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Posts posted by Terumitsu

  1. So it's essentially confirmed now that the Orokin (by way of a specific Corpus) built them. And we know more about how they fight--when one is destroyed, the pieces rebuild into new ones, which become resistant to whatever it was previously killed by.


    Not just that but it splits off like a starfish and can regrow from bits and pieces.


    So we need to utterly exterminate a cluster or else we can expect to be hit by more due to it growing back... OR using our warframe powers in leu of weapons due to void energy being an anathema.


    I do wonder what the heck was going on where they would need such terraforming and so on, however. Same with the seven principals as well. What would those be? Are they tied to the 'Evolution' sigils we see so often in void towers?

  2. I keep seeing people saying Mag was nerfed but.. Well, I scratch my head and wonder why that people say that as no power nor stat of Mag's base package has been altered one iota.


    They just did stuff to how a certain mod functions.


    So.. Maybe it's splitting hairs but maybe it isn't Mag that got a nerf at all and people are blowing things hugely out of proportion as is normal on the internet.

  3. My favorite in recent memory was Tonkor-surfing through a crowd of corrupted during a survival game. Point-blank shot sent me up the first time, landed another shot as I was coming down which let me reload for two more bounces before  running out of mooks to turn into red paste. I am certain that it was at least 50% luck, though. Felt amazing regardless.

  4. Counter Counter Point.


    If you instead ran infested impedance, You get the immediate affect is slowing parasitic eximus platoons that could attack.

    And those parasitic eximus platoons drain your Energy making energy siphon even worse :p

    Counter Counter Counter Point.


    Energy Leach Eximus are not affected by Infested Impedance as they are grinner/corpus/corrupted. Plus, I don't seem to understand where you are coming from as everyone is gonna suffer from the -5 energy per second regardless as the range on those enemy auras are surprisingly large. Most infested levels have tighter corridors rather than the open spaces where you could snipe them off with impunity and not worry

  5. To provide a counterpoint: Let's take a 5 minute survival and one person with this on. That's 180 energy or so that you wouldn't have. Sure, that may not sound like much in the grand scheme of things but for high efficiency builds, that's actually pretty nuts. In general, it provides a nice little buffer where you will find yourself rarely feeling like you want to be able to use a power but simply cannot due to energy requirements. It's a kind of peace of mind augment and such.


    Plus, if we had 4 people running it, that same survival equates to 720 energy. Which is notably more.


    Yeah, there are things that are a lot better in given situations but it's not a bad 'I'm just pubbing' aura. Plus it helps negate the effect of energy drain enemies a bit. Which is always nice.

    • Like 1
  6. I think you may be on to something but for the wrong reasons.


    Alchemy, though known as the forerunner of chemistry to most, was actually both a practice and a philosophy. It helped create the scientific method we know now and there were plenty of alchemists that theorized the existence of elements that they didn't know how to render into a quantifiable form.


    Old science aside, Alchemy was also known for another thing: The attempts to turn base materials into gold. Now, amusingly enough, this was more on the philosophy side than the practice side although I wouldn't deny that this was attempted uncountable times to put into practice. In short: Gold was seen as representative of divinity. Gold, being the most nonreactive metal, does not rust or tarnish and was thus seen as a form of 'perfection.' Thus, turning base materials to gold was basically how one said 'to become like the divine/to become closer to god.'


    Now, we all are aware that the Oro of Orokin means gold. But Oro is also the name for the... I recall a past devstream calling it the sort of power or regenerating ability of the tenno. Someone else can get the exact quote but I gather that this is another statement about this core component of a Tenno is some kind of 'divine' force or energy much as Vor has said in his flowery diction; transmuted to be such from their exposure to the Void. Hell, Tickle-me-Vor has a glowing gold middle that might be arguably Oro as well. Maybe his refusal to die is much like how we can revive and never actually die though we may fail a mission and such.


    Something to think about at least.


    As a side note, as hilarious as it sounds, alchemy is alive and well today in the strangest of places. We have several elements on the periodic table that are man-made through the use of our accelerators and collides, creating entirely new elements and atomic structures from old ones just as was a goal of the alchemy of old.

  7. Another person here to say that the Exalted Blade stance does not equip when using the power nor do energy blades, which I assume is actually tied to the stance, do not appear when attacking.


    Also, the power will occasionally just not equip a weapon at all and all I can do is stand and autoparry or jump off of a ledge to make it turn itself off so I can fight again.

  8. Limbo: All Day. Err' Day. (Usually)

    Valkyr: Because things sometimes need a heavy hand.. And sometimes being a raging berserker is fun.

    Excalibur: Used to be a little lackluster but still generally solid and good to help newbies with. Now he is actually pretty awesome so he'll likely get much more playtime from now on

    Volt: PVP


    All the rest: Whenever someone needs something specific or I'm testing out a silly idea.

  9. As someone who has played Limbo quite a bit, being my most used frame even, I have to agree that he needs a pass to make his skillset more efficient at it's job.


    I love the concept of his kit and it may simply be due to my playstyle but I find that I almost never use his skills at all other than Riftwalk to regen shields in a pinch/move to better cover, among other things. Maybe I'm at a weird place where I'm doing so much damage that I don't even feel the need to apply his buff in normal play or maybe it just takes too much time to riftwalk-surge-banish+shoot+banish+shoot+banish+shoot through a level when I could be doing it more efficiently without all the extra steps with just a few bullets more.


    Higher-end T4 is where I actually find it worth unloading his full kit at as that's where you need the damage and such but it just feels very strange that he currently has a lower threshold of optimal use unlike pretty much all the other frames out there. He has some amazing potential, that isn't under dispute, but accessing it isn't really worth it 90% of the time. At least in my case.

  10. There seems to be a bug that either after keeping this ability going for a decent span of time OR when occasionally using Paralysis, the attack speed buff just vanishes. I don't know if the armor buff also vanishes but the ability timer will still be going and keep increasing in time with every kill regardless of if the buffs are present or not.


    In addition, it seems that this happens when I am the client so perhaps there is where the issue lies? At the very least I can't say I remember it happening when I am the host but maybe someone else might be able to better corroborate if that has happened to them as well.

  11. Primary:

    Vectis - Because sometimes you just want to feel like a badass sniper

    Opticor - Because sometimes you just want to utterly ruin whatever future plans that line of mooks had

    TONKOR - BUILT TONKOR TUFF! Also I used to play loads of Demoman in TF2



    Telos Akbolto - It's a pair of pistols that pack a wallop

    Sancti Castanas - Rather weak DPS over all due to how it handles but the way it handles is all of the fun

    Aksomati -  Nullifier insurance



    Tonbo - Because sometimes you want to be able to put every kind of damage proc on a cluster of enemies in one combo and sometimes you just want to bully a heavy unit/boss with eternal knockdown while eating away at every scrap of armor they have.

    Jat Kittag - Rocket hammer. ROCKET HAMMER. ROKKIT HAMMER!!!!

    Scindo Prime: Apply Tempo Royale. Apply Eternal War augmented Warcry. Aquire Berserker stacks. Become the whirling dervish of death that you always were meant to be while wooing every Tasmanian devil within a 1000 kilometer radius at the same time.

  12. The way I always saw it, it's like copying a key over and over. If you have a master key that you make a copy of, and then a copy of that copy, you will eventually reach a point where a copy of said key is unable to fit the lock that the master key is fitted for.


    Even then, assume you just use the master key over and over to copy. Those of you who have seen a key being copied know that the physical process involved in this will also know that it is done by running a kind of bar as a guide over the master key while making the copy. Doing this enough times will also erode the master key until it does not fit the lock any longer.


    'But Wait!' you might say. 'What about taking an imprint of the key and making a mold or using lasers to get a digital shape and then just printing them?" you might go on to reason. Well, while every analogy breaks down at some point, I can instead point towards that being representative of technology that the Grineer do not presently seem capable of. I don't think, given what we have seen of them, their technology, and how they go about making more clones, that they have the current capability to not only assemble 21 chromosomes at the molecular level with any kind of precision or alacrity nor the prowess to then regulate each and every hormone, amino acid, and so on during what we can only assume to be an accelerated growth process.


    Look at it this way, you can either make an exacting replica of the master key from the ground up each time or you can copy the master key unto oblivion while also copying it's copies to the same extent and get bajillions of keys that much quicker while shoring up whatever deficiencies or deviations afterwards. We can see which path might appear more viable given time and resources available.

  13. ...After reading this thread, I am still a little confused as to your stance.


    While Banshee can allow for high amounts of damage with the right build, Volt can too. Volt and Nova still have 'infinite' damage through shield stacking (Only a very recent bug with continuous fire weapons was fixed) and that one AMD augment that eats up enemy bullets for extra boom. Hell, Nova's AMD augment also works as a great shield on long hallways and choke points due to the radius it has to attract damage and said damage scales with enemy level due to increased damage output.


    Banshee has a high multiplier and helps out the team with said multiplier.


    You are basically asking someone to shoot you in the foot with your own gun right now. This is why I am confused.

  14. *Pat Pat* There there. We've all been there at least once where we wanted to get in on something but just didn't for whatever reason.


    I missed out on the double XP weekend recently myself although that doesn't compare to the shiny vandals so well.

  15. Well...


    I think you're asking about the old Arcane Helmets which were discontinued before Mesa came into the game. Mesa doesn't have an arcane helmet per-say but you can put the bits you get from Raids Trials onto helmets and Sydanas to make them 'Arcane'


    A list of those bits can be found here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Arcane_Enhancement


    But yes, as said above, Avenger is a decent one.

  16. I think I'd find it interesting. Wouldn't you? I mean, there's regular Crewman (who are surprisingly more tanky than their Elite counterparts), Elite Crewman with dem damn Flux Rifles, and Prod Crewman. I say there should be an Elite Prod Crewman! Wearing purple with a Red Visor! and warpaint on the helmet! and can teleport around like the Grineer Flameblade!


    Just a random thought that happened to pass through this strange brain of mine.

    There is only one elite Prodman.


    There only ever needs to be one elite Prodman.


    Any other elite Prodman beyond John Prodman would unbalance the solar system so wildly that the resultant fallout would sterilize the whole sector for the next several million years.

  17. Bleeding and susceptibility to toxins and virus's make this seem unlikely.


    Not necessarily!


    Evangelions were mostly flesh and blood but are still generally considered 'Mecha' as well.


    Heck, we could just be piloting biomechanical creations simply because a construct that can heal and otherwise engage in natural self-upkeep and repair over long periods of time could outweigh the detriments of poisons and such. Plus I bet the outer shells block most of the toxins and so on anyway and we just get hit with the particularly nasty stuff.

  18. Why do people question what I said about white knights? this thread proves the point I was making perfectly.   Some (not all, I'm not generalizing but a lot) actually get personally offended if you say something even slightly negative about the company and feel the need to defend it and bash the poster.


    I don't mind people disagreeing that's cool and fine, this is a discussion forum.  However some of you guys get really bent out of shape over stuff.


    That's the definition of a white knight, they must defend the honor of their devotion, even though it needs no defending.


    To many people, they will simply not post here and give valid feedback because they are afraid of the white knight army.  That is really sad.


    I think there may be confusion here as most of the posts, from my perspective, have been in response to the lack of information as shown with the initial perceptions put forth in the opening post and simply using the company in question only because you did. Other posters have gone off to say that this sort of time in=/= time out in various kinds of things does not hold true in a more general sense as well. If anything, you are simply trying to call out people for talking about the same company you yourself did and the fact that you are doing just that is confusing given the terminology used.


    It really isn't a defense of a company so much as just explanation of real-world logic and rules using said company as an example because it is the most relevant to the topic.

  19. This is a case that is true across every single form of media.


    A 30 minute television show can take a day or more to film and that isn't including the script-writing process.


    A 10 minute paper you write for some class can take days or even a few weekends depending on how much research you need to do.


    A 3 minute pop song can take weeks to get right and proper from start to finish if not longer.


    Hell, if you've ever seen Futurama, there is a specific episode that brings this up. You know the one about the canceled TV show that was only just reaching Omicron Persei 8? Remember when Fry says he thought it would take 30 minutes to film his scrip because it had taken 30 minutes to write?


    Content creation in any form of media has a 10:1 rule of thumb for how long it takes for something to be made versus how long it takes for someone to go through it.


    And, of course, this is all assuming that a writer or coder or painter or singer or whatever doesn't take some time every now and then to consume other forms of media for ideas or inspiration or ways to self improve. It's just a fact of life.

  20. I'd note, primed streamline+max fleeting would be -105% energy efficiency. Which means you've got +30 points past 75% cap.


    Which means you could run around with a rank 5 blind rage, getting +54% power strength, and still be at the efficiency cap. With intensify, that would be roughly double power(184%), for 1/4th the cost, on every single frame, with only 4 slots used. If you throw in a primed continuity, you've now got all of that PLUS 95% standard duration, and still 3 slots for augments or stretch or something.


    Heck, you could toss on max range, still have +24% power strength, max efficiency, and 95% duration, with 1 slot to go. That's a tad OP, don't you think?

    Definitely powerful, I would agree on that note.. But I don't think it would be totally OP given that it does require a substantial effort to max a primed mod nowadays. Or decently deep pockets.

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