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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. It is a pretty special weapon, one of a kind, really.  No other weapon has such a unique combination of being extremely rare and being absolutely terrible.

    I'm marking your answer as "solving" my question.  It made me laugh and is apparently very true.  It's unfortunate that such a rare weapon is so terrible.  I have every intent of holding onto it, but I'll ditch it if I get another blueprint.  As it is, I suppose I'll be sticking with my Galatine.

  2. I concur, actually.  I didn't think this mission was fun.  This "Gift of the Lotus" was giftwrapped in FIRE.  One spicy potato!


    I walked in with my Rank 9 Mirage not knowing what I was in for, and suddenly me and the entire team were down.  The second attempt, I tried again, thinking that 'maybe if I started the mission from the beginning and not just in the middle of everything, I'll do better.' Then we were nuked again.


    Then I go in with my maxed equipment and frost prime, and the mission bugs out and doesn't spawn the excavators, plus serious lag.  FINALLY on my fourth attempt the frickin' mission was completed, but the number of Napalms that were spawning was RIDICULOUS, and the 8 second fire proc that the millions of them were inflicting was doing far more damage than the enemies themselves.  I have serious issue with an 8 second fire proc ANYWAY (seriously, why can't we stop, drop, and roll?), but to make a mission themed around that without warning was just not cool (no pun intended).


    Or was this one of those "if you'd watched Prime Time you woulda knowed" kinda situations?

  3. So, the Stalker has been unusually generous to me, and I managed to get Despair and Hate within a week of each other.  Some of you may have posted in my last thread about Despair.  I modded it with firing speed mods, and I couldn't be happier.  It's great.  I had my doubts because on paper, Despair wasn't so great.


    Then I got Hate.  I thought this time "I'll figure out how great it is, because Despair didn't look special, but I was so wrong about that!"  So I built it the instant I got it and...what's special about it?  I've gotten it up to rank 18, (no catalyst) and it seems like it's just a really slow scythe weapon.  It's primarily slash damage, but it pales in comparison to my Galatine.  Is there something I'm missing?  I'd hate to write this weapon off when the reality is I may be modding/using it wrong.


    Thanks all!

  4. assassins and syndicate missions do not correlate, but they have a higher chance of spawning if you are soloing with low health and shield and 1 o 2 weapons.

    Probably syndicate missions are best to look for these assassins since I usually solo them to look for the marks with my loki prime and sidearm+melee of my choice.

    Not sure about the Stalker, actually.  I was running Limbo in T1 with maxed gear.  Killed him both times, lol

  5. I had Stalker come for me twice in one day, for two different bosses (I had no idea my marks stack, lol).  One was for Kril and the other was for Phorid, I think.  I haven't had Stalker and a hit squad hit me in the same mission, but I suppose it is possible.

  6. Players clamored for months for a central hub to congregate.  This is a much more personal way to recruit and/or build a squad rather than go through the recruitment tab.  It gives the universe a unique feel and adds to the lore.  The relays ARE LIKE Dojos, that I agree with, but they're more like clan-neutral Dojos for the developers to "sell" us exclusive gear through the Void Trader, as well as giving the Syndicates a place to exist physically.  All this time I was like "where are you talking to me from?"


    I still wanna know where The Lotus sits though.  You've been giving me all these orders, yet we haven't met face to face yet!

  7. Hell, I could get behind this theory JUST for how beautifully ironic it is - given that Lephantis bears a slight resemblance to the final boss of Dark Sector (or, at least a part of him does).


    I was wondering if anyone else had noticed that.  Plus Hayden's outfit in Dark Sector (when fully formed) is identical to Excal in appearance.


    Spiritual successor, certainly, but the influences are obvious.

  8. On the last primetime [DE]Megan said they are gone forever, although this may be a joke. At this point we assume they will be rebuilt but as more than one isn't really required we can't be certain.

    Just out of curiosity, what makes you believe it is a joke that they're gone forever?  They've been gone for 3 months on PC, if memory serves.

  9. I was just wandering. The Tenno Relays that was destroyed. Will they come back or are they permanently destroyed? 

    PC players have been asking that since their relays have been destroyed.  I'm hoping that once Archwing is matured and has a bit more content, there will be an event to rebuild/fortify the relays.  Would be a good idea, anyway.

  10. This is what actually nails the whole thing. DE shows caring in revamping weaker frames and weapons with augments and buffs, then destroys some weapons combination without really giving some sense in that.


    What is it, snipers and bows suddenly become stronger if you have an explosive secondary?

    Would be nice, but it still doesn't explain why the primary weapon's ammo caps at the secondary's level.  In my experience, it's not an average, but simply the smaller Max-ammo is the variable used for available ammo.


    Ammo Mutation.


    There I just solved both problems.


    You want a few? I have plenty of spares to go around.

    Your sarcasm not withstanding, this would be a band-aid fix at best.


    It still looks to me the development team is stuck with this "feature" due to hardcoding... Because I really cant think of any sort of balance coming from restricting your choice of primaries when using a launcher secondary.

    I'm inclined to agree with this logic.  They don't want to say "Oops we goofed on the ammo" or "wow, we messed this up so bad we can't fix it" so they just say "we decided it."

  11. Launcher ammo was a thing, then they decided to shrink the pool so that launchers and arrows and snipers all use the same ammo pool.  I've had a problem with this for months, when I tried to bring my Angstrum and Vectis into the same match.  Drew was in that thread, I think there was more than one mention that it's "not a bug, it's a feature."


    I gave up at that point.  The developers have clearly indicated that this decision is the one they're going with, so I bring two different weapon types, and basically don't use explosive secondaries.  If I do, it's in conjunction with an automatic rifle or shotgun, just to be sure. :/


    If someone in De chose to make it this way, I'd really like to hear their logic, because it makes no rational sense to say "you have two juiceboxes of the same flavor, but you're only allowed to drink from the smaller one and you have two straws."

  12. Ok so it doesn't sound like the greatest use my stuff. How easy are prime things to get? I only recently found out you could get prime stuff without just buying them with plat but don't know whether they're a realistic option at this point or if i should look for something else to use in the mean time. I'm currently only rank 4 so have access to most stuff but a couple of things including the Soma are still locked. Not really a huge fan of burst weapons for primary really but i can look past that if there's a decent advantage to be had.

    At MR4, you should have access to the the Tetra.  Its rate of fire isn't the best, but that can be improved with firing speed mods, and it's primarily puncture damage, so it will chew up the Grineer.  I also like that it's a "pew pew lazer gun."  The Latron is also a good happy medium between rifle and sniper, and you can get the much-much-better Latron prime for around 20p if you want to trade for it.


    Farming the Void for prime parts isn't a bad plan if you have a clan that'll help you.  The only problem with Prime weapons is that they take 10 Orokin Cells minimum to build, and in some cases up to 15.


    At this stage, I recommend building whatever weapons you have access to, and ranking them to 30 to get access to the really good guns and swords.  Save your Forma and Catalysts for that content :)

  13. I've just been trying to point out and answer to your question that this weapon will more than succeed at the game and are top shelf. Not godly.


    And no, you have it a bit backwards. The weapons are designed with punch through as I understand it, though the glitch was the punch through was only working on host prior. But easy enough for you to test, find a lower level mob that won't kill you, throw one knife and see if it kills more than one. Try it on host, and try it with a buddy quick off host.


    Works for me all the time.

    Ah, I misunderstood the bug, thank you for clarifying.  If the knives are indeed designed that way, then I will keep them regardless.


    And I know you were trying to answer my question with regard to the weapon's tier/status, but it was starting to get a bit flamey and I'm trying to nip it in the bud :)  I appreciate all your input.

  14. What's your mastery rank?  I'm only asking because this question is relevant to the weapons accessible to you.  


    I'm Mastery Rank 12 and actually never used the Karak, though it's one of the first blueprints I ever bought.


    I will say that the Vulkar is a good intermediate weapon between the Paris and later guns.  I was a fan of the Tetra when I had access to it.  I'm a fan of sniping, and if you use a squishier frame like Mag or Volt, you may benefit from crushing your enemies at a distance.


    Personally, I wouldn't spend a catalyst or forma on the Karak, but I've also never used it :)

  15. Correct. I believe the wiki even says they have punch through on them, though I believe the bug was fixed but no one has confirmed it for wiki.


    So yes, don't put seeker on them, as your just wasting a slot you could use for something else.


    I love these weapons, the only thing I could wish for on them would be a syndiate mod that gives energy. Maybe one day as they are adding more and more weapon mods there.

    Ah, so no one mentioned it because the punch-through was a bug? lol  Should be a feature of the weapon, considering its relatively unremarkable base stats.  Hopefully De doesn't fix it.


    If it takes 0.5s to kill with either weapon then you are still in low level content where it doesn't matter if you use mediocre or top tier weapons.

    You're missing the point. 


    The only place time to kill will make any difference between these and your 'higher dps' options, is 40+ min T4 endless without x4 CP. So again, they are top tier with a lot of benefits. Maybe you only value damage, but I assure these will more than adequately function for any part of this end game. If you don't consider that top tier than your opinion means nothing to me, and anyone reading the logic behind this would agree.

    Guys, this thread about how the weapon stands on its own.  No need to turn this into a "Which weapon is God Tier" argument.  It seems that every weapon can be "end game" with 8 forma and a catalyst, but we don't need to debate that here, lol.


    Crit and status only matter on guns where it is high enough to mod up. There aren't that many guns that have it in the grand scheme of things. What matters is that they do great damage in much fewer shots than Hikou Prime. Despair is my go-to Thrown secondary, as Castanas didn't live up to my expectations.

    Yeah, I know crit and stat don't matter on the Despair, hence my creation of this thread :).  I'll be sure to mod for damage and see where it goes!

  16. Best DPS is not the only trait needed for top tier. Your obviously a damage only person, but these have multiple benefits and as mentioned, kill in T4 with ease. There is very little kill time difference that has very little effect on time to kill. So if it takes .5 sec to kill with either weapon, except the gammacore does x3 the damage, it really doesn't matter because it's still not killing any quicker. The fact that they are silent, reload quickly and have innate punch though which is a free mod spot, kills quickly on T4 most definitely makes them top tier.



    They do have infinity Punch Through, just like a bow. This alone makes them awesome sauce because the majority of the game is fighting groups of enemies, and punch through infinity just doubled, tripled, x10 damage based on how deep the group goes. And there is no range limit on these.

    Wait, they have punch through too?  Why did no one mention this previously? lol.  Why put seeker on them if they already have innate punchthrough like Dread?

  17. Galatine.


    But seriously, of the two, I actually prefer the Dragon Nikana.  It's a matter of feel for me, and I rarely ever use the stance mods except for the mod points.  What I love about the Nikana and Dragon Nikana is the ability to quick-melee while running (not sprinting, mind you).  While you can quick-melee with Dakra while running, the Nikanas just feel faster to me.


    Ask yourself this, though: do you like the feel of the Skana? Like, did you enjoy how the weapon handles? I know it's kind of a hard question to answer, but if you like or liked the Skana, then you'll probably prefer the Dakra.

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