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Posts posted by Terumitsu

  1. I too am legitimately bamboozled. It seems that not many have actually killed an Eidolon and thus it hasn't hit a critical mass of info-seekers yet? If I find anything, I'll post it but I'm straight up dismayed that I can do absolutely nothing at the moment


    Edit: So, it seems that we need to somehow 'Capture' the damn things from all I've been able to find out. Maybe something to do with those lures?


    Edit2: After running around with a group, it seems that you can capture the thing by first 'charging' the lures with the small 'lysts and then dragging them to the Kaiju'lyst once it's in it's final  phase. Since you can tell them to wait, you can prep them beforehand and then run back to get them from a safe place so that they don't die.

    Take this with a grain of salt as my team wasn't able to capture it but we did trigger more dialogue when we brought two of the charged lures near the Eidolon so we may need more.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Could you allow the Lunaro controls to be rebound rather than relying on preset bindings? Those of us who have alternate melee bindings would greatly appreciate it.


    Also, reverting the change to movement speed from the jump-slide-roll combination in PVE at least would be grand.

  3. So, you know those big white trees that you see a lot in Orokin tilesets? They look like strange, petrified pieces of art or something, yeah?


    Well, what if they're more than just art? While this is going to be mostly supposition, I think the idea that they're something else is quite compelling.


    What I'd like for you to keep in mind is that not only are they in Orokin Tilesets, they are also in your Liset. Don't believe me? Go near the back just before the Operator's room and look at the walls. You'll be able to see the same material running in cables there... As well as acting as cabling out from the Operator's chair as well. In fact, it was this last bit that struck me with the idea:


    The white tree-material? Those are for data storage and transmission.


    Now, it might seem odd that they're both but at the same time, don't the 'trees' and 'branches' in many rooms look almost like nerves? Certainly the way they connect to certain Orokin devices imply that they're there to do more than just look pretty. Plus, the way the 'trees' branch out makes me think that such places are data storage centers or libraries of information and they actively grow as they accumulate more data. You can even see them moving about on their own in the Moon tileset in certain areas and the sheer size of the 'branches' there implies an absolutely insane amount of data stored within.


    And notice how there seem to be more benches and the like near where these trees are located? OR.. At least it feels like there are... The point being that they were more than just set art pieces but perhaps nodes or access terminals in a way. I mean, we've never come across any kind of construction where it would make sense for an Orokin to be doing 'work' in their own area, right? Well, wouldn't it make sense instead that the shape of a workplace would be structured differently if data were accessed differently? I mean, this is pure conjecture and such at this point but I could imagine where the 'trees' and such would have holographic displays and such flying around them in a much more lively manner... At least up until all the users died or vanished and their genetic locks on various aspects of the data therefore locked all that information away until it became the sterile environments we see today.


    One thing that I would like to note is that there do seem to be a lot of these 'trees' where a lot of data might make sense to be stored. Like the Extraction area, on a Void tileset, for instance. Wouldn't it make sense to have some way to keep up with all the potential coming and going of ships and personnel? All those trees there might just be the grown representation of shipping manifests and records for all we know.


    Anyway, this was just something I was thinking about and felt might be fun to share.

  4. CC should not be able to render a boss useless. Unless you like playing games on easy mode. 

    The way CC is implemented makes Warframe child's play. 


    Look at games like Diablo 3, Mass Effect 3.. Those games can be pretty difficult even if you are geared well with -min/+max builds because of how smart the AI is and the balance of CC abilities. 


    You can't CC armored enemies in ME3. 


    You can't knock back a Rift Guardian and several Champions in Diablo 3. 


    Therefore you have to think outside the box. Warframe.. you can spin your controller/keyboard around like a top and whatever button is pressed when they stop will render the enemy useless.

    Seems like I edited just when you posted there, fellow Tenno!

    Now, I will say it has been a while since I played ME3 but I would swear that heavy enemies do suffer from CC but to a much reduced degree. I swear I remember that Biotic Charge or Pull or the like would induce a small but useful stagger on these heavy foes that your team could use or at least you could employ to slow their advance.

    Basically, I dislike primarily CC skills having the CC aspect removed or utterly nullified but I would be fine with and actually encourage something to where they would still have a use but less as a 'lock down harder than Madagascar's boarders' and more of a 'I need room to breathe for a moment' when it comes to reducing effectiveness. That way they are still useful but not necessarily with the same potency.

  5. I am unsure about this.

    Sonic Boom does abysmal damage already so removing the CC aspect of it renders the power useless.

    Honestly, the idea is interesting but removing CC is just removing tools from a player's kit.

    While I think this is a discussion worth having, I am against this implementation of it.

    As a note, this is mostly in the vein of Sonic Boom only as the rest of the ideas seem fine. Honestly I'd be fine if Sonic Boom ended up doing only a stagger as a 'breathing room' tactic and have the push and damage negated, really.

  6. Cataclysm just needs to not shrink as well... Among a number of other things to make it actually worth the '4' slot. Honestly, though he's fun to play, his kit is more of 'fun had in spite of it's mechanics' than 'fun had because of it's mechanics' and that makes me kinda sad.

  7. Remembering how there was a bug about exactly this a few months ago that was fixed, this is just it's return.


    Like, this exact bug has been a thing before, guys. It happens. It'll get patched... eventually.

  8. Negative four hours and ten minutes for me.


    I have a decent enough paying jorb so I can afford prime access stuff and just coast off the plat from that. I am actually rather pleased that I did as the stance has it's first attack in any chain have a solid chance to force a bleed proc. Mix that with the fact that it seems to be built to stack that combo damage multiplier as fast as possible and that it is a viable berserker candidate and it is a shockingly effective setup.


    But this is just me and I figure others aren't in my position. At the least I can always just hand off any other copies I come across to clanmates or whomever needs it as a freebie.

  9. 4x corrosive auras so they have no armor. So crush does decent dmg vs them.


    Also have yet to see any one post any links to people getting higher kills.


    I think that people are looking to farm more focus for less kills as that's generally faster and more efficient. So this is more like a golf game: The lower numbers are the winning numbers.


    Plus even if you get loads of focus with that many kills, the cap means it's both wasted after a point as well as only one person gaining the benefit of it all. So that doesn't seem very useful to most people who want to do it fast and easy.

  10. I personally stick with Split Chamber over Heavy Caliber and keep firestorm in my builds. Mostly because I like my grenades going where I aim them (Seriously it's like a shotgun's spread without the pellets to compensate) and a wider area with firestorm means more of that wonderful carnage. Seriously it's more worth it than you would realize given that it nearly doubles the actual volume of the explosion.


    So yeah, Go for elemental damage on this.

  11. Bingo.


    The Warframes themselves aren't even what's being used to contain our powers, powers that supposedly we can't really control all that well. Personally, it's all far too much of a mess.


    I'm surprised at you for saying this.


    Remember, Vor did pretty much lay it out to us that Warframes were not the source of our powers but 'lenses to focus the furious light.' Basically the analogy is just that. A Tenno can vomit out huge amounts of energy but like a light-bulb, it's just all up and down the spectrum. Unfocused. A Warframe then just focuses that light-bulb's emissions into a laser that can then be used for a specific purpose.


    And the idea of light-to-laser is a more apt one than you would think as different colors of laser have different applications as each wavelength of light can induce different kinds of effects or impart energy in different ways than others. Literally you can hit an atom with one kind of laser at a given power forever and have nothing change but bring in a laser of a shorter optical wavelength of the same power and cause it's electrons to jump up an energy level. It's actually a cool subject if anyone is interested.


    And control could be any number of things from 'fine manipulation.' to 'OH GOD WHY CAN'T I STOP.' And it could also mean that back at that point of time, control wasn't possible but that was then and this is now.


    I think the five focus powers are actually an interesting lore-ish bit as well. In a way, I kinda think of them as 'proto-powers' as they have a lot of initial raw energy but aren't as finely tuned as your other four Warframe skills. However, they are the 'building blocks' for all the other powers that you use. So, in that respect, they could be seen as being uncontrolled in the fact that they don't have the same pinpoint focus of a power that capitalizes on one specific aspect (E.g. Naramon's mind-spike being better focused into Nyx's Chaos or Zenurik's void pulse being the basis of Rhino's Stomp or Oberon's Reckoning or Vazarin's healing tides being channeled into Trinity's Well of Life or Blessing) Continuing on with this, the passives of each Focus could also be seen as part of these 'proto powers' as they stick around after using the main ability. Like the invisibility on criticals focused into more reliable invisibility at will or from gaining a bit more armor to gaining a tough skin of iron for protection.


    Maybe it might look like a mess at a glance but I think there's more there than what an initial glance would provide.

  12. Personally I think that it's not as gimmicky as it could be for Ivara. I mean, she's a silkworm who is totally a DnD ranger. No, really.


    And her 2 is actually legitimately amazing when using a glaive as you have a flying wheel of death that you drive to the nearest enemy cluster and hit 'Puree.' I even got stuck once on a bit of geometry where I couldn't move out of a doorway and the funnel of enemies running at me just murdered themselves in droves. It was great.

  13. The fact that people actually came up with this "EHP" stat makes me cringe. 

    How so? Effective HP due to the interaction of actual HP and Armor is a thing, after all. Valkyr can hit around an effective 8,000 HP or so if you build her right and this makes healing much more efficient on high-armor frames than others due to the 'effective HP' they have.


    And moving on from that topic, I think she's got a problem with using a lot of energy in a short span of time but I can easily make high-level things melt with 3-1-Tonbo-4 without much worry of death. Would like the armor as even more she's a Melee frame but that's already been touched on.

  14. Question:


    Recently, the reworks on Frames and their powers has been to not just enhance them in the current state of the game but to add an internal synergy to their workings. In light of this, and based upon the fact that many consider his kit clunky or requires more trouble than it is often worth in general play, is it possible that Limbo is also on the list for this kind of polish as well?


    Also, as a more 'behind the scenes' question: Can you give a rough idea, from start to finish, what goes into making a Warframe? Like, how the concepts are gathered and what motifs are planned from the start and how they appear to 'grow' through development?

  15. It takes another Guardian Super to break the Ward of Dawn, so it is unknown/unlikely as to whether a Tenno could break it.


    Yes, they can walk inside, but a firly common piece of equipment, the Helm of Saint-14, causes any enemies entering the area to be vlinded, similar to Excalibur's Blind, except you can still move.  Generally, this gets you meleed to oblivion, and shotgunned back out the other side.


    Thing is, I know the exact tactic that would be used against them in this case. I use it all the time with nullifiers. Bullet jump through the field and drop a tonkor on their heads and then ride the blastwave out. It's super fun in practice. Heck the blinding could be used as a way to measure when to pull the trigger, even. But yeah, that ward could easily end up being countered by superior mobility and the tactics that such gives since it's not a perfect defense. Plus it would be punishing since the guardians would be all scrunched up in a small area.

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