, would be the simple point that there's no clearly defined class meta. frost isn't purely a tank, volt isn't purely dps, trinity isn't purely a... okay well there's a support class, but it seems like the roles aren't clear-cut like you're describing. if i want a speed rhino with paper armor, i can make it. so point being, frame abilities are too diverse at this point to relegate moveset types based on role to them. therefore, make em all equally mobile apart from sprint speed for melee considerations.

    we haven't even gotten into the lore implications, since anthem has mecha suits and warframe has biotech warriors turned puppets for children that don't strictly pilot them from inside. so again, from a practical, thematic, and lorewise perspective, different movesets per frame isn't a good idea.


  7. 11 minutes ago, birdobash said:

    You should REALLY read that whole thing like 5 times again, because I clearly never said MR shouldn't be gained from weapons, I said Syndicate standing caps SHOULDN'T be determined by your MR, which is determined by how many weapons you have leveled (aka laying around in ESO).

    What I'm saying is Mastery rank=/= syndicate standing cap, because Mastery rank is gained 99% from leveling gear, a completely unrelated factor from syndicates. Gear leveled correlating to MR is fine, but gear leveled correlating to MR correlating to standing caps is NOT fine. The connection BETWEEN MR and syndicates is the part that isn't fine, not the MR system itself.

    You also completely ignored the front and backs of the parts you bolded, taking it extremely out of context, because if you were to read the entire sentence instead of a bit between commas it means something else entirely.

    we're really starting to derail from the post, so this is the last i'll be talking about this. you clearly dislike the MR system, based on your own words. if you can't own up to that, then fine. if you dislike syndicate standing being tied to MR, there's a simple solution: all or nothing. grind all the MR so it's not an issue or don't grind MR or syndicate so it's not an issue, seeing as this is such a huge issue for you. not great advice, but then DE has a need for a cap and a need for MR to benefit progression. if your argument was more along the lines of remove standing from xp and put all the rep onto missions, i could at least pretend you don't like MR and address the proposed change. but if you say things like this:

    14 hours ago, birdobash said:

    I think another huge problem that needs to be addressed is just the whole MR system in general, I think it's pretty stupid that MR decides how much standing cap you have and not something else entirely that actually relates to syndicates. Gaining MR is literally just leveling MR fodder, which entails sitting around in ESO with a kraken and other equally bad weapons.

    people are gonna interpret that as "i don't want to grind MR fodder anymore, just give me full rep cap without it", especially when you continue to berate the MR system. here's more choice examples since you ignored your own bolded statements i pointed out to you, stripped of context this time since you didn't look at em the first time:

    14 hours ago, birdobash said:

    Standing caps shouldnt be decided by how well you can laze around in ESO or hydron leveling the plethora of trash tier weapons via teammate affinity,


    14 hours ago, birdobash said:

    I am not interested in crafting and leveling some "one night stand" weapon that I know will never be taken out again after I level it to 30, never mind hundreds of them. Players shouldn't be forced to grind the mastery points from weapons they deem useless to them, such as a basic sybaris when you own both dex sybaris and sybaris prime, or the penta when you have a zarr, things you will have zero use for since you already have things that fill their uses much better, just because you want to raise the amount of standing you are able to gain in a day from syndicates.

    so no. you can have an opinion on MR and syndicates, but if i call you out on disliking MR, which effects your opinion on the topic, then if not acknowledge it, at least don't double down by denying it.

    TL;DR: don't pretend you don't have a bias against MR, and if you do, at least don't make it so obvious

  8. 8 minutes ago, Insidiatorii said:

    For one, Gravity doesn't seem to change when moving from planet to planet, which although the game is sci-fi fantasy, I think it would add a nice sense of realism that wouldn't hurt the game at all to have differing gravity on planets. For example, on Earth, Warframes would not be able to jump as high, falling would take less time, etc. On Pluto, for example, the gravity would be much lower, Warframes being able to jump higher and fall a bit slower. I think adding dynamic gravity to the game would make Warframes feel heavier which is something I personally enjoy. Right now, to me, Warframes (all of them...) feel like they are plastic dolls swinging swords around, not to mention the knockdown animations.

    this would be cool if not for the fact a lot of the game is played in ships and it would affect speedruns, making certain planets better than others

    9 minutes ago, Insidiatorii said:

    Two, my biggest problem is how all the Warframes feel the same when moving around, although yes some move around a little bit slower or faster. Rhino feels the same as Loki when running and jumping, and I think that DE should invest some time into borrowing some ideas from Anthem to get a sense of dynamic 'Frame movement systems where each frame, light or heavy, FEELS the way that it meant to be played, Rhino like the Colossus and Loki/Ash like the Interceptor from Anthem. 

    they have this in PVP, where EHP and mobility are variant among frames. on another note, try not to compare warframe to another game, as that tends to make people dismiss your sugestion. just because Anthem does this one thing really well doesn't mean warframe should too, especially when they're very different games

  9. 22 minutes ago, birdobash said:

    I literally never said leveling weapons for MR was a bad system, I said leveling MR that directly correlates to an increase in your daily standing cap is a bad system. Syndicates and MR should be completely seperate from each other, syndicate caps should be determined by things you do for said syndicate and not how high your MR is, since high MR just means you have a lot of gear, a lot of which is probably bad.

    MR already determined what weapons you're allowed to craft and what rivens you're able to use, it should just stick with that and not interfere with syndicates at all, the system is equivalent to how many different types of forks you own determines how high of a position you are at work.

    except you did.

    14 hours ago, birdobash said:

    I think another huge problem that needs to be addressed is just the whole MR system in general, I think it's pretty stupid that MR decides how much standing cap you have and not something else entirely that actually relates to syndicates. Gaining MR is literally just leveling MR fodder, which entails sitting around in ESO with a kraken and other equally bad weapons.

    Standing caps shouldnt be decided by how well you can laze around in ESO or hydron leveling the plethora of trash tier weapons via teammate affinity, it just doesn't make sense. Syndicate standing caps should be determined by activities related to said syndicate, make syndicate missions raise the cap for the syndicate you do it for after doing enough of them, not by how big your arsenal is.

    As a player at MR19 who owns all the weapons and frames that I could possibly need, I am not interested in crafting and leveling some "one night stand" weapon that I know will never be taken out again after I level it to 30, never mind hundreds of them. Players shouldn't be forced to grind the mastery points from weapons they deem useless to them, such as a basic sybaris when you own both dex sybaris and sybaris prime, or the penta when you have a zarr, things you will have zero use for since you already have things that fill their uses much better, just because you want to raise the amount of standing you are able to gain in a day from syndicates.

    TL:DR how much MR fodder you've leveled should not correlate to how big your daily standing caps are, it's a bad system that should have zero relation to one other.

    you had a clear stance against MR being determined "by how well you can laze around in ESO or hydron leveling the plethora of trash tier weapons via teammate affinity". so you've clearly got something against the MR system, which affects your opinion of whether MR should matter for syndicates. if you want to argue against progression (advantage for playing the game longer than a newbie), then fine. but don't pretend you're not.

  10. 5 minutes ago, VenomousValentine said:

    Baro hasn't had them since last tennocon dude.

    And you cant even buy them from other players.

    actually the last time baro had em was november 30. which was 4 visits ago. more to the point though, stalker farming is still a thing, farm em with 4 marks with clan, every player gets a pigment, 8 pigments each spawn with boosters. so still, 11-12 stalkers later, you've got your pigment. still not difficult and easily attainable in a few hours with a full team

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, birdobash said:

    I think another huge problem that needs to be addressed is just the whole MR system in general, I think it's pretty stupid that MR decides how much standing cap you have and not something else entirely that actually relates to syndicates. Gaining MR is literally just leveling MR fodder, which entails sitting around in ESO with a kraken and other equally bad weapons.

    Standing caps shouldnt be decided by how well you can laze around in ESO or hydron leveling the plethora of trash tier weapons via teammate affinity, it just doesn't make sense. Syndicate standing caps should be determined by activities related to said syndicate, make syndicate missions raise the cap for the syndicate you do it for after doing enough of them, not by how big your arsenal is.

    As a player at MR19 who owns all the weapons and frames that I could possibly need, I am not interested in crafting and leveling some "one night stand" weapon that I know will never be taken out again after I level it to 30, never mind hundreds of them. Players shouldn't be forced to grind the mastery points from weapons they deem useless to them, such as a basic sybaris when you own both dex sybaris and sybaris prime, or the penta when you have a zarr, things you will have zero use for since you already have things that fill their uses much better, just because you want to raise the amount of standing you are able to gain in a day from syndicates.

    TL:DR how much MR fodder you've leveled should not correlate to how big your daily standing caps are, it's a bad system that should have zero relation to one other.

    alright, so ignoring that it's only loosely related to the main post for a moment, let's assume you're right that using new weapons, warframes and generally playing the game is a bad way to award mastery ranks to players. what's the alternative? what other way can you imagine to show mastery that wouldn't feel like another checklist of MR fodder?


    oh, and on another note, the only marginally good suggestion from this thread so far is weekly standing caps. except in the case you're busy for a week and lose a week's progress, then come to the forums to make the same complaint and suggest monthly caps. then yearly. in other words, making the timespan arbitrary doesn't address the issue of you not having enough time to play the game. if you can't play, then don't expect to progress as quickly as someone who can. it sucks you can't, but it's not DE's fault you were busy all week.

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  12. it's different because health types are resisted/vulnerable to different damage types, all of which are based on the mob at hand. speaking to base damage, it's not all that important since mods builds involve either crit or status rather than raw damage, at least most meta weapons meant for endgame content, because when you're trying to kill lvl 200 heavy units, it's faster to bleed proc em or get a crit, and more often than not the bleed is better.

  13. On 2019-01-28 at 3:31 AM, (XB1)Darthgollum 01 said:

    I believe my point still stands exact situation aside if you place it so it can shoot stuffs but it itself is safe i imagine most of these spots require it to be crouching to shoot through the doors etc and i read the wiki on his decoy cuz i did find the immediate shooting and stuffs kinda weird and his guns do fire just for 0 dmg they occasionally proc for impact bleed or puncture each being extremely minimal but the decoys purpose is to distract not to kill however if you insist on saying he doesn't shoot then technically no gun in warframe shoots held by player or enemy it generates a temporary sprite that travels along a straight line (or parabolic curve for arrows etc) at a set speed (with projectile speed mods taken into account) using a hitbox to determine what if anything it hits (with punch through and range taken into account) playing an audio clip and creating then destroying a muzzle flash and firing sound for the first few frames of the animation

    Decoys guns are the exact same but hit for 0 damage

    Bit of a word dump there, but from what I gather you want the decoy to be able to crouch to fire it's gun through doors? Then somehow equate a decoy gun with a real gun, saying they're the same, just fake does nothing. None of this counters my (OP's) point. Having access to a stealthed decoy for swaps is useful, and having decoys for aggro is useful. Those 2 situations may overlap at times, but at that point it becomes a mechanic to master. Please think over your objection if you reply because I think you have a point but for the life of me I can't figure it out in that run-on response

  14. 43 minutes ago, SpyroManiac1 said:

    No, that's not the issue. The issue is likely from the 24.2.10 Hotfix:

    I imagine that in the process of fixing that issue, they created another one. Octavia is currently unplayable because of this.

    On a similar note, rebinding controls on controller hasn't worked since I last played in 2015, after numerous updates, re-installs, and even editing the config file. Completely unacceptable in my opinion. I don't know what system they use for controller rebinding, but it's not in an acceptable state at all.


    did not see it was a controller issue. mb

    5 minutes ago, majicmojo73 said:

    Rolling, for the most part, is useless as we have much better ways of moving about the tiles while avoiding enemy fire.

    roll is super useful, actually. it's great for extra momentum, or more air time without using glide/slide, which kill/uses momentum. plus, you know there's a 75% DR while rolling, so it's great to close gaps while using melee. plus it's good for cancelling hard falls by rolling into the landing, helps you dodge knockbacks and other cc, etc. not even talking about the mod, this is all base. it's as essential a parkour tool as double jump and very important in melee combat.

  15. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)Darthgollum 01 said:

    Sure but what if you place lokis decoy crouching somewhere where it can shoot enemies but they can't see it and its purpose is too draw enemies there without being killed? 

    then you don't want a hidden decoy, since it uses LoS for aggro. plus it doesn't actually shoot, just occasional impact proc, so

    7 hours ago, Ranzinzo said:

    Often enough I find myself using Loki's Decoy just as a target for Switch Teleport, specially in spy missions in order to bypass lasers. But, as soon as its summoned, the Decoy starts shooting its fake Lato/Lex Prime like he is in some kind of Expendables movie. I'm well aware that the purpose of a decoy is to attract attention, but if there is no attention to be attracted in the first place, it can be very annoying.

    Other examples might include usage of the Savior Decoy augment. Sometimes you are just trying to hide your Decoy as a life saving trick, but the stupid #$&(% starts shooting, attracting all nearby enemies and getting pulverized.

    Suggestion #1: if Decoy is cast while Loki is crouching, the Decoy (who would also be crouching) won't shoot unless it is directly spotted by enemy units (if that happens, the Decoy will stand up). This makes it pretty simple to cast a hidden Decoy for any purpose.

    Suggestion #2: Decoy won't shoot if there are no alerted enemies nearby. Another possible solution for the problem, but I think #1 is better because is gives players more control.


    These are my suggestions. Pretty simple changes that would make Loki players a little bit happier I belive.

  16. her passive could be better. it makes her kit sound like saryn, but fire. same passive, similar 4ths (in that dps is affected by status inflicted) i'm worried that you went the way of describing your rework with other frame's powers. i understand the need for shorthand, but it sounds like you're just copying other frame concepts, which is the last thing the game needs after the last few... let's say... uninspired frames to come out. rather new ideas with brief descriptions than "like x frame's ability, but with a twist"

  17. Just now, ItzNaty said:

    every frame..and operator slides instead of going into void mode

    right, then you've either remapped sprint/roll or roll key to crouch key, or your game is completely broken and you should reinstall after scrubbing your hard drive with a fine-toothed comb. with acid.

  18. 2 minutes ago, ItzNaty said:

    I Checked, I was using octavia before hotfix no issue when i restarted the game after hotfix was deployed the issue started

    is this specific to octavia or have you tried other frames and have the same issue?

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