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Posts posted by (PSN)Cephalon_Snow

  1. If you don't want anything spoiled it's best you just avoid the forums until u18 lands for consoles honestly, otherwise there isn't much more that can be done to avoid the surprises. 


    Also, why are consoles players treating u18 like the first of this? They've always been behind pc updates (so constantly dealing with spoilers) so shouldn't they have already figured out how to deal with spoilers when it comes to this game?

    True but not earth shattering game changing spoilers.
  2. Hello good sir, I saw all of your amazing work you are doing for fellow Tenno in regards to Clan emblems and I wanted to ask a favor myself.  I have a design that I want to use for my emblem but I dont have the right program to crop the image so there is no square white backround.  Im guessing I need photoshop or something equivilent.  If you can help me get this sorted out I would appreciate it greatly.  I can send the image to ur e-mail if thats ok.  Thanks for your time.  

  3. I found this to be a very annoying alert, It requires team work which doesn't happen very often on the ps4. Also having to keep changing my conclave became a pain. Getting 200 points was a huge pain and if wasn't for a badge I probably wouldn't have done this. That's how much I disliked this.

    I agree completely. U would think running such low conclave would stop the rushers but it doesent even phase them. They can't be bothered to shoot motion sensors, wait at elevators or revive teammates only to fly ahead and get killed putting everyone else at risk.

  4. I don't know if this has been covered before or not but I was thinking about this the other day and realized that it has a lot of potential to add some more variety to the gameplay..at least a new twist.


    Every frame has very unique powers and abilities that could really shine in the levels were built around them imo.  


    I know this is't an easy thing to do but most of the groundwork and core aspects have been laid.  I just think it would be really cool having the levels offering challenges to specific frames.

  5. ^But you weren't exactly supporting the game when it was in it's early stages, you got the game that was already pretty polished. I wouldn't mind if ps4 and xbone get some exclusive skins for some frames, corpus themed for PS4(since they are blue) and grineer(green for xbox one) for example. Just don't ask for excalibur prime and other goodies which were only available to pc founders.

    I think that is a fair compromise that would appease the majority of the entire community. We arent asking for freebies or founders packs..WE WILL PAY! It's win win imo so why wont this happen?

  6. What is the point of getting a "founder package" on a ps4, JUST because it launched on your console ? Founder package meant that you supported a game when it was rough and unpolished and you took a gamble on the warframe taking off or failing. To thank us(founders) for the financial support the developers gave us goodies which "only exist for people who helped warframe be where it is today". It's silly for you guys to be asking for the same priveledges just because warframe is fresh out(polished and neat) on your platform of choice.


    Im sure that sounds like we founders are sitting on a high horse, but that's what exclusive, [limited time only] content is. If you are not there to grab them when they are available then they are gone. I am pretty sure DE stated very clearly that once founder package is gone, it's gone for good.


    Hell, you were peobably playing some ps3 game at a time(I honestly don't know and don't want to falsely assume what you were into at the time) but us pc guys and gals were "beta testing" warframe and supporting it on our platform.


    I even have some friends who played warframe on my pc(their account) and got so interested, that they built their own rig AND got basic founders package(for excalbro prime) before it was gone for good. It isn't DE's fault that you were doing something else and missed that opportunity.



    Someone mentioned that they dont care what happens to warframe if they can't have excalibur prime, that's just childish and utterly selfish. That's like saying "I don't care what happens to the forest as long as i can be king of the ashes".


    Let's see, whats else....

    Oh yeah, someone also mentioned that they want a company to fail if they cater to a pc platform more than the consoles. Well, we pc guys ALWAYS get shafted by devs when it comes to games that are multi-platform, we get bad ports which run terrible on even the beefiest hardware AND sometimes developers don't even bother adjusting UI to suit the mouse(im looking at you watch_dogs and im fearing for the upcoming gta5).


    Console guys are so used to getting polished and bug-free games that whenever they see some other platform having advantage(if you can call a skin advantage...lol) they start foaming in the mouth and bring out the pitchforks.(WHY CAN'T I HAVE IT TOO!!?!?!)



    P.S if you are THAT desperate to be "a special snowflake" then i suggest you get yourself a gaming PC and look at kickstarter games, Archeage(mmo) is doing a founders program where you get a special bundle of items that's ONLY available to founders, and that game looks like it will take off.


    Aren't you just comparing apples to oranges?  If the PS4 community did not support the game at launch, would't it also fail?  I clearly understand your opinion on why we did't get some sort of "founding" exclusive.  I am wondering what DE's official stance on the matter is.  After all, the game that we all enjoy so much is technically still in a beta state and still has a long way go in order to be considered complete.  It has't been a polished silky smooth ride on our side as you seem to think...Warframe was still very rough when it was ported over albeit with more content.  We also have to wait for other beta testers to beta test our beta due to the cert process lol.  But we all endure because we all love this amazing game with so much potential.


    We are not asking for the same "Founders" privilege..just something to call our own.  



    P.S.  We aren't going anywhere else to become founders..we are staying right here with the game we all love and supported since day one (on PS4) regardless the outcome.  You cant get rid of us THAT easy.   ;) 


  7. I'm sure this question has already been asked and answered before but I can't help but wonder. Why didt DE just make some sort of "founder" pack when they launched on PS4? Maybe a different version of Excalibur Prime or a different prime? Then do the same for xbone ? That way everyone has their own version. I understand that we weren't founding the game from scratch but it still was/is a brand new game on a brand new console that has to be supported in order to survive right?

  8. LOL Remember when you posted less than 20?....


    You actually posted less than 600. You must be a toddler.


    This could probably be the only forums you've ever posted in this much, but in another forum for another game, you probably haven't even been born.


    Oh wise one tell me..has the update reached it's destination? and if not, why not? lol 




    (GENERAL DISCUSSION) we discuss. not put down.

    Word up

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