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Posts posted by Luther848

  1. 2 minutes ago, kruwreka said:

    A @^%$^&& joke of a mission. Soloed the whole thing with a Saryn. Didn't make a dent in the the Jugg. Left

    BTW who makes a poison based frame that can be poisoned. What next? A ocean based Frame that can't swim?

    I think warframe are similar to a weapon. You can have a gun shoot bullets but guns aren't immune to bullet are they.

  2. In case you don't know there is a Design Council Challenge mission that is basically a lvl 120 Defense with a Jugger at the end of all the waves. I don't know how you can beat him with melee especially considering that even my Chroma can only take like 3 hits before dying. I don't want to call bull but it seems unbeatable with melee only.


    He killed me while I was invisible and he was facing a different direction.

  3. 16 hours ago, BobbyD said:

    Yeah, but the weapons I'm talking about are the pure elemental ones, the ones that dont fire a solid object. Like a Flamethrower or Electric Gun. Take the Amprex for example. How would you implement a physical thing being fired from it without it making 0 sense. You can't randomly put razorblades in a weapon that only shoots lightning. If you know what I'm trying to say (:

    Do we really need to justify adding a damage type? It doesn't seem to affect others weapons visually (other than melee) and it wouldn't really hurt to have a flamethrower with slash or impact damage. It wouldn't make sense but how much sense did the Tenno ever make to begin with. Slash, Impact, and Puncture function almost identically to elements(I mean the only real difference between the various damage types are resistances and proc effects) and it doesn't seem that crazy to implement. Plus there are weapons that fire projectiles that are completely elemental and there isn't a problem with those.

  4. On 4/24/2017 at 0:17 AM, BobbyD said:

    Can someone explain how Poison weapons would Puncture or Slash your skin? It's just a realism deal. I am fine with them not applying to pure elemental weapons  because scientifically it wouldn't make sense. It's a PHYSICAL damage type. To buff these mods, they should increase the damage and effect of the procs themselves.

    You can have a Poison weapon that fires a projectile capable of cutting or punturing, it's not that crazy. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Mastercontrol98 said:

    Perhaps if you were to reduce the casting cost of Crush by 1/4 for each Magnetize popped?

    That would be cool but I still wouldn't want to use Crush as I would have to get rid of a Magnetize for that effect to be useful. I want Crush to be more useful on it's own and I don't want to worry about being to close to a Magnetize bubble. I think that Pull or casting Magnetize in the same spot should detonate Magnetize bubbles and Crush should be CC.

  6. I agree with just about everything here except for the Crush suggestion. Mag has a low energy pool for a caster and needs decent power strength, range, and duration to do well which makes it hard to mod for energy without messing up one of her other stats. Casting Crush and then recasting Magnetize will take a lot of energy and I just don't think Mag has the energy pool for it.

    I would rather have Crush be like Rhino's Stomp where Rhino does the stomp and then is allowed to move while the CC occurs. So Mag would cast Crush and do a way shorter animation leaving Mag free to do stuff while the ability is active. 

  7. I wish they had gone with the thing where when you forma a weapon it instead of going to rank 0 it goes to your mastery rank. Other than that I don't think the system really needs any changes.

    Also when a relic has a forma as an uncommon/silver reward it should be a built forma and not a blueprint otherwise just have it be a common reward.

  8. On 11/27/2016 at 8:16 PM, Madway7 said:

    If he's such a top tier warframe then why does barely anyone use him beyond credit farms?

    Personally the major turn off I have for him is that the timer keeps resetting the Armor bonus forcing him to alternate between semi squishy and tanky everytime. 

    I don't care about the damage multiplier (it could diminish over time for all care), I just don't like that he relies so heavily on a timer for such an important part of his main kit. 

    For his 4, I couldn't find info on this so idk if it's already like this, but if his Effigy takes 50% of his armor I expect that armor to get applied to it.

    I don't think his 2 should be recastable either, it's much less annoying to recast than his Vex Armor, because unlike Vex Armor the bonus doesn't need to be recharged and is consistent throught the duration.

    And imo his 1 could use more range but I don't care much about it.

    He's not used much because he takes a lot of work to be good. He needs a lot of expensive mods and requires a whole bunch of forma. I had to get 5 forma in him before I felt he was good and that's not even taking account the amount of resources it took to get the mods to a suitable level. Also he's a really selfish frame and doesn't really benefit the team much and with his lack of CC he just doesn't have much use outside of being a tank. A really good tank but still only a tank.

  9. In almost every situation where you want Speed Nova you either have to plan for it or join a dedicated farming node. Every other situation you want Slow Nova. It just doesn't seem neccessary to have a toggle for something that isn't that complex.

  10. 1 hour ago, CeePee said:

    Always corrosive projection, that's your "baseline" aura for anything.

    If it's corpus, consider shield disruption.

    If it's a lower level mission or you deal way too much damage anyways, use energy siphon.

    If you're soloing and a frame has V aura polarity, Steel charge works too.

    I would say that for Corpus you should still use CP because of Bursa's. All the other Corpus unit die when mod for Poison anyways.

  11. Other than a model change I don't really think Phorid should be changed. He isn't an important boss and he is one of the few bosses who is a simple in and out without 5 different phases or  some form of invincibility until you do X. 

  12. 23 hours ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

    Her rework was a wasted opportunity. You went from using polarize to magnetize and that's... it really. I felt bad because I know it'll be a long time before she ever gets another look again more than likely and I've always had a fondness for the frame. At the very least it would have been nice to be able to strip armor well with polarize but even sonic fracture banshee did a hell of a better job. Oh--and I miss mag's shield transference bubble. 

    Yeah I feel the same. Nothing's changed except which button is useful past level 40. I don't understand why they went for a flat armor/shields reduction when they could have had percentage debuffs even if they were only like 5 seconds long. They were so ready to get rid of SP that they didn't even buff Crush to a usable level.

  13. 25 minutes ago, shyguyk said:

    If you have nothing to offer past the fact that you've adjusted yourself to let go of clicking as soon as you click (probably from tigris use), then i dont know what you're on about. Having it fire when you pull the trigger means just that. The way they have it now just adds another mental obstacle

    Not really considering firing normally complete removes that "mental obstacle" and literally every semi-auto weapon works like that I don't get why you have to associate me with the Tigris. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

    shoot roof and u pop nullifiers bubble machine then shoot a rocket at their face DONE

    launchers have insane dmg already. u don't believe me? join me on my next sortie run and i show you few tricks with my ogris

    healers+radiation=problem solved

    I hadn't considered the Nully change. I typically try to avoid the Corpus and haven't had time to try the new Nully bubbles. I'll test this on my latter although I have to ask if you use a Riven.

  15. 7 minutes ago, AlendasNaro said:

    My veteran player of this game and friend of mine. Knows your feeling too well... And consequently me too in voice chats. This told me that he is trying to complete a stealth mission. Suddenly I heard shout of two words used together makes a swear word then this said "... Stalker! Every time comes when I am trying to do a stealth riven mod. Go to area that doom guy has painted red and freeze there" heavy sigh "Much better... *I ask what just happened as this just aborted the mission* That cursed Stalker appeared when I was trying to complete a cursed Stealth riven mod challenge... Well thankfully he is never going to spawn twice in a row to you"

    "How Stalker can stop you from...? Oh wait never mind. I just remembered that he has that ability removal thingy... I can see why you got upset" I said "I really dislike when that happens but... Just like a certain JIF you see everybody give to people who gets upset in forums about RNG. Stalker stepping backwards in dancing way and then raises hands up and above them reads RNG" I laugh a bit "Oh lord that's so true" I said.


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