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Posts posted by Terumitsu

  1. On this Ward of Dawn thing, I read up on it and apparently other Guardians can break through it. So it doesn't seem far fetched that void magic couldn't breech it as well.


    Also, does it wall out enemies to where they can't come into the area the ward is in or does it only allow outgoing bullets through the field?

  2. Light isn't defined AT ALL, except that the Traveller grants it, the Darkness is against it, and it does everything, including cleaning chrome.


    There is even theories, partially supported by parts of the Grimoire, that imply the Darknes sand the Light could be the same thing.


    BTW, I can post a link to all the Grimoire cards, if you like.  Makes for good bathroom reading.


    That would be awesome of you. I like lore things in general so go ahead.

  3. Ok, first, as to the capture mechanic:  The ghost can go "inside" the Guradian.  Your HUD is actually a function of the Ghost, as is you rnavigation, your ability to call your ship and sparrow (hoverbike), and so on.  So, while the Capture mechanic could be a thing, it wouldn't seperate the Ghost from teh guardian.  Also, there is equal chance that bla bla LIGHT bla bla the capture wouldn't work.  Not even the Guardians fully understand Light, so it's a toss up.


    Second, the 8 player Tenno teams:  This does change things a bit, and swings the favor a bit more in the direction of the Tenno.  However, I still think the synergy of the Guardian powers, and especially the Ward of Light, would give them more than a decent chance.  it may not be a coin toss anymore, but it is still a fight.


    Third, the Hacking:  Most evidence points to the Traveller, and by extension the Ghosts, as being inorganic life forms, rather than machines.  The Vex, a synthetic race in Destiny, are similar critters.  This would render them as defended against hacking as an organic brain, at least.  Now, this does open the possibility that Nyx could mess with a Ghost, but I have a feeling that, if the writers were presented with that situation, they would bla bla LIGHT bla bla something, so lets just assume that doesn't work.


    Fourth, the easily reassembled Warframe technology:  I've gotta call this one a wash, because Guardian tech is similarly resuable.  Most of it is based around a programmable matter called Glimmer, which takes skill to use and sometimes implements an exotic resource component, but can be reshapped an unlimited number of times into new and different gear, weapons, armor, and vehicles.  Considering the Tenno Forge works along a similar concept (sorta), their ability to gather and reuse technology is about even.


    FInally, the respawn mechanics:  Even if both mechanics work as normal, the Guardians still get an edge here, since their respawn is automatic after a time, while the Tenno have to have outside assistance or an expendable revive resource, or inexplicably end up back on their ship.  While this isn't a swing-factor by any sense, the Guardians win out on this singular point.


    Though some good points, I think the 'blah blah LIGHT' parts cannot be reliably accepted as an argument against anything given there is no current basis as best I can see that would create a situation of outright denial of effect. It feels like a lazy cop-out when compared to the rest of your rather sound reasoning. However, again, the capture mechanic does require more information before it can be seen as a viable tactic anyway so I suppose it is partially moot on that point.


    Also, I don't see how an inorganic life form is all that different from a machine if it can be accessed and communicated with using electrical and/or EM spectrum methods, then it seems like something that could be potentially hacked. Technically, if you want to get philosophical about it, the matter that makes up a machine can be rendered a moot point as long as the entry vector is a route that a given system is susceptible to. Yes, this means that colds, flu, ebola, and the like are just biological malware and antibodies are your biological firewalls. Vaccinations are anti-malware updates and have no effect on the OS of the system other than keeping it's hardware more defended against attacks.


    Of course, for all we know, Ordis and the Ghost are utterly unable to interact with each other beyond simple 'verbal' communication based upon not having any programming commonalities on which either OS could interface with the other since they were not built in a situation where one would need to interact with the other. That is to say, no drivers would exist to facilitate compatibility.


    That said, Nyx can mind control straight up Robots already so there is that to take into account. I don't even know how that's supposed to work but apparently it does.

  4. We don't really know much about how the Tenno 'capture' their targets, but I'd imagine it'd bring the Ghost along for the ride. It seems to be some form of point to point teleportation like the Guardians transmat ability, but it's quite vague. 


    If Ordis can hack Ghosts, Ghosts can hack Ordis. They both appear to be semi-autonomous AI with a similar ability to hack and subvert enemy systems. A fight between Ordis and Nolanbot would probably just render any tech outside of the Guardian or Tenno functionally useless as they each countered the others attempts to use it against their operator/partner. 


    True, the Ghost could come along. Still, it seems like it is a thing that the Tenno could do to effectively remove threats from the battlefield against things that pretty much don't ever die. But yeah, more information would be needed before this could be considered a viable tactic.


    A fight between AI would pretty much come down to who had the better processing ability and defenses... Of which we have no baselines for either as far as I know.

  5. Lets assume full parties, as big as possible.  Destiny Raid party's consist of six Guardians, while Tenno never operate in numbers larger than four.


    Err... Tenno raids/Trials have up to 8 members in the team.. So they will outnumber the Guardian raiding parties as well.


    Also, an idea here: Tenno have the unique ability to 'collect' a fallen foe as seen in Capture missions. It seems logical to me that the Tenno could use this to down a Guardian and then transport the corpus elsewhere before it can be revived by the Ghost. Thus, by taking them out of the fight, I think the Tenno can effectively 'kill' a Guardian in this respect.


    Also, though this is a stretch as there are no specific lore feats that can yet be shown, given how Ordis can cause some serious havoc by hacking into enemy systems with the new liset functions, could Ordis potentially hack a Ghost?

  6. ....Considering that there are at least three weapons in the game that are laser-based (Flux Rifle, Spectra, Opticor), and the fact that we have no trouble parrying them either.. Wouldn't that put Tenno at a much higher tier of reaction speed because.. Yanno.. Lasers are just light, after all? And two of those are continuous streams at that.


    Or, if you want to get technical, EM radiation moving at C or near C of a suitable intensity all directed in a uniform path rather than simply outward at random.

  7. I'm one of those nerds who like finding out what names and such are drawn upon or have their source material inspire things. Like how the Itzal is a Basque-regional word for 'Shadow' or how Excalibur's Radial Blind is a reference to when King Arthur first drew the blade and it's radiance was so great it was blinding to his foes.


    Or the many many Buddhist themes deeply set in the game.


    It's just a thing. I figure other folks kinda like knowing silly trivia from time to time as well.

  8. For those of you not into Norse mythology, Gersemi was the norse goddess of beauty.


    Now, seeing how the skin for Valkyr is a visual rework and all... Well, I'll let you fill in the blanks.



    Anyway, I'm done nerding out about nomenclature now....

  9. Hello little Late! Are you looking for big Late? I don't think he's here yet..


    Now that I have the Dad joke out of the way, Nice to see you here! And it's not mandatory to introduce yourself but it's always kinda fun.


    And speaking of fun, I hope you have plenty of it around here and in game!

  10. I like these ideas but I would also say that rather than the 'ceiling gravity' thing, I'd rather cataclysm have a momentary effect of Vauban's Vortex and suck all enemies to the center for a second or two after they enter the area. That way they're a bit easier to take out as well as give Cataclysm a bit less risk to Limbo when foes just stride into the AoE

  11. I mentioned this a while ago in a feedback thread but to add to this:


    Channeled mods are by and large inferior to their unchanneled counterparts.


    Thus, when given limited mod space as well as the energy drain on top of an inferior effect of another standard mod, the choice is clear where it's not even worth considering to slot them.

  12. So, we all have a fairly good idea of what Dragon Keys do, right? They hamper us as we all farm for corrupted mods and that's all fine and good but..


    Well, I had the idea that perhaps, as they are such a hamper, they could be used as a kind of 'special training' when worn to boost Affinity gain or something in normal missions. Basically additional challenge for a reward of some kind. Maybe set it up that you could have several keys on for a greater boost in affinity gain but only the first that comes up in our loadout actually works in the derelict for reasons of not just being a single-person farm squad.


    At the very least, I think it would help speed up the process of re-leveling with forma or leveling stuff you aren't fond of. Or just give others a little more of a challenge or something.


    What do the rest of you think of this? Has this already been suggested?

  13. Because as an ascendant genius swaglord who knows how to talk to the hippies that hang out back and get their good stuff, I just don't have the time in my schedule.


    Also they made me drop my rocky road ice cream one time and I swore eternal vengeance as the Grineer had just sacked the place I got it from and turned it into a tofu restaurant.


    I'd be friends with the geriatric super-friends in power armor but they don't like me for some reason. I think it's because they see I'm a 1%-er swaglord and all of my gold flash just blinds them and makes their eyes hurt.

  14. Something I have been wondering: As with this style of game, you need to make content usable as quickly as possible, often resulting in the content coming in drips and drabs and dollops. Do you think this method is slower than when making a game from the ground up without having to export a working product so quickly?

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