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Posts posted by KoshLovesYou

  1. 1 hour ago, lllOPERANDlll said:

    I am going to have to leave my clan after 2 years of playing in it for the ignis.  I am going to leave my friends.  GG DE

    Similar case here, though I didn't have to; I just left my long standing competitive clan willingly just due to the fact that after an absolute dry spell of competitive clan events? We get one of gameplays worst sins. Escort missions. And not just escort missions. Lengthy, long term, one spot, 600+ npc, escort missions. And I ain't gonna hurt myself like that anymore. Games are supposed to be fun, co-op done fun together. And that's...that's not fun.

    I've been playing this for years, survived two incarnations of the clan I was in. Top ranked, poured time into trophies. Went through the slow birth and quick death of the Dark Sectors and rails (god remember how hyped we were when those went up, and then didn't even delployed, and then got DEACTIVATED for how long now)?

    Well. I can't pour anymore in. 94 days of total play in terms of hours. And that's modest compare to some who've stuck along longer.

    And this event? Finally what told me I gotta uninstall. Gameplay just isn't learning from past mistakes, or even obvious mistakes, anymore. And the Devstreams on this event and other issues just don't fill me with confidence. Maybe I'll pop back in 2018 if finally some better clan focused, group focused stuff gets added.

    Don't burn yourselves out for stuff you don't really want, guys. Or at least hydrate. Stay safe.

  2. Yeah, this is one of the worse challenges to get, way worse than some of the finicky stealth ones. From what members of my clan have suggested to those with similar:

    • Making enemies kill one another doesn't count. Nyx or Irradiated Disarm works wonders for people fond of that.
    • Master Thief or Scavenge, warframe and companion respectively, can be used to simply keep hitting boxes.
    • Ivara can apparently Prowl these out pretty easily.


    Honestly, I wouldn't blame you for selling/trading for a different unrolled riven, though given how trade chat is a unreadable mess that might also be more difficult. Good luck.

  3. Just don't put too many points into Vit, and you should be fine with a Dex bu...Oh, wait. Dang. I'm dumb. I'm so dumb. I'm sorry.

    But yeah, the 'deal' seems to be that if you join earlier? You get repeat copies of the weapons that you can simply delete for the free weapon slots that you do get to keep, or you can keep them as copies for some reason. If you join later, you only get the slots for those augmented weapons. They haven't changed how that works in years.

    They're pretty good and have unique firing effects. I'd suggest a viral build for the Furis.

  4. 28 minutes ago, ViS4GE said:

    Wait for rework that will happen soon, till then just use duration build.

    To expand on this? At the moment, how you play/view Limbo sort of shapes it.

    I view them as more a single target up close assassin of nastier targets that they can walk up to, ignore everything else, and juggle/lock down. While also having Cataclysm to more 'block off' distant pockets of annoyance till people close the gap and get in there.

    I try to avoid dropping Catacylsm on me/my team directly unless its a panic/lockdown moment, and more set it up as areas people can wander into after closing a gap/dealing with closer problems, or its a squad of big multiple tougher problems and issue pockets to just lock down.

    Approaching it like that, and using the Rift as my 'survivability', makes him easier to play with a similar build to your one above (though I don't use Rift Torrent). Duration for problem solving/survivability.

    But yeah, he. Needs a rework for me to play him more, as opposed to other more diverse frames atm. Right now, I mostly pop him during a Defense Pub Sorite or when I feel like putting on my suit and tie.

  5. 9 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    You take out bullet jump or start limiting mobility, it stops being Warframe. There's a few solutions, but all of them suck.

    I noticed a change to movement speed done for the new PvP conclave event, and it sort of touches on this; making everyone move like slow molasses ain't much of a good fix.

    18 minutes ago, Endorphinz said:

    t because I see conclave as being something that I could potentially enjoy very much. I'm very pleased with the addition of quick steel, putting everyone on even footing with each other (rather than getting your face blasted in by people who farm for high-end pvp mods). I would love to support new conclave game types, maps, and mods. Bullet jumping and sliding are already weaker in conclave than in PVE, so it's apparent that DE already knows what problems can arise from such extreme mobility. I feel that one of the gates in getting new players interested in conclave (interest is another big problem) is the difficulty in scoring any kills against even the greenest players.

    To close up, I know that it's probably not reasonable to completely remove this basic maneuver from PVP completely, as it would radically change the entire balance. But I do firmly think that mobility is simply too extreme for player vs. player. Perhaps a cooldown on bullet jump might help things.

    I was a little surprised that blocking doesn't...seem to really happen at all in this game mode, which you think sword interaction would be key as a counter to movement and bullet time? Like a good solid counter to stop the cheese (not even touching the spawn "Hi I'mma sit behind you till you move" cheese going on), or even to really give you a 'response' to bullet time when nearby cover isn't an option...which often doesn't seem to help even in this stripped down game mode.

    Melee stances didn't really seem to be a factor; a slide didn't seem to do much, and the only counter also presented was the slam, but. That gets a bit spammy and lame.

    But I'm with you. I've sort of wanted to give PvP a chance, but it just is hard to hit here. Maybe Quick Steel will finally give them a stripped down version to just sit down, data mine, and get a more focused design bible make it work.

  6. Yeah, not even touching the gameplay issues, I gotta agree: The timer is way, way too long. I've found myself enjoying wall running, exploring parts of a map as I wait for the timer to die down more than I've enjoyed the PvP event. I've tried to give it a few fair attempts, but. Man. That timer, the low movement speed, and the lack of in-game feedback/agency just isn't helping. Even rounding it to a solid five or five 30 would help, because at a certain point you're like "Yeah, okay, we get whose dominating, please move on".

    21 minutes ago, egregiousRac said:

    That doesn't require a perfect connection or mad pvp skills to pull off a couple times.

    You're not wrong, but that's not the issue being presented here: It's just less fun, more agony, with that timer. It's why a lot of people just started finding someone to just sit down till that got patched out. And honestly, I started just going off and exploring the maps, myself, due to the lack of a gameplay draw.

    Think I'll pass on these events unless something changes.

  7. 16 hours ago, Squick said:

    I usually skipped the survival / excavation missions because of how long they took. It's not that 15 minutes is really that long per se, it's just that it's so much less productive than I could otherwise do in that 15 minutes.

    And they typically get pretty boring after 7-8 minutes.

    Excavation, especially Corpus excavation, especially Sniper-only Corpus excavation, can burn in a fire. As others have said, the endless missions really only reinforced how you need certain equipment / frames to be successful end game and the extreme lack of balance..

    I think this is probably your most likely answer, @Chewarette; the data DE got on which sorties people played less of might (read: might) have given them the feedback based on this sort of situation. A lot of the 'tougher' mission types really come down to 'play this way only or die' which I can utterly understand is kinda dull for some people. For a similar design example of that problem: XCOM 2's timer based missions got a lot of negative feedback for forcing the same 'play this way only' style, and ultimately less interesting, mode of play sometime despite combating other issues with earlier iteration gameplay. It forces you, due to the mechanics, to only play one way: Charge hard and fight fast, using only certain types of equipment.

    Endless plays the same way; while there IS a solution to solve the 'Endless Mission Puzzle', for a good chunk of people it just might turn out that it's not a very interesting puzzle to bother playing out the same solution to over and over, even less so with strong weapon equipment restrictions.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Spy ranked a close second to the less played types of Sorties, though due to different reasons, or was at least the most frequently non-public played mode.

  8. Shy summed it up pretty well (NSFW/NSF- New ToS? Not sure):

    I'm not gonna lie; I still haven't figured out how some of the Lua Spy/Hostage spawned rooms even work yet. Hostage rooms are a little easier to figure out your options on, but some of those Spy rooms? Still have no idea how to activate that dead console interface. Sort of resisting checking the Wiki for a walk through just because, yaknow. Ideally intuitive design and all?

  9. 4 minutes ago, --Q--Aaryl said:

    I've burned through roughly 150 Naramon transmute cores, and I've got EVERY SINGLE naramon polarity rare stances but Sovereign.

    At this point I'm afraid that DE forgot to add Sovereign into transmuting table....It could just be RNG but I've gotten every other stances a lot of times. (Rare & Naramon)

    Is the drop rate that bad off Kuva Heavy Gunners to simply not farm them via the fortress? Wiki still lists them as a transmute drop, but chances are that newer items just have a set lower rate, if I had to utterly guess. Hard to test without raw data mining.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ninjadeath721 said:

    I accepted it at one point, but then it overstayed its welcome so I had doc helminth pop it for me, he got mad about it though

    Yeah, here is hoping that doesn't bite us in the back in later updates.

    Also, the devs really should have an in-game e-mail auto generate a message to the tenno when that infestation first happens. But maybe keeping it as an easter egg for us to spread like an infection (SYMMETRY) is the point.

  11. 11 hours ago, 4628Gin-san said:

    They are? Now that's one prayer answered :D

    Didn't know that myself. Neat.

    On a side note to the original op peice, I'm pretty sure the Corpus know what a Tenno cryopod is. Lord knows they throw enough bodies at them during defense missions for word to get around. Maybe play up the age of it being what makes it unique? We see a lot of (hopefully) empty cryopods falling to an infested death in some derelict map missions.

  12. 22 hours ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

    Auction houses have been "eliminated" as an option because the likelihood of plat miners will become more than real. Look at Neverwinter and see how many sites are up an running that sell astral diamonds at discounted rates. How? Because these companies use computer algorithms that buys low (according to market trends) and sell high. It essentially destroyed the economy, and cuts out the developer's profits in two ways. One it brings what would have been dead-ended currency back into the market, and two it so by not giving a share to the devs. Is that what you want to happen to DE?

    Threw a thread together in Feedback General about ideas to change trade chat to make it a more viable option, but I have noticed the mention of auction houses there, too. I was wondering why that hadn't been implemented, if I had missed a dev stream conversation, and it sounds like I had with your comment here. I can see why that'd be a viable design choice to want to avoid.

    It really sounds like rehauling our Maroo Bazaar situation (some good ideas on that suggested in crosslinked thread above) or altering how we can filter or search through the increasingly insanely overspeeding trade chat is our only inroad given that design choice.

  13. 3 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

    I'd just like to be able to throw up a Buying > price thing over my head in maroos bazaar, instead of something just saying what i'm selling. That way people dont even need to speak to me, they can see right there what I want for the item right there over my head. Then all they'd have to do is trade me. 

    Would make buying a whole lot easier for me too since i refuse to buy things in maroos bazaar since i refuse to offer people

    That'd be a great addition as well. The UI display for Maroo trade needs a visibility overhaul in general; it's often hard to tell what people are even displaying given the light texture distortion, and it says nothing about what they're accepting as offers at a glance. A color blindness friendly option to toggle buyers and sellers, with maybe an alternation animation to display preferred trades, would help. Not chat related, but that's still a good point.

    4 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

     Break it out into 3 chats with 3 sub-chat drop-downs:


    This is the simplest way to ease the overpopulated mess that speed-scrolls before your synapses have fired from point A to B.

    9 channels

    Hmm, juggling even more tabs seems messy, but I could see us hybridizing having toggle sub-chats in the one existing trade chat that ALSO use above suggested filters; like a sidebar box you could blow open, and then filter.

  14. On 1/22/2017 at 9:14 PM, Syvarin said:

    My suggestion: add a filter option.

    You type "Loki Prime" in the filter, you only see messages that include the term "Loki Prime". You type "-riven" in the filter, you don't see any messages that include the word "riven".

    I dig this idea. That'd require an improvement of the tagging system we've got now. As it stands, I can't 'tag' a Dera Vandal Barrel in the bracket system, just the Dera Vandal as a completed item. But that'd help.

    On 1/22/2017 at 9:40 PM, CollectiVision said:

    OR maybe a "virtual trading plaza" somewhere though the other unopened door where we could browse other players "trade boxes" with filters and either contact that player to purchase the item we're interested in or directly buy the item through the interface( I feel like this could be a toggle option when placing the item in your "trade box" where you can select how you wish/like to trade with other players).

    That also sounds way more functional, and a bit close to something mentioned in an older dev stream. That'd function better than the 'go idle in game' mode on Earth, where you spend more time avoiding that one jerk planted in front of Maro. But till then, I'm kinda feeling the tagging/filter system for trade chat in the short term.

  15. Trade is pretty critical for a drop-based game, but it feels like ever since Rivens got released, even though they don't actually make up the bulk of trades I see? Trade chat is just a fast scrolling, impossible to follow mess. I know we've got alternatives, like Earth and the forums. But you'd think there would be a way to fix the increase in messages just being constantly streamed out too fast to follow.

    I know other systems are in the works for trade alternatives, but I was wondering if we could put our heads together and just focus on ideas to help make the trade chat system a little less insane. 

    Thing is, I'm not really sure what is even causing this change. Do we just have more players? Multiple spoofing accounts with macros? Is the delay in posting just not enough?

    The only tangible option I have off the top of my head is possibly having an option to have each chat only display so many posts at a time, per players selected option, letting a 'cue' build up. But that'd probably cause big memory leaks or somesuch.

  16. 1 hour ago, Bobtm said:

    Take a step back to remind myself, I actually like Conclave normally.  But this is not, in any semblance of the idea, fun at all.

    I gotta agree, but I gotta ask: What's with the insta-death we're (Well, some are, I'd guess) experiencing, if we're all using the same set weapons?

    I kinda stopped touching Conclave awhile back, mostly due to the lack of in-game feedback (IE "What did I do wrong/why did I just get one shot/why did I die vs get a kill"), and this event seems to suffer from this even more. Super not worth my time/fun: But curious if you've got feedback as to why this is, given you've got more experience with Conclave.


  17. So I got to the first Arcwing mission in the new quest. I get the mechanic going on here with following the ship and avoiding the scanners. My question isn't about how to do that, as it isn't hard.

    It's just...really, really boring. Like, to the point where I went "Yeech" and just quit to go do something else when prompted to do it more than expected. I was surprised they had me do something so non-player engaged so much. And as pretty as the area is, the mechanic doesn't exactly let me do anything but stay focused on the very. Very slow moving transport and the lazily flickering beams. I got pretty bored by the repetition. 

    But maybe I missed something. I'm willing to guess (hope) there's an alt path rather than having to turn on some music and just idly float for a good...eight minutes, at least, by my count. Are there any alternate paths/tunnels/bypass methods for these Arcwing inverse slow escort/beam avoidance sections of the quest I'm missing? Or do I just gotta stick with it when I'm in the mood?

  18. Considering the moon remains as an open, contested area you can fight in, frequently with both Grineer and Corpus engaging one another on? I'm guessing it's considered the new frontier of contestable resources. The new, incredibly unsafe frontier. The constant presence of Sentients, and some of the most dangerous and decadent Orokin emplacements make it a deathtrap that few but the Tenno can even survive.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    Well, that was easy to say.


    Yes, OP, enemy scaling is quite crazy.

    That, and being forced to compete against people you're 'helping' = Not A Great Co-Op Experience.

    The PvP format the Index is based on made more sense since you could, yaknow, attack the people trying to also get points. It just doesn't work as a fun PvE format.

  20. 2 hours ago, ssh83 said:


    Problem 1: In Endurance, enemy levels don’t increase until capitalization happens. So players can bank up on points with level 50 enemies and then turn-in all at once to skip difficulty scaling. With 4 players all doing this, you can easily jump from 0 to 100 with relative ease. (or more importantly, jumping from 50 to 150 with ease and not needing to deal with lvl 200+ enemies to get to 150).

    Do NOT just remove this completely. Rather, it is cool to allow players to have this strategy, but there needs to be passive time-based enemy scaling in Endurance on top of score-based scaling. Maybe also cap the number of points one can hold to 12. (2 unit of margin on top of maximum bonus).


    Problem 2: Difficulty fluctuates wildly based on enemy team’s draft. Competitively, this automatically means cheapskate strategy of restarting game until they get an easy draft before going for long haul.

    Instead, endurance should increase the size of enemy team until all the enemy types are present. This allows randomness for regular play in early game, but in long-duration competitive endurance, the difficulty will equalize in the long run. So one team’s 200 point finish is equally respectable as another team’s 200 point finish.


    Problem 3: The way personal point quota works is anti-cooperative. It is extremely easy for good players to screw other people over by getting to the victory quota (intentionally or unintentionally). It is also near impossible for all four players to get 20 points when the game ends after around 45. Current system makes players feel like losers even when the team won. It encourage player to solo the event and it’s a griefer paradise at worst case. To maintain a positive community, there should not be system that create unavoidable animosity between players.


    Problem 4: Betting reward vs difficulty scaling is broken for Endurance. Linear increase in reward is not fitting with the doubling difficulty. Lower challenge requirement to 20, 35, 50. If requirement is changed to team-based, then it can be 40, 60, 80.


    Problem 5: AI’s current tendency to hang around with points is good default behavior to allow player time to catch up to them. However, when the players have stronger and stronger lead, the AI should be more and more aggressive at capitalizing points quickly.

    Out of all of the reviews posted, this one is one where I'd basically be saying "Ditto". Sums up my own feelings/experiences spot on.

    Problem 3 is the biggest issue here, frankly. Why did you pick the one PvP mode to emulate that is actively 'self-reward' focused for a new team focused game mode, DE? Wasn't that pretty counter-intuitive from the start? If the intent for the Clan Goals is gonna be personal points, you're gonna have major salt or major solo exploiting going on.

    I get wanting to have PvP modes to keep the game fresh, but: You're ideally a co-op game at heart, remember? Try to remember.

    Problem 2 is also a major 'address this' issue, as well, though perhaps more easily addressed: Make the difficulty based on the number of Anyo agents around rather than a sudden jump in resistances. The game mode is already annoyingly mostly focused on just trying to FIND any of them for chunks of time and is pretty boring due to not being engaging, and in turn the issues that come up with Problem 3.

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