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Posts posted by mishmashmarsh

  1. Oh know a melee buff! the suffering think of the children :O But in all honestly you can use about any secondary or primary in the game and do more DPS than any melee weapon.


    Primary and secondary weapons can hit at a distance and they do more damage than melee weapons so a DPS increase would hardly be game breaking, it might even increase the popularity of melee weapons to some extent.


    I'm all thumbs up for a multishot melee mod or just a straight up melee buff.

  2. WHY? Survival was the most fun mode before this nerf?  I haven't tried it post nerf, but why are you making this more about micromanaging LS and dealing with RNG than, you know, actually surviving and having fun shooting dudes?




    ^Because everything on warframe is RNG^ if they did something different that would be inventive, don't be silly.

  3. U17 came with three new grineer weapons to level up, as well as twin memes. Theres a number of things vets can do with the affinity weekend. Such as slapping on forma for the exilus slot, slapping forma on new weapons or even old weapons. U17 also came with lotus lore which I personally think is better than stalker lore because lotus is more apparent. Not everything DE does has to cater to veterans. 


    One of those weapons was the twin grakata 2 grakatas but there less powerful than one? 1+1=0.5 logic ye that outa keep up busy. What lotus lore btw? I have yet to see any lotus lore or is it in the quest we have to grind for? if so not interested I hate grinding at the best of times let alone grinding to get something that requires you to probably grind some more.


    Remember when we used to get weapons on a regular basis? those where the days.

  4. What platinum only reinforcement are you  talking about?  The Nghtshade Whatever and Rakta (or whatever it's name is) Syandana? Those are cosmetics.


    And as for lore about stalker, I am perhaps here too short to remember this promise (joined around a year ago) but he does have a pretty long codex entry.


    It says in there post on the warframe news thing tenno reinforcements. More stalker lore was said to be on it's way but that seems to have been forgotten about.

  5. Anyone else bothered by this? I know I am, I was hoping for a new weapon or something that I can get without spending plat and DE gives us an effinity booster lol to do what with? vets have nothing to rank up last weapon we had was the samaris thing that nobody talks about and you have to grind for :/


    Just to check with the community does anyone remember when we where gonna get stalker lore like a year ago? what ever happened to that?

  6. I do see what your saying but warframe will never be a survival type of game, It's just not gonna happen. If your getting bored of the game I would recommend taking a break and coming back after like 5 big updates, because all we get is a new weapon/warframe to mow down the same enemy's over and over again. Warframe is just one big horde mode with slight variations it gets boring pretty fast.

  7. A pistol shotgun maybe? Detron and Brakk would require some Assassin farming, but I've heard good things about the Pyrana, and the (Ak)bronco could be worth trying out too. Otherwise there's the beam weapons: Atomos, Gammacor, Nukor, and Spectra are all possibilities.


    One of my personal favorites is a Bolto with the Entropy Spike mod. It's hilariously effective and still pretty fun to use.


    Where have you heard good things about the pyrana?

  8. Has to be a skin.


    I'm sure DE is creative enough to NOT triple-dip with the same frame...


    If they really want to sell it like prime access, then make it a combo of Excal frame + Umbra skin + instant level 30 + Potato + Exclusive cosmetics. EDIT: Throw an exilus too, because who cares.


    Either way, whatever they do, it just can't be a separate frame. That's dumb.


    The prisma gorgon, Gorgon and gorgon wraith say otherwise.

  9. I have 3 words for you:


    Optional. Endgame. Material.


    ^Worst. response. ever^ you could literally say that with anything. There's a new weapon that costs 1000 plat or... or you could fight Vor 5000 times "Optional. endgame material"

  10. Hmmm ok, I havent figured out how to use BB code to post images... they just dont show up, only a huge link of what should be an image :c




    or maybe I cant use steam? err... somebody halp! please c:






    still not right ... :c


    Are you using imgur? if so it should be really easy, also it's Spoiler where you have img that's why they're not hidden.

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